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How's the PVP with the gunslinger?


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Saboteur is really pretty good at kiting, and the burst damage is there if you know what you're doing.



I was originally sharpshooter, but cover is so broken that it's really not worth it. Saboteur's damage is much more reliable.

Edited by Kehtal
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Because the few games I did in bg's felt quite horrible. I know, lots of l2p problems still at this stage, but considering we can't kite at all and with very weak self defence when someone gets or just comes close, how the hell are we gonna survive? Then add the incredibly awkward cover playing style (sometimes your char wants to make an epic jump behind a pillar or out of range) where half of your moves are active only when you are at standstill in cover, it all just felt... bad. Sometimes I just kept trying to get in cover while getting pounded. :(


I was eaten alive mostly, because unlike a hunter in wow for example, there's no way to escape and keep distance. I have one stun that breaks on damage, one shot that stops my opponent for 2 seconds if I keep damage on him, one knockback that has to be done from cover and with my sharpshooter spec aimed shot that knockbacks an enemy. Most of the classes seem to have an ability to break away from moving impairing effects anyway.


So the question is, how is gunslinger pvp at lvl 50? I know it's pretty stupid to draw conclusions at lvl 23 when you don't even know what you are doing, but it certainly wasn't the best first impression I got.


I am in the same spot as you ( level 20 ). I've spoke to some of the high level gunslingers on my server and they have admitted that you won't be able to effectively kite or get away from melee opponents until about level 40 or so. In warzones with lots of melee on your team to hide behind it can be fun. But so far I feel the same as you, I'm just an easy target come get me here it am !

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I find it very, very fun, and I'm usually very successful.


The class works best when you sit on the sidelines, peppering low-health enemies with quick combos to drop them quickly.


That's all you need to know. It's getting tougher, now that the stealth and tank classes are really fleshing themselves out and fitting into their roles. Plus players are starting to recognize that Slingers / Snipers can do a lot of damage, AND they know we're squishy, so we're becoming bigger targets. I'm starting to see a lot of "Sniper vs. Gunslinger" duels on the sidelines, which will end quickly one way or another on account of each party doing a ton of damage and not having a lot of health.

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dunno how it is at higer levels (i am 24 atm) but if all goes like in other MMOs it should be possible to properly boost survability OR damage of glass-cannon classes so they are not that squishy. My first Warzone was total disaster but each next was quite perfect when I figured out what I should do with my gunslinger.

Anyway, I think I will have more fun in world PvP than in Warzones, well, at least some of them. Terrain in some is just not gunslinger/sniper friendly at all.


Oh, and as much as I am genetically incapable of kiting anything I believe Gunslingers even in Sharpshooter spec have enough abilities to move and still deal damage.

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I'm lvl 35 now and the few defensive abilities such as dodge and defense screen have helped in terms of survivability, but the class is still incredibly squishy.


As sharpshooter I feel that kiting is not possible. There's just not enought tools (a complete lack of any slowing spell for example) that would enable that tactic. Also I think every class(?) has an ability to get away from incapaciting and movement impairing effects once, which makes it even harder. Also how many melee classes DON'T have either sprint, charge or slowing spells? Sharpshooter seems to be mostly relying on huge dmg and burst instead of mobility, meaning hunkering down, throwing all your defense abilities and just bursting the hell out of the opponent seems to be the most effective way against most classes.


As several people suggested in this thread, in battleground type of play this class is very strong. Mostly because all you need to do is stay behind and roll your face on your keyboard somewhere near your keybinds and you will make some serious damage.


I find playing still quite a challenge at this point when you know nothing about other classes and can't practice dueling in durotar and watching videos from http://www.warcraftmovies.com. :D I have to say I have really enjoyed the class so far, though general issues like input lag and covering bugs are making the gameplay harder than it should be.

Edited by Bosseking
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Im loving it. 29 sharpshooter atm and really like the tactics of this class. Always gotta be on your toes, ready to move, and picking the right targets. I also really enjoy the options for when you get focused. You can either use your kiting abilities and run and gun. Or i can just say F it! Hunker down, bust all my buff cds, and go to town. really fun!
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I dunno what my problem is then because I use these tactics and always end up in the middle for damage on the board. Last game I literally sat in a corner on that bomb the doors level and fired charged burst, trick shot, and quick shot constantly for the whole match and got 10th on Damage.


Also I keep getting destroyed by Sith 'Naughts. No matter how fast I cast my escape spell, the force choke has already drained half my life. I've seen that ability take me from full health to 1/4 health by itself. And I'm a level 40. ***.*


I dunno if it's the fact that every game I play I'm the highest level player on my team (everyone else is in the 20s) and were always facing off against 50 level Bounty Hunters and Sith Juggies.

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I dunno what my problem is then because I use these tactics and always end up in the middle for damage on the board. Last game I literally sat in a corner on that bomb the doors level and fired charged burst, trick shot, and quick shot constantly for the whole match and got 10th on Damage.


Also I keep getting destroyed by Sith 'Naughts. No matter how fast I cast my escape spell, the force choke has already drained half my life. I've seen that ability take me from full health to 1/4 health by itself. And I'm a level 40. ***.*


I dunno if it's the fact that every game I play I'm the highest level player on my team (everyone else is in the 20s) and were always facing off against 50 level Bounty Hunters and Sith Juggies.


In my humble opinion, since you have Trick Shot and must be sharpshooter spec, you should never be using Quick Shot. You should be using Aimed, Trick, Speed, and instant Charged Bursts, (not necessarily in that order). If you have nothing else on your hotbar, (not recommended), and all the level 40 PvP gear you should be near the top of the charts every round that your whole team isn't getting rolled.

Edited by BDutch
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Even though the cover system is a bit clunky, effective use of your abilities (especially those you get between 15-20) will keep your enemies away from your cover, hopefully giving you enough time to drop them. Do not be afraid to reposition if you need to. That is, if an assassin is right on your cover and you don't have thermal detonator, stun him, run a few feet off, and get right back into cover.
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