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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ajunta Pall Alternative Transfer Location


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Regardless of anything at this point, a legitimate response other than to wait (probably until it is too late) is unacceptable. Bioware needs to take responsibility for their decisions and give us a definite answer. The more they disregard us the more jaded we get towards them and their game.


On the OP thoughts...I could honestly care less about the people that already jumped ship to Jung Ma. If they "didn't want to" transfer they shouldn't have. However Ajunta Pall became a ghost town in less than 4-5 hours of the option to server swap becoming available, meaning they all knee-jerk reacted and thought the grass would be greener on the other side instead of having the patience and resolve the few who are still there have. If you feel slighted or believe in something you fight for it, not jump ship at the first sign of adversity. They took their crap sandwich that BW gave them and at it happily without thinking.


Let me put it another way, if you leave your job for another because it seems great and awesome (grass looks greener over there), and then come to find out that it sucks, sadface. Meanwhile you hear that the person who filled your position at the old job was able to negotiate better terms with management, now making your old job more desirable than the new, are you by rights entitled to your old job......the answer is NO.


These people made the decision to move, and we decided to stay and chain ourselves to the tree and protest for what we believe is unjust, why should they get any of the benefits if by chance things work out in our favor? They shouldn't. Atlas Shrugged should be mandatory reading for any and all humans (especially Americans) in this day and age, people are not entitled to anything unless they work for it, period.

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Unsubbed as well. I understand the need for server merges, but do not agree with the way they are being handled. Being given the choice of a dead server or an East coast server with twice the latency is a slap in the face to everyone who plays on Ajunta Pall and have supported this game by paying for it.
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Regardless of anything at this point, a legitimate response other than to wait (probably until it is too late) is unacceptable. Bioware needs to take responsibility for their decisions and give us a definite answer. The more they disregard us the more jaded we get towards them and their game.


On the OP thoughts...I could honestly care less about the people that already jumped ship to Jung Ma. If they "didn't want to" transfer they shouldn't have. However Ajunta Pall became a ghost town in less than 4-5 hours of the option to server swap becoming available, meaning they all knee-jerk reacted and thought the grass would be greener on the other side instead of having the patience and resolve the few who are still there have. If you feel slighted or believe in something you fight for it, not jump ship at the first sign of adversity. They took their crap sandwich that BW gave them and at it happily without thinking.


Let me put it another way, if you leave your job for another because it seems great and awesome (grass looks greener over there), and then come to find out that it sucks, sadface. Meanwhile you hear that the person who filled your position at the old job was able to negotiate better terms with management, now making your old job more desirable than the new, are you by rights entitled to your old job......the answer is NO.


These people made the decision to move, and we decided to stay and chain ourselves to the tree and protest for what we believe is unjust, why should they get any of the benefits if by chance things work out in our favor? They shouldn't. Atlas Shrugged should be mandatory reading for any and all humans (especially Americans) in this day and age, people are not entitled to anything unless they work for it, period.


Completely agree and as DarthKraze noted I have unsubbed as well describing in great detail to them why I unsubbed. (Among my multiple emails and in game tickets, I figure at the very least with my already payed 50 days left I can annoy the piss out of them).


I choose a West Coast server for a reason. It sucks that we are ignored mostly because they want us to be sheep and follow the herd east. This is a unique situation much like Lord Calypho, time to let us transfer to another West Coast server.

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Why a west coast server was not a viable option to transfer too is beyond me...Thanks for ruining it for the west coast guys or trying to force us to play on a server where playtimes for a majority of the population are hours before ours. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
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For some reason I have this feeling that they might charge us to move which would be total BS for obvious reasons. I am just curious how others feel about that? I am not sure I would pay to move after BW made the server pretty much unplayable for the past 2 weeks and have yet to provide a solution or any communication for that matter.
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I should get the option to go back West. I sent emails and tickets but got nothing. I have limited time to play and also I am paying to play. So I had no option but to transfer to Jung Ma. And this is not a job dude, it is a service I am paying for, they are not paying me to put up with this crap.


People who transferred to Jung Ma should not be penalised. All people who were originally on Ajunta Pall should be given the option to go back West if they desire to do so. I am paying and I am not totally happy but BW have said to be patient, so I expect a free transfer back to a thriving West Server, as all others in the same situation as me should rightly get. In the meantime I am playing on Jung Ma until we get our free transfer to a West Coast server. I encourage others to do the same, cos really can you really continue to play on Ajunta Pall as it is now.

Edited by wmquin
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I resubbed and moved from AP to Jung Ma but there is a noticeable latency issue there after pvp'ing for a week.


Hitching in warzones and lag on fleet. Not all the time but enough to be annoying and to lose matches.


I would like to see a Jung Ma -> The Bastion transfer for anyone (or just the AP migrants).

Edited by Meanerr
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Just unsubscribed as well. Perhaps the loss of so many subscriptions will catch their attention. If not, then I guess another game company who pays better attention will benefit.


Also as a side note, I have thoroughly enjoyed SWTOR, and was hoping to be playing it for many years to come. Perhaps it just wasn't meant to be.

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I should get the option to go back West. I sent emails and tickets but got nothing. I have limited time to play and also I am paying to play. So I had no option but to transfer to Jung Ma. And this is not a job dude, it is a service I am paying for, they are not paying me to put up with this crap.


People who transferred to Jung Ma should not be penalised. All people who were originally on Ajunta Pall should be given the option to go back West if they desire to do so. I am paying and I am not totally happy but BW have said to be patient, so I expect a free transfer back to a thriving West Server, as all others in the same situation as me should rightly get. In the meantime I am playing on Jung Ma until we get our free transfer to a West Coast server. I encourage others to do the same, cos really can you really continue to play on Ajunta Pall as it is now.


No it inst playable and I have thought about transferring this past week since I have been unable to PvP at 50. But I am stubborn and I figure if they cant handle the situation correctly and communicate with their player base (when they created the issue) as this is a unique situation, then I am out I will move back to a game I played prior or wait for something else to be released.


Telling us to be patient is a blatant lack of disregard for the situation anyway you look at it, they depopulated the server and the sheep that didnt move immediately and tried to hold out eventually bleed out and moved because of no communication from BW. If they would've said from the beginning we are initially letting that that want to stay on a RP-PvP server and dont mind moving to an East Coast data center transfer, then we will offer those that remain a free transfer to a PST server, how hard is that? They compound the situation with lack of communication so that most of us now are in a position of dont play and unsub or transfer to Jung Ma like they want us to help the pop on that server.


Anyhow it is what it is now I will wait out my 50+ days left being more bitter by the day.

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I sent ticket to support, but didn't get clear answear. Have 27 days of subscription, but nothing to do on AP besides doing story line on toon and daily quests. Would be great to hear anything from support about future of AP. I got another month of subscription, just not to come one day and see that all chars deleted, but i guess that is last month i paid. Its great game, but up another same character once more is not an option. Althought, i would to hear about fee transfers, and when it will be possible, if price will be acceptable, like one month of subscription.
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Just filled out the follow up survey they sent me after unsubbing yesterday. I made clear that the reason I quit was because of the handling of the server transfers from Ajunta Pall and the poor option we were given. I doubt anyone at bioware will care that they will lose my subscription and probably a couple dozen others over this, but I will be comforted by the fact I am not paying them to treat me badly.
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A: Rage Inc!


A: Stop it!


C: Taunt it! , *B: I can't*




Hello, Bioware. Your cancellation survey is inadequate in I feel both representing and understanding my reasons for unsubscribing. I will not say you suck, are incompetent, unthoughtful, or unresponsive in the aspects of customer service, foresight, or consideration toward your paying customer base as I feel this would only deter any individual with the ability to help as their ego may become aroused and pass off this message as to be overlooked. I say this then with wisdom as to whomever may be in the position to help with equal amounts of the attribute. It's quite simple, and to the point. And although it should of been a forethought, hindsight being on que, this is I'm sure already brought to your attention. However, again, as you, whom are in the position to help, work at or for a MMO organization, I'm sure this message comes in with perfect clarity, and you can understand the public shock that this was not attended to with more careful handling:


Lag makes any online game unplayable.


*Peeks head out* Is it gone? Is the rage gone??


No. Rage is here. Rage is annoyed. Rage is almighty and deeply regrets the events that have led up to this point. The collective posts of Rage and all those whom are of affiliation or of like mindset of Rage request with demanding tone that this problem no longer be calmly considered, but rather hastily resolved, because as all whom have experience with the business, a MMO's death begins with a small snowball.




All those of Rage


Ajunta Pall

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Just filled out the follow up survey they sent me after unsubbing yesterday. I made clear that the reason I quit was because of the handling of the server transfers from Ajunta Pall and the poor option we were given. I doubt anyone at bioware will care that they will lose my subscription and probably a couple dozen others over this, but I will be comforted by the fact I am not paying them to treat me badly.


I feel your pain. Hopefully someone will notice us and do something to help.

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After two weeks of discussion and more QQing and griefing than you can imagine, Kiyosa of the EU RP-PVP English server Lord Calypho has come up with a solution that I believe might work for you as well:


Have a West-coast PVP server become the destination for Jung Ma, so that players already transferred there can move back to the West Coast if they wish, and players on Ajunta Pall can transfer to Jung Ma, wait 72 hours, and transfer to the West Coast PVP server if they wish. It keeps the process from breaking Bioware's precious "1 destination for each origin" policy, and gets around any limitations their transfer system might have.


I know it's not perfect, because it then raises the issue of PVP or RP server on the West Coast, which is the issue we had on LC. So, it may not be the one-size fits all. But then again, it may work if there is a consensus concerning what players on your server want.


Good luck!



I'd be happy if that option was taken, even though I'd still likely lose my name. At least I'd be able to play without having to deal with high latency. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Honestly we would really love some kind of feedback that Bioware is looking into us as a special server transfer case.


Do not just throw us into the basket with the next phase of transfers which are probably going to require a payment, a payment that would be ridiculously high for the many of us that have created many level 50, geared characters thinking that there is no way they would squeeze the life out of the only West Coast RP-PvP server.


I don't care if all you say is "We are looking into the issues concerning AP and server transfers" but don't just reply that there are more phases of server transfers coming up. And if you do, please detail what those future phases are going to be like instead of waiting till the last minute.

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Lag makes any online game unplayable.



Meh, I live east coast and almost always play west coast servers for a better personal schedule. With a decent internet connection you are looking at a 150-300 ms ping...that is what I get in every game I play, and I'm better then 95% of the server. Sub 50 pings are over-rated.


But I agree, stick it to the man, bump for a good cause.


p.s. Just abandon ship, the titanic won't make it, even if the ping is good.

Edited by Bodhi_
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As one of those west coast Ajunta Pall players who transferred to Jung Ma, I can say that the experience has been disappointing at best. The community itself seems fine enough, it's just the lag.


I'm in a WZ, I see a player coming up so I do a knockback - but I am the one getting knocked back. Usually it doesn't blow the cooldown but sometimes it does. I use an ability that requires me to be facing the target, but, that is only on my client as it doesn't hit - this usually blows the cooldown. Other players will pop-up because they've changed direction while I lagged out of sync. I have been accused of cheating in a WZ because I "teleported."


On Ajunta Pall I had a stable 37ms Server Lag reading, with the rare spikes 60ms-110ms. On Jung Ma I have a base 95ms reading, with spikes 110-200+ occurring much more frequently.


There are two scenarios: 1. BioWare did not realize the effect it would have on the gameplay experience; 2. BioWare knew about the effect and did nothing (working as intended). Which one inspires confidence? NEITHER.


BioWare: shoot me an email when you have a free transfer option available for me to a west coast destination server. Until then, my not paying for or playing any BioWare/EA/Lucas Arts game is "working as intended."

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This is a re-post from another thread, by request:


I didn't pay $85 for a digital deluxe 100+MS latency. I also didn't pay nearly $100 in total subscription fees to reroll a new character on another west coast server.


This screenshot was taken by me today after sitting in the LFG queue as a tank for over an hour.



I don't care if you're from California, New York, Sweden, Australia, Mars, or Omicron Persei-8. I dislike having my money wasted without my consent. I'm under the presumption the people who are still on Ajunta Pall agree with me on this, as is evident by the above screenshot.


Also, not everybody in California has internet that will leave them with such a forgiving ping when connecting to an east coast server, so the first person who says "I don't lag so you are just whining" deserves a mouthful of bantha poo.


The sad thing is I had plans to drop another $50 and take on a double load of monthly subscriptions so a friend and I could play together. But I hope Bioware understands what they've done to my confidence in this decision.


I don't care if people think this is a mistake, or a common sense issue, or if it's a capitalism conspiracy, or whatever. My end-game is broken. I'll happily follow through with my plans when it's fixed.


EDIT: This post sounded very negative and not constructive, so I wanted to add, the primary issue is that we were not allowed to transfer to servers of a non-RPPVP family, and that just coincidentally screw-balled with the strategy of having only one west coast RPPVP server. Consider this my plea to Bioware to either drop their server family restriction policy with transfers, or give us a secondary RPPVP weast coast server. Also consider this my please to the gamers to not fight over this, but to let Bioware know that we need this, because our game on our server has been rendered unplayable. Playing the game is all we want to do.

Edited by Xandaroth
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This is a re-post from another thread, by request:


I didn't pay $85 for a digital deluxe 100+MS latency. I also didn't pay nearly $100 in total subscription fees to reroll a new character on another west coast server.


This screenshot was taken by me today after sitting in the LFG queue as a tank for over an hour.



I don't care if you're from California, New York, Sweden, Australia, Mars, or Omicron Persei-8. I dislike having my money wasted without my consent. I'm under the presumption the people who are still on Ajunta Pall agree with me on this, as is evident by the above screenshot.


Also, not everybody in California has internet that will leave them with such a forgiving ping when connecting to an east coast server, so the first person who says "I don't lag so you are just whining" deserves a mouthful of bantha poo.


The sad thing is I had plans to drop another $50 and take on a double load of monthly subscriptions so a friend and I could play together. But I hope Bioware understands what they've done to my confidence in this decision.


I don't care if people think this is a mistake, or a common sense issue, or if it's a capitalism conspiracy, or whatever. My end-game is broken. I'll happily follow through with my plans when it's fixed.


EDIT: This post sounded very negative and not constructive, so I wanted to add, the primary issue is that we were not allowed to transfer to servers of a non-RPPVP family, and that just coincidentally screw-balled with the strategy of having only one west coast RPPVP server. Consider this my plea to Bioware to either drop their server family restriction policy with transfers, or give us a secondary RPPVP weast coast server. Also consider this my please to the gamers to not fight over this, but to let Bioware know that we need this, because our game on our server has been rendered unplayable. Playing the game is all we want to do.


Good post, BW allowed the RP-PvP sever in Europe Lord Calypho or w/e to transfer to a PvP server. Given this there is no restriction and CS has acknowledged they know this is a issue however they seem content to make people unsub do the server now being unplayable. This is a different scenario the people wanting to consolidate toons its unique to AP as such a solution is required and paying for transfers is not an acceptable solution.

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I was so excited to see all the Juggernaut changes, too, but I'm 3 hours into the LFG queue as a tank now. I really hope a solution's reached before my next billing cycle, because I can't stay subscribed to a game that I can't even play. I'd need that money to pay for a game that I actually push buttons in. =/ Edited by Xandaroth
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