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My companion is creeping me out...


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It would be nice if companions had their own idle animations, maybe a stand at ease for Elana, fiddling with explosives for Vik, smoking a pipe, fiddling with their guns. eating a snack. datacom or scanning animations etc.....


The companions look like they're staring into your soul most of the time.

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It would be nice if companions had their own idle animations, maybe a stand at ease for Elana, fiddling with explosives for Vik, smoking a pipe, fiddling with their guns. eating a snack. datacom or scanning animations etc.....


The companions look like they're staring into your soul most of the time.


Oh they aren't supposed to be doing that :eek::p


But as far as animations, our ship is the real place where that exists.

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The companions look like they're staring into your soul most of the time.


Khem Val is staring into your soul most of the time......... wondering what it would taste like with some ketchup.

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I notice it a lot with Blizz, probably due to his hood. Since he's so tiny, when he runs while constantly trying to keep his eyes on me, his hood is doing nothing but glitchy-looking spasms. Do they really need to look at us constantly while running? That's unnatural.
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It's true, They do stick close to you while you are running, staring the whole time. But when you stop to try and loot a node or click on a door or button, they stop immediately and start running back and forth in front of whatever you are trying to click on, making it impossible.


I rolled a Sith so I could slap my companions.

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My Sith Warrior is a handsome man. A very handsome man. Too damn handsome, most would say.


How could any of my companions resist the urge to stare at him? To ask such a thing of them would be pure folly! You may as well ask the sun to stop shining or the wind to stop blowing!


So in summary, my Sith Warrior is TOO.....DAMN.....HANDSOME.

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Do companions really need to be staring at us constantly? It's a bit rediculous. Not to mention creepy.


I cannot agree with this more. Especially when you're standing on top of something and they're on the ground. They arch their back in such an awkward way to look up at you. It's incredibly creepy


Like if I'm running somewhere the companion does nothing but stare at me while we're running. It's like, do they not need to look where they're going? Quit staring at meeee!



I notice it a lot with Blizz, probably due to his hood. Since he's so tiny, when he runs while constantly trying to keep his eyes on me, his hood is doing nothing but glitchy-looking spasms. Do they really need to look at us constantly while running? That's unnatural.



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