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SWTOR and the EA stock plummet


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And at 6:55, ten servers in North America are listed as "Standard," three "Heavy." In Europe, ten servers are "Standard." What's your point?


That it is very low. Duh. Even if 3 now are listed as Heavy..that is still low..think abou it....3 servers are Heavy? 3!!? :p

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BTW, how many episodes did Firefly last in your world? If it was more than 14, do you think you could stream some over to this world while the connection between our realities is open? If you have no idea what a 'Firefly' is, then, damn, I'm sorry -- you live in some kind of hell dimension. That must suck. Firefly was awesome.


Hopefully, this will cross-post across the vibratory barrier and you'll be able to see it.


I could care less about the rest of this thread.


But I would like to put my full support behind the notion of adding cross-dimensionl "Firefly" streaming.


That is all.

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His point is that if SWTOR isn't the next cultural phenomenon that, despite being over 6 years old, still has a boatload of servers sitting at high and full it must be a fail game. Obviously this logic is flawed and erroneous.


No...I am not indicating it is a failure. I am saying it is not in as good of a shape as some are suggesting. I wish it was, but it is clear it is not when viewed with no rose colored glasses on. And I know..it is not TOR alone which has reflected the majority of EA's stock lost, but it is part of the reason...as anything happening to it does reflect back on those stocks.

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That it is very low. Duh. Even if 3 now are listed as Heavy..that is still low..think abou it....3 servers are Heavy? 3!!? :p


So, you can officially proclaim that this is too low, despite the fact that in a mere ten minutes, the population status changed rather dramatically? Interesting.

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Low by what standards? Do you have official numbers?


Well...I could take WoW's server status and show you they have 36 listed as high and over a hundred listed as Med in NA alone...but that would'nt be fair would it? But the point is mute for some of you and we will have to see what the sub numbers are next month and more importantly, what they are this fall..after all the 6 month subs run out. :cool:

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No...I am not indicating it is a failure. I am saying it is not in as good of a shape as some are suggesting. I wish it was, but it is clear it is not when viewed with no rose colored glasses on. And I know..it is not TOR alone which has reflected the majority of EA's stock lost, but it is part of the reason...as anything happening to it does reflect back on those stocks.


Banking anything, especially money, on the Sims is like throwing the dice down the toilet and then clogging the pipes with your gambling chips. lol


Ok, but, yes, you are right. Like I said in my other post, they don't seem to have netted anywhere near the number of subs they wanted, but this is generally the rule, not the exception. I don't think the game is dying. I think it has probably stabilized at this point and will continue to see the normal dips and rises in players depending on what is going on in the game at any given time. I.e. New patches, content getting old, etc etc.


There seems to be lots of doomsaying around here. I know that's the standard for forums, but I feel compelled to comment anyways. I guess I'm still fresh off the Diablo 3 forums where you would think the sky was literally falling if you spent 5 minutes there.

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Well...I could take WoW's server status and show you they have 36 listed as high and over a hundred listed as Med in NA alone...but that would'nt be fair would it? But the point is mute for some of you and we will have to see what the sub numbers are next month and more importantly, what they are this fall..after all the 6 month subs run out. :cool:



Comparing the servers to WoW would only be mute to me because WoW has, much to my chagrin, set the expectations for MMO too high and also stagnated the design philosophies of MMO developers. Its success has been far more of a curse than a blessing. I despise the way we haven't moved past a game that was released in 2004. TOR fell prey to this curse and mindset in many, many ways, but so did the playerbase.


Edit: Also, before anyone gets upset and accuses me of hating Azeroth, my Dalaran t-shirt, alliance t-shirt, druid t-shirt, Blizzcon Deathwing statue, Night Elf action figure, and many Warcraft books would like to have a word with you. :confused:

Edited by Fleurtygirl
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Well...I could take WoW's server status and show you they have 36 listed as high and over a hundred listed as Med in NA alone...but that would'nt be fair would it? But the point is mute for some of you and we will have to see what the sub numbers are next month and more importantly, what they are this fall..after all the 6 month subs run out. :cool:


Apparently, you are not quite grasping what is being said to you or asked of you.


Proclaiming that "three Heavy servers is too low a number" is about as meaningful as saying, "Apples are being eaten right now by people on Standard servers." What are the numbers for reaching the Standard threshold, and what are they for reaching Heavy? How many people are on those High and Medium servers in WoW? If you do not know the number (and you don't, so don't try to say otherwise), then any argument based on "Look at how many are Standard" is useless.

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So, you can officially proclaim that this is too low, despite the fact that in a mere ten minutes, the population status changed rather dramatically? Interesting.


Only 2 are listed as heavy now..10 as standard. I would not call that "dramatically" changing..:p

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Well...I could take WoW's server status and show you they have 36 listed as high and over a hundred listed as Med in NA alone...but that would'nt be fair would it? But the point is mute for some of you and we will have to see what the sub numbers are next month and more importantly, what they are this fall..after all the 6 month subs run out. :cool:


only if you could provide us with WoW server population numbers per server.


Look at their forums WoW players are SCREAMING for server mergers


not to mention WoW onlly has around 1.5 - 2 million sub in NA right now

Edited by jarjarloves
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Apparently, you are not quite grasping what is being said to you or asked of you.


Proclaiming that "three Heavy servers is too low a number" is about as meaningful as saying, "Apples are being eaten right now by people on Standard servers." What are the numbers for reaching the Standard threshold, and what are they for reaching Heavy? How many people are on those High and Medium servers in WoW? If you do not know the number (and you don't, so don't try to say otherwise), then any argument based on "Look at how many are Standard" is useless.


I guess in your eyes it is. :cool:

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Right now ( 6:45 pm EST )...I just checked the server status..


Might want to check the euro servers at a time when ppl are not asleep or out getting drunk. Not saying you'll get fantastic results but at least you'll get a couple of full ones and some very heavy to heavy..

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Well...I could take WoW's server status and show you they have 36 listed as high and over a hundred listed as Med in NA alone...but that would'nt be fair would it? But the point is mute for some of you and we will have to see what the sub numbers are next month and more importantly, what they are this fall..after all the 6 month subs run out. :cool:

so if wow had 1 million subs and not 10mill it would be 3 high 10 med sound about the same as swotor :w_smile:



just a note the word is moot not mute

Edited by nadokaoh
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I guess in your eyes it is. :cool:


So no answer, I take it? I don't blame you, since you can't give one. Anyone who says "TOR is doing just fine, nothing to see here" is clearly sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting "Lalalalala" as loud as they can. But anyone who says, "Look at the server population status, clearly the game is tanking" are doing the exact same thing.

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Might want to check the euro servers at a time when ppl are not asleep or out getting drunk. Not saying you'll get fantastic results but at least you'll get a couple of full ones and some very heavy to heavy..


Lol! I was surprised they had that many this time of day here along the east coast of the US. So you make a good point. :D I have looked at them during thier prime time before and yeah, you are right..they do have 3- 4 listed as heavy to very heavy with maybe one or two full.

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so if wow had 1 million subs and not 10mill it would be 3 high 10 med sound about the same as swotor :w_smile:



just a note the word is moot not mute


But they donot have 10 million in NA. Maybe 4 - 5 million. So using your logic..they would have three times the amount of servers listed as high as TOR does. 5 divided into 36 = 7.2. ;)

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Didn't read the whole thread but did anyone mention that the stock started it's nosedive around the time EA launched the Origin Store, and took a lot of their games off Steam? That had a huge effect on their PC sales.


that would be using logic and facts. Neither of those have any place here.

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Clearly this is due to swtor because EA doesn't have any other franchises.



Thanks for the laugh!


EA's stock has been a horrid investment for some time. What does that mean for SWTOR? Dunno but you've already seen EA at action with Bioware and all the cuts.

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Clearly this is due to swtor because EA doesn't have any other franchises.




One could even go further and say:


"Clearly this is due to SWTOR because EA doesn't have any bigger gaming franchises."

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