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DPS Arsenal mercenary.


In full rakata gear im getting 2.8K crits max. I've tried swapping out gear, and doing just about everything i can, and i cannot get past those crits. I'm convinced either something is wrong with my game or my account. Quite frankly i am sick and tired of your in game customer support telling me that they cannot help me, when im convinced its not the gear, its the game. You people have 1 week before i unsub to find a solution to my problem. I've waited six months for some kind of new answer from you people, and so far you have been worthless.

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DPS Arsenal mercenary.


In full rakata gear im getting 2.8K crits max. I've tried swapping out gear, and doing just about everything i can, and i cannot get past those crits. I'm convinced either something is wrong with my game or my account. Quite frankly i am sick and tired of your in game customer support telling me that they cannot help me, when im convinced its not the gear, its the game. You people have 1 week before i unsub to find a solution to my problem. I've waited six months for some kind of new answer from you people, and so far you have been worthless.


WOW! you have full Rakata gear? I want that - its my target. What did you have to do to acquire a full set (sorry for stealing your post for this query)?


BTW, what do you mean by "i cannot get past those crits"?


Ive got an identical toon to yours and Im curious now about how this is gonna impact my newly arrived level 50 Arsenal Merc.

Edited by wairuakaha
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In another post, could you please include what gear you have equipped in each slot, any modifications made to that gear (or at least your stats), your talent build, and combat logs showing these low crits.


Also, please tell us which skill or skills you feel you are having low crits with, and what range you believe they should be in.


I know that I, as well as many other forum posters, would be happy to try to help with this issue, but we need significantly more information to try to do so.

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My typical rotation of 3x tracer missle, heatseeker, unload, 2x tracer, and a railshot. parse in full rakata and stock black hole pants. I have a black hole ear and black hole implants. I also have augmented blasters with rakata mods.


All my PVE gear is rated 140 or better.


Aim: 1972

Accuracy: 100.16

Crit rating: 30.24

Crit Multiplier: 74.29


I wish i was faking this, but I'm not. and if this is how bioware's endgame is supposed to work, then i'm unsubbing right now.

Edited by MisterWiseGuy
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My typical rotation of 3x tracer missle, heatseeker, unload, 2x tracer, and a railshot. parse in full rakata and stock black hole pants. I have a black hole ear and black hole implants. I also have augmented blasters with rakata mods.


All my PVE gear is rated 140 or better.


Aim: 1972

Accuracy: 100.16

Crit rating: 30.24

Crit Multiplier: 74.29


I wish i was faking this, but I'm not. and if this is how bioware's endgame is supposed to work, then i'm unsubbing right now.


A 30 second parse doesn't say much. For one, your DPS numbers are going to look awful because 5 seconds out of 30 seconds was just your debuffs expiring without you shooting at the target. For two, you didn't fight long enough to crit on any of your stuff, or I'd imagine use relics. The only thing you crit'd on was tracer and individual ticks of unload, which you're right, you're not going to get 4k on a tracer crit (by design).


Your gear is totally fine and I imagine if you did a proper rotation well managed your DPS would be around 1500-1600 which is in line with expectations. I guess my question is : what are your expectations DPS wise? Do you expect to have the same DPS as a marauder/juggernaut? Sorc/sniper? Because the latter you should match up with and the form you won't because they are melee. Do you want more burst? Do you just want tracer to hit harder? I'm failing to understand what your complaint is.

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I don't expect to see the same dps as a marauder, i expect to see the same dps as a typical arsenal mercenary, and quite frankly from what I've been told, lesser geared merc's do better damage than i do. And i really don't think its a rotation issues because I've been doing the same rotation since launch. I really think this is a game issue.


If the rotation in this game is really that rigid, then its not worth playing a mercenary at all. Also, my launcher takes a half hour to load, which is a real inconvenience as well, another issue that no one at bioware can help me fix. They give me the same message every time, that they are passing this on to their development team and that they are working on it. Well quite frankly I'm tried of paying for a product that is not living up to my expectations. Don't get me wrong, I used to love playing this game, but now i would rather play something else that works properly and has a better community and good customer support.


This entire game has just been a big letdown for me.

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I don't expect to see the same dps as a marauder, i expect to see the same dps as a typical arsenal mercenary, and quite frankly from what I've been told, lesser geared merc's do better damage than i do. And i really don't think its a rotation issues because I've been doing the same rotation since launch. I really think this is a game issue.


How is that possible? If people like Aerro are hitting 1500-1600 DPS, anni marauders typically hit 1700-1800, sorcs typically hit 1500-1600, snipers typically hit 1500-1600, then the DPS is on par for at least some people. If you're not achieving the same, then it *HAS* to be something you're doing wrong but its kinda impossible to tell judging from your very short parse. FWIW gunslinger rotation is much less forgiving than merc, though anni marauder rotation is kinda painfully simple.

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How is that possible? If people like Aerro are hitting 1500-1600 DPS, anni marauders typically hit 1700-1800, sorcs typically hit 1500-1600, snipers typically hit 1500-1600, then the DPS is on par for at least some people. If you're not achieving the same, then it *HAS* to be something you're doing wrong but its kinda impossible to tell judging from your very short parse. FWIW gunslinger rotation is much less forgiving than merc, though anni marauder rotation is kinda painfully simple.


Probably because i only have 2 characters, and not 8 like most of the people who play this game. With all the bonuses u get from playing multiple characters, it just seems unfair that a person who wants to play one class and do decent damage is forced to play 4 other classes just to keep up. And have you even tried to level a character nowadays? Who wants to grind through pvp leveling four times just to get smacked by war hero geared people over and over again. Quite frankly with this game's performance, its just not worth playing anymore for me.

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I'm beginning to see the problem here...


me too...just like most mercs that complain here, it is THEM, not the class.


MWG, i play a Merc/PT. i respec'd to arsenal for ONE DAY, to do some testing and possibly bring some suggestions to the forums...


i have full columbine gear, rakata chestpiece...


i averaged 1350 DPS on training dummies, (did i mention it was the first time i EVER played Arsenal?) in what i consider below average PvE gear.


how bout you ask some questions, read some forums, get the info some of the GOOD mercs post, instead of coming in here crying, saying "i quit", and taking your ball and going home...


or, quit.


*EDIT* i played EQ2 (as a dirge) and i could outDPS our other dirges using JUST auto attack...some people just aren't good. i have no idea what the hell that other guy coulda been doin...but, he just sucked.

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Probably because i only have 2 characters, and not 8 like most of the people who play this game. With all the bonuses u get from playing multiple characters, it just seems unfair that a person who wants to play one class and do decent damage is forced to play 4 other classes just to keep up. And have you even tried to level a character nowadays? Who wants to grind through pvp leveling four times just to get smacked by war hero geared people over and over again. Quite frankly with this game's performance, its just not worth playing anymore for me.


What bonuses? Buffs that will apply to everyone in the group? Thats the only bonuses that people get from leveling multiple characters and it applies to multiple people. The only other bonuses someone gets is presence bonus from companion affection and that doesn't affect any other thing besides companions. My 50 merc on a server by itself does great dmg. 2.8K crits on tm sounds great. In fact, if all you did is shoot tm's with no crits for about 1.8k dmg a piece, you'd be doing 1200dps. (math 1800dmg/1.5sec = 1200 dps) So, the problem isn't the damage, it's you.

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So, the problem isn't the damage, it's you.


good luck getting people to realize this, get over themselves, and let the learning begin.


i ask my friend this all the time.


"do you know you're a nerd, or do you think you're normal and i'm weird?"


i know this guy's anwser.


i'm far from perfect...and knowing i have so much more room to improve, allows me to do just that.

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Can you please make a parser with more then just 1 rotation.


If in 2 or 3 rotations and you don't see any crits I will say it is a problem with the game. But I seriously find it hard to believe that you can't get past 3k...


I don't like to see people quit the game, and I can understand when someone doesn't like the way there character performs, but my suggestion would be to start a new character, even though you don't like the grind, in the long run you will thank yourself.

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Can you please make a parser with more then just 1 rotation.


If in 2 or 3 rotations and you don't see any crits I will say it is a problem with the game. But I seriously find it hard to believe that you can't get past 3k...


I don't like to see people quit the game, and I can understand when someone doesn't like the way there character performs, but my suggestion would be to start a new character, even though you don't like the grind, in the long run you will thank yourself.


Why bother? I spent six months modding this one out for it just to get nerfed back to the stone age because people couldn't figure out how to interrupt tracer missile. So why bother building another character if they are just going to change the endgame gear and stats so that they suck? I really don't see the logic of playing this game anymore when bioware treats its customer base like this.

Edited by MisterWiseGuy
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me too...just like most mercs that complain here, it is THEM, not the class.


MWG, i play a Merc/PT. i respec'd to arsenal for ONE DAY, to do some testing and possibly bring some suggestions to the forums...


i have full columbine gear, rakata chestpiece...


i averaged 1350 DPS on training dummies, (did i mention it was the first time i EVER played Arsenal?) in what i consider below average PvE gear.


how bout you ask some questions, read some forums, get the info some of the GOOD mercs post, instead of coming in here crying, saying "i quit", and taking your ball and going home...


or, quit.


*EDIT* i played EQ2 (as a dirge) and i could outDPS our other dirges using JUST auto attack...some people just aren't good. i have no idea what the hell that other guy coulda been doin...but, he just sucked.


Its because of people like you, who come on here and tell me my character is built improperly, when you don't even play the same skill tree that i do. You make the community a bad place. Its people like you that make me not want to bother with this game. Instead of helping people you just criticize and say "oh your bad, start over or don't play." Well guess what? I'm not playing. And i don't understand how the moderators of this forum let you get away with talking to people like that, its like they don't even care.


PS: if you did parse a 1350 in that gear, id be surprised.

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Why bother? I spent six months modding this one out for it just to get nerfed back to the stone age because people couldn't figure out how to interrupt tracer missile. So why bother building another character if they are just going to change the endgame gear and stats so that they suck? I really don't see the logic of playing this game anymore when bioware treats its customer base like this.


I don't understand your frustration, from the 1 rotation you did, it seemed like you were on par with were you should be, I didn't see any crits but it was only 1 rotation that you did. Just to clearify your looking for your TM to crit over 2k?

or your HSM/ Rail Shot?

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I don't understand your frustration, from the 1 rotation you did, it seemed like you were on par with were you should be, I didn't see any crits but it was only 1 rotation that you did. Just to clearify your looking for your TM to crit over 2k?

or your HSM/ Rail Shot?


I've seen heatseeker and rail shot do ok, but the tracer missile action is just so poor. People say i need surge mods, but the ones they provide in other gear don't make the difference, and the raid drops are so few and far between that its just not worth grinding it out. However i would like to thank you for your polite assistance, its probably the only help i've gotten in this game so far that has not insulted my intelligence and gotten right to the matter of things.

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I've seen heatseeker and rail shot do ok, but the tracer missile action is just so poor. People say i need surge mods, but the ones they provide in other gear don't make the difference, and the raid drops are so few and far between that its just not worth grinding it out. However i would like to thank you for your polite assistance, its probably the only help i've gotten in this game so far that has not insulted my intelligence and gotten right to the matter of things.


Oh, I think its a misunderstanding, I have over 2k AIM and I don't see my tracer missles hitting over 2200 very often, your stats are good, 75% surge is the recommend, 30-35% crit, 103% acc.


Keep going with it, how much augmented gear do you have?

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