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1800, 1900, 2000+ dps marauders?!? Combat logs?


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I've heard a few claims of marauders doing this kind of huge damage with endgame gear, but never seen a combat log or talked to someone personally who makes these claims, either on the test dummy or in operations.


Can anyone here make this claim and show a log? I would love to find out it's true, and if so study the log to improve my own game.

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I've heard a few claims of marauders doing this kind of huge damage with endgame gear, but never seen a combat log or talked to someone personally who makes these claims, either on the test dummy or in operations.


Can anyone here make this claim and show a log? I would love to find out it's true, and if so study the log to improve my own game.


I'm not a Marauder, but the Republic mirror, so functionally identical. I regularly hit around 1800-2000 DPS on our KP Nightmare 8-man runs, with my high being just over 2200 on Karagga last month: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/combatlog/3f63d031-1b03-4447-88ff-0db738e8fb65/overview#d=0,f=71,b=1


The last operations target dummy test I did was a few weeks ago, and I hit around 1825 DPS over an 11 minute fight: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/combatlog/d7193c5a-d23e-4bad-9b27-bd953e317a31/overview#d=0,f=35,t=54,b=1

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I'm not a Marauder, but the Republic mirror, so functionally identical. I regularly hit around 1800-2000 DPS on our KP Nightmare 8-man runs, with my high being just over 2200 on Karagga last month: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/combatlog/3f63d031-1b03-4447-88ff-0db738e8fb65/overview#d=0,f=71,b=1


The last operations target dummy test I did was a few weeks ago, and I hit around 1825 DPS over an 11 minute fight: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/combatlog/d7193c5a-d23e-4bad-9b27-bd953e317a31/overview#d=0,f=35,t=54,b=1


May i ask what stats your prioritize, or even better, a askmrrobot character page =D. I too would like to improve my game.

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May i ask what stats your prioritize, or even better, a askmrrobot character page =D. I too would like to improve my game.


Here's my current build: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/487bb168-3c21-442c-a126-5b84a5da26f9


Power is the #1 stat, followed by Strength. Crit is fairly low priority (only need around 150 total). Accuracy and Surge are equal priority to each other, but are on a separate priority list from other stats since current gear makes you choose between the two on everything. Fully raid buffed, I'm sitting at 1940 Strength, 1000 Power, 147 Crit, 285 Accuracy and Surge, and 20098 health.


Note that I'm optimized for Watchman/Annihilation spec, and this isn't necessarily the same stat priority that would be optimal for other builds.

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Man, is carnage supposed to be a lot lower than annihilation still? My gear isn't quite as good as yours, but it's up there, and I'm only getting 1500 dps on the dummy over 10 minutes. Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong...are there any carnage marauders out there getting these kinds of numbers who can post a log ? Here is mine:





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Here's my current build: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/487bb168-3c21-442c-a126-5b84a5da26f9


Power is the #1 stat, followed by Strength. Crit is fairly low priority (only need around 150 total). Accuracy and Surge are equal priority to each other, but are on a separate priority list from other stats since current gear makes you choose between the two on everything. Fully raid buffed, I'm sitting at 1940 Strength, 1000 Power, 147 Crit, 285 Accuracy and Surge, and 20098 health.


Note that I'm optimized for Watchman/Annihilation spec, and this isn't necessarily the same stat priority that would be optimal for other builds.


Do have to say I have a couple questions about this.


I believe it was Str = .9 power + .2 crit?

If so raid buffed, Str=.945 power and .21 crit.

Does 1 power really still out shine this?

And with that, if you swap your power augments to str, you could probably drop one of those crit mods for another power mod.


Some rough math I got

18x6(I know there's 7 augments) str=108

108*.21+18(other aug)=40.68 crit, 0.32 loss of crit

108*.945+41(mod swap)=143.06 power.

18x7=126, power as you have it, 41 crit.


Swaping them gets you an extra 17.06 power, at the loss of .032 crit.


Not a huge difference, just not sure why power is > str unless there's some math I don't know about. it's been a while since I've looked at this type of thread. A long while. I'm guessing DR kicks in with crit, making losing any more of it's rating worse than what I'm giving it credit for.

Edited by Cindikle
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Do have to say I have a couple questions about this.


I believe it was Str = .9 power + .2 crit?

If so raid buffed, Str=.945 power and .21 crit.

Does 1 power really still out shine this?

And with that, if you swap your power augments to str, you could probably drop one of those crit mods for another power mod.


Some rough math I got

18x6(I know there's 7 augments) str=108

108*.21+18(other aug)=40.68 crit, 0.32 loss of crit

108*.945+41(mod swap)=143.06 power.

18x7=126, power as you have it, 41 crit.


Swaping them gets you an extra 17.06 power, at the loss of .032 crit.


Not a huge difference, just not sure why power is > str unless there's some math I don't know about. it's been a while since I've looked at this type of thread. A long while. I'm guessing DR kicks in with crit, making losing any more of it's rating worse than what I'm giving it credit for.


The math doesn't work like that. With 0 strength and 0 crit rating, 100 strength = 21 crit rating, in terms of crit chance. However, there's diminishing returns on crit chance from both sources, and when you get to end-game gear, those DRs on strength are hitting pretty hard. If you were to take crit down 41 points from 147, you'd lose 1.53% crit chance; to make this up with strength, you'd have to add about 333 strength on top of the 1940 I'm at.


So, with current end-game gear, I can't really afford to drop any of the +41 crit mods. However, if the current changes to relics on PTS makes it to live, I'll probably swap out my matrix cube for the new static +113 power War Hero relic, as it's clearly superior to even the upgraded 66 str 27 crit matrix cube. I'll probably throw in a crit augment to make up the difference, but I haven't done the math on it yet to see what the optimal stats are with the 1.3 changes.

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Iakona, with numbers like that, why don't your logs show up in the "ranked" list on Mr. Robot? Their top ranked players show damage of between 1500 and 1700 on bosses in Nightmare Karagga....


Still looking for carnage marauders dps logs on dummies--anybody got em?

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Iakona, with numbers like that, why don't your logs show up in the "ranked" list on Mr. Robot? Their top ranked players show damage of between 1500 and 1700 on bosses in Nightmare Karagga....


Still looking for carnage marauders dps logs on dummies--anybody got em?


I'm not even close to as geared as I think ya'll are but I'll make you one and link the gear I used.

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Iakona, with numbers like that, why don't your logs show up in the "ranked" list on Mr. Robot? Their top ranked players show damage of between 1500 and 1700 on bosses in Nightmare Karagga....


Still looking for carnage marauders dps logs on dummies--anybody got em?


AMR is fairly restrictive in what they show for ranked logs, as they require 75% of the group to submit logs before anyone in the group can be shown, and I'm usually the only one in my group who ends up submitting logs. You can see several of my fights over on http://dpsmeter.com/rankings.php, mostly in the hard/nightmare 8-man section. I'm currently in the top 8 in all hard mode EC 8-man fights, and top 5 in 4/5 Karagga hard/nightmare 8-man bosses.

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The math doesn't work like that. With 0 strength and 0 crit rating, 100 strength = 21 crit rating, in terms of crit chance. However, there's diminishing returns on crit chance from both sources, and when you get to end-game gear, those DRs on strength are hitting pretty hard. If you were to take crit down 41 points from 147, you'd lose 1.53% crit chance; to make this up with strength, you'd have to add about 333 strength on top of the 1940 I'm at.


So, with current end-game gear, I can't really afford to drop any of the +41 crit mods. However, if the current changes to relics on PTS makes it to live, I'll probably swap out my matrix cube for the new static +113 power War Hero relic, as it's clearly superior to even the upgraded 66 str 27 crit matrix cube. I'll probably throw in a crit augment to make up the difference, but I haven't done the math on it yet to see what the optimal stats are with the 1.3 changes.


That's why in the math I showed using one of the augments for crit, bringing you to a net loss of .32 crit rating, depending on those DR, but gaining some power. I can see it being a much larger difference if DR really hits Str that hard. You'd probably have to take your belt/wrist off to find out and some math. But the change really probably isn't big enough to be worth that time.

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Hey Iakona, do you know what specs the other marauders on the board are going with? What is carnage and annihilation are equal with annihilation having higher dps and taking more time to heat up. But looking at the rankings on mr. robot, all the top damage dealers are annihilation.


Thanks for all the info, by the way...

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Hey Iakona, do you know what specs the other marauders on the board are going with? What is carnage and annihilation are equal with annihilation having higher dps and taking more time to heat up. But looking at the rankings on mr. robot, all the top damage dealers are annihilation.


Thanks for all the info, by the way...


As far as I can tell, nearly every top-ranked Marauder is using annihilation spec. I haven't seen any carnage specs in the top 10 for any boss.

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Ok then Iakona, the remaining obvious question--what is your opening attack and priority list? The standard, or do you have your own sequence?


As far as I know, it's just the standard. I don't really do anything special with the openers or priority list.

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As far as I can tell, nearly every top-ranked Marauder is using annihilation spec. I haven't seen any carnage specs in the top 10 for any boss.


Annihilation should come out higher in sustained DPS, as Carnage has more utility.

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Hope you're still reading, Iacona--do you use bloodthirst when available, or always berserk? Do you ever pop bloodthirst and/or predation in ops or on the dummy or stick to berserk? Edited by TradeLA
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Hope you're still reading, Iacona--do you use bloodthirst when available, or always berserk? Do you ever pop bloodthirst and/or predation in ops or on the dummy or stick to berserk?


I use Inspiration (Bloodthirst) situationally, not just whenever it's available. In sustained damage boss fights, I'll wait until I build up 30 stacks, then activate it, so it gives me a chance to build up Juyo stacks and allows everyone to get their full armor debuffs on the boss. It's generally available again at the end of the fight, for the fights that last at least 6 minutes. In burst damage boss fights, I usually save Inspiration (Bloodthirst) for specific burst phases where it'll be most useful. The only time I can recall regularly using Transcendence (Predation) in ops is on hard mode Kephess when he does his AoE pull. Otherwise I'm always just hitting Zen (Berserk) as soon as it's available.

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Kinetic proc relics have gone down in value vs the internal relics due to the removal of stacking armor debuffs. Carnage specs may find the kinetic relics a slightly better option due to Gore's armor pen, but that's not 100% uptime.
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I replaced both my relics with the war hero power relics, and noticed nearly 100 dps increase


I'd say they are better all around, although the "on use" relics might be better on fights that have per-determined burn phases, with some down time in between.


now that they've changed the on use's to last 30 seconds u can train them one after another (campaign / rakata respectively) and be at a huge power boost every 2 mins for a full min.


so they might be OK, I haven't played with that yet, as i don't have a rakata power relic, columi might be just as good however.

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