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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Props go out to BW


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Transfers were exciting for 2 days and my guild had 30 online. Now we're back to 0-1 online because as it turns out . . . SWTOR with population is still stale and boring . . .


There is plenty to do in this game. If you can't find something to do now with all the pop..then something is wrong on your end bud.

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My faith in this game never wavered. Lack of players to play with, or this game is mired with game breaking bugs/normal bugs... but I always thought this game is still fresh and it's gonna improve soon. It's like playing WoW for the first two years, I'm that happy with this game.
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I just wished they didn't make it so tempting before my projects are due and exams. DAMN YOU BIOWARE!!!


Also I find it funny in another thread some people are making demands about the service they're paying for. I wonder what would happen if they get the type of service they truly are paying for. $0.50 a day. Yea that'll be funny.

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Transfers were exciting for 2 days and my guild had 30 online. Now we're back to 0-1 online because as it turns out . . . SWTOR with population is still stale and boring . . .


*shrug* guess the game's not for you then.


It's definitely for me. It took completely dead servers to make me stop playing. Now I'm happy again. Random pugging dailies, actually seeing the opposite faction out in the world some, and mostly on-demand pvp queues. I'm back and happy to be so.


I just wish the rest of my frustrated guild that quit over the past 1-2 months would come back, find us on fatman, and give the game another shot.

Edited by islander
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Dont get me wrong, I still like the game, but just dont like the 15 or so minutes to wait for alogin now, On Zaalbar before sure you might wait 10 minutes for a WZ to pop, but even on a populated server now, the wait is still there. And i dont pve since i made 50 i prefer PVP as its more challenging to me. I hope it does infact smooth out and stabilize, and also not end up in the same boat as the last server. Overall i commend BW for a job well done on the transfers, it happened very fast, and was smooth and the upcoming additions in 1.3 are nice to a certain degree also. I just have never had to wait to login to an mmo before :)
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There is plenty to do in this game. If you can't find something to do now with all the pop..then something is wrong on your end bud.


I said that the problem is that the content is stale and boring (the little bit that there is). That is why my guild has again lost interest only a few days after the server transfers.

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I can honestly say...that I was about 2 days out from un-installing this game and moving on. I had lost all faith in you as a company to get anything done right. I honestly felt like it was a waste of time supporting this game, because you guys seemed to not care about it or the players.


Well..a week or so out of transfers and it's like night and day. Not sure who took the IV shot of espresso direct into their bloodstream..but thanks.


You guys are way more conversational with us, addressing more concerns directly with answers to various threads. The xfer system is great. I must admit I was skeptical of the whole you choose my destination server thing, but I must say that it played out well so far. I like that you are trying to update the game at a decent pace. I understand not everything can come out every week, and it needs time, however I must admit that you have made strides in this area. For the first time in a long time, I'm again excited about this game. I re-subbed to RIFT because I think Trion do an awesome job with the development (even though I'm not addicted to RIFT any more, I did want to support them because of their devotion to their player base) but since I do love this game and am addicted to this game, I went ahead and cancelled that re-up and instead chose to re-up here with all the change in what seems like the culture at BW. Keep up the good work and I think you will continue to see numbers grow as people love this game..they just wanted you to get your act together.


Keep things on the upward path, and get back to being the BW that we have all grown to love as game developers.


Yeah, it's just too bad they couldn't give the same opportunity to all their players without forcing some of us to move to servers that are completely counter to the way we play. Might've been fun for us too...

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I have to agree. No, I wasn't anywhere near leaving, but I was....disappointed that I came from a game with lively chat (LOTRO) to a game where chat was non existent. Once my guild transferred, that changed, and I've even had to put a few people on ignore (although I'll take that as long as people talk). I rolled up a new character yesterday and there were 80 people on Tython, I couldn't believe it.
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