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/whisper [LegacyName], /friend [LegacyName]


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It would be nice if our Legacy names would serve a function other than looking pretty (or not) in our name tags above our heads.


Allow us to use /whisper [LegacyName] to reach that person regardless of which character he/she is logged in. Allow us to /friend [LegacyName] to we can contact him regadrless of which character he/she is logged in as.


"Oh my god, you stalker! what if I wanna be left alone and don't wish to be contacted by anyone?" well the feature would of course be optional and you could choose to ignore the friend request (yes it would kinda work like a facebook friend invite, after all MMOs were social networks before the social networks came out), and you can also choose to not make your legacy name public. Plus, there is always the /AppearOffline command if you do not wish to be disturbed. What, we don't have such a command? well there's another suggestion!

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  • 3 years later...
Nope, sorry.

This is a privacy issue.

Just because you may know one of my characters doesn't mean I want you to know and be able to track all of them.

No privacy issue whatsoever with the original suggestion. If you don't want me to contact you, you can just unfriend me

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No privacy issue whatsoever with the original suggestion. If you don't want me to contact you, you can just unfriend me
But what if I *did* want to friend you on one character?

That doesn't mean I want you to know them all.


The better version of this suggestion is that anyone you add to YOUR friends list gets added to the friends list of all YOUR characters.

Yes, you still have to go through the trouble of adding each separate character, but you only have to do it once and it doesn't infringe on my privacy.

You'll find that if you pursue doing it that way you'll get a lot more support.

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But what if I *did* want to friend you on one character?

That doesn't mean I want you to know them all.


The better version of this suggestion is that anyone you add to YOUR friends list gets added to the friends list of all YOUR characters.

Yes, you still have to go through the trouble of adding each separate character, but you only have to do it once and it doesn't infringe on my privacy.

You'll find that if you pursue doing it that way you'll get a lot more support.


This. Just because i helped HaplessNoob5655677 on one of my characters, doesnt mean i want him to be able to ask for help on any character im playing. My privacy is more important to me than your not wanting to type in someones alts name on each of your characters...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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If friending is a 2-way process (i.e., you request, I accept and get to decide which of my characters are added to your friends list), fine.

Could also be resolved by simply having both parties /friend each-others acco name or w/e.

I agree having to add each 20 friends each 20 alts to friend list is getting tedious.


Not to mention /ignore also works only on that one character you ignored the person on, and they can still log on an alt and continue to /w you trash.

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I was thinking about different use for /f and /friend i was thinking to this would give me friend channel.


I did made sugestion to Add friend by account name/but without knowing the account name for security reasons,practicaly i found inspiration in STO™,there that already existing.


We wait and we will see ...

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Could also be resolved by simply having both parties /friend each-others acco name or w/e.

I agree having to add each 20 friends each 20 alts to friend list is getting tedious.


Not to mention /ignore also works only on that one character you ignored the person on, and they can still log on an alt and continue to /w you trash.

Making our friends and ignore lists global to our legacies is, as always, a great idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right now, my own "kludge" or work-around for this (and this is something i myself freely choose to do) is i tell (SOME OF) my SWTOR gaming friends to just simply find me on my LEGACY CHAT channel that i create, instead.

ON EVERY CHARACTER that i have on a server, i enter: /cjoin (legacy name) and THEN set my chat settings to monitor that channel ... THEN i tell people to find me on that chat channel (which i have already set up on all of those toons to be monitoring that channel). Then if i see a (legacy channel name): type message show up in chat, then i know someone i know is there.


It would be nice if our Legacy names would serve a function other than looking pretty (or not) in our name tags above our heads.


Allow us to use /whisper [LegacyName] to reach that person regardless of which character he/she is logged in. Allow us to /friend [LegacyName] to we can contact him regadrless of which character he/she is logged in as.


"Oh my god, you stalker! what if I wanna be left alone and don't wish to be contacted by anyone?" well the feature would of course be optional and you could choose to ignore the friend request (yes it would kinda work like a facebook friend invite, after all MMOs were social networks before the social networks came out), and you can also choose to not make your legacy name public. Plus, there is always the /AppearOffline command if you do not wish to be disturbed. What, we don't have such a command? well there's another suggestion!

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If friending is a 2-way process (i.e., you request, I accept and get to decide which of my characters are added to your friends list), fine.



I wish "friending" worked more like how the old ICQ messenger app worked. Where you actually had to approve someone first before they could "friend" you. SWTOR right now AUTOMATICALLY lets ANYONE just add you to their friend lists. :(

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