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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

To Those That Stayed Behind - I Salute You


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People and guilds were abandoning our server as fast as they could as if it were going down in flames. Some even thought is was mandatory or would eventually become mandatory so they all rushed off leaving behind about as much on the server as we would typically see on the fleet on average day of the week.

As a guild, we were quite concerned about the impact of transferring our guild over to the target server especially after seeing posts from a number of unhappy post transfer players. And if you have a social guild similar to ours the most likely place you will be gathering to handle your inter-guild cafting and transactions as well as getting ready for flashpoints and such is going to be the fleet. Several of our guildies decided to sacrifice a toon to the transfer monster to validate or invalidate our concerns. Not only were all of our concerns validated, we also turned up some surprising downsides we did not expect.


Here is a compilation of the feedback we recieved:

Obvious frame stuttering on the fleet even on new high end systems. Those with hardware towards the minimum requirements may dc or freeze or at least black screen for a while.

It's like being banished to the land of trolls. If you ever played WoW on a high pop server, think Ironforge or Stormwind chat on kiddie night combined with Barrens chat. This to its extent was actually unexpected.

Questing or Dailies is sort of like playing on a crowded golf course were you have to stand in line to get your objective. Expect plenty of ninjas taking something you spent time clearing to.

GTN prices were a lot higher than expected probably due to suppy vs demand. This might balance out over time.

Pug groups form very quickly, but for some, will not feel enjoyable depending on your play style. For some it was as enjoyable as working the burger assembly line at a fast food joint. This too was an unexpected finding.

One thing we have not checked out was what the impact on gathering nodes were. Are they more scarce, we don't really know that answer at this time.


The upside? If you like PvP, you may be quite pleased. The members that did get that chance to PvP were quite happy about it. Therefore we may at least establish a PvP group on the destination server.


Since there is enough members in our guild to be self sufficient, the rest of our toons will remain on our origin server as long as we are allowed. If we have enough come on line at one time, we may actually be able to PvP ourselves. I know it sounds wierd but was something we wish this game allowed so we could practice tactics among ourselves.


Therefore if you are considering transfering but haven't, maybe hold off and see what happens if your guild is self sufficient enough. As a contingency, transfer over a toon, especially if you have one you like to PvP with, and begin to re-establish your guild presence just in case.


My hope is that Bioware is looking into implementing one of the server community technologies that allow multiple servers to appear as if they are one giant megaserver. Then we will not have to go though the current hassle of moving a guild and its associated issues if we don't want to and the big plus of not having to change your or your guild's name because the name can be anchored to your origin server making it a unique object even if someone on another server has the same name but that would be depending on what system they plan on implementing.

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As far as i see it, transfering to a different server has more pros than cons. And by the way, i've had less dc's since i transfered than ever before.


Thanks. May I ask what your origin and destination server were and if you have completed your move? I would also like to hear your opinion on the pros and cons that you have experienced first hand if you don't mind. Also what might be different that you dc less than before. But I take it that so far, you are pleased with the transfer process, correct?

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One issue we felt concerned us and influenced our decision was the lack of Information

We knew transfers were coming, but we didnt know who/where.

We only found out when we got a email saying " Oh BTW you can transfer to Ebon Hawk"

The lack of more information has hurt, do we stay? whats happening to the server if we do long term? Will we be hurt by staying ona server that everyone else has left.


I was on Adraas, the biggest East Coast RP server going by the server status thread over the last few months they have been updating it, had one of the biggest pops game wide, biggest RP server in general, and one of the top 10 NA servers too.



We get the email, we think wait what happens if we stay? will we get transferred later when servers close? are they closing? Is it going to be a dead server?


We acted on the information we had, and we transferred.

Going by what ive heard this morning it was the best idea since there was reports of no one on the Fleet this morning on the server from a long trusted friend.

If we stayed we would have limited our experience of the game, and with the knowledge we have and lack of info It seems the best course of action for our group

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I think the transfers were a great idea. It was a neccessary move, to transfer from a low population server to the destination server they offered up for free. Let's hope we'll see transfers that have a few more options in the future. :) Edited by StillOne
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I think the transfers were a great idea. It was a neccessary move, to transfer from a low population server to the destination server they offered up for free. Let's hope we'll see transfers that have a few more options in the future. :)


I have been "assured" and asked to "remain patient" as this is only phase 1. They apologize that I am "unhappy" with the current transfers and they understand that forcing players to switch data centers is a concern and it has been sent to development staff. However for "phase 1" they want to ensure that players are in the same "type" of community server type.


All I would like is to go to a PST server as that is what I am on currently that was a top 10 server and not nearly as bad as other servers, however due to the transfers people lept because guilds or friends did and others that didn't want to are moving because now this server is essentially unplayable causing further trickle and more people transferring.

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My tiny (4 people) guild stayed (on our origin server) and we are glad we did! We do not PvP, join/form PUGs or run Operations so the only downside is a dead GTN but even that is no problem because we are self-sufficient crafters. The upsides are no login queues, no character name changes (yet), no competition for harvesting nodes, rare ground spawns (like unusual egg) or mob spawns. It is like playing a co-op RPG more than a MMOG but that is fine with us. :rolleyes:
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Obviously transferring is a personal choice so there is no right or wrong. I however think most of the cons mentioned will diminish over time and/or are more than compensated by the advantages of having a larger pool of players around.


However you should be cautious of thinking you are self sufficient. As time passes people stop playing, being in a server with such low pop means it is unlikely new player will create toons there (and even if a new player decides to go to a light server there are dozens so odds are against joining yours) so your replacement pool is almost non-existent in time you will probably lose critical mass and enter a vicious circle.

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