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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ok, Bioware. Now what? Are you really forcing me to delete 9 chars?


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Ok, Bioware. Now what?


Are you really forcing me to delete 9 chars?

I have 8 on Peragus, another 8 on Bacca's Blade, and one more on Sithari.


They all are on the list for free transfer to Nightmare Lands.

So - what am I supposed to do? Delete them? Stop playing?


Both Peragus and Bacca's were a little thin but not dramatically in trouble. By introducing free transfers, though, you have basically pulled the plug on both my srvers.


So, now, I think I'm due a solution.

I'm listening.

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Do you really play 17 characters at once?


Pick your favorite 8 and move along.


Answers like this are not helpful. If you don't play alts, and or are not an Altoholic you will never understand. But your answer is just rude and heartless.

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Answers like this are not helpful. If you don't play alts, and or are not an Altoholic you will never understand. But your answer is just rude and heartless.


Brash maybe...but certainly not heartless mate.

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Answers like this are not helpful. If you don't play alts, and or are not an Altoholic you will never understand. But your answer is just rude and heartless.


Thanks for the support.


As for the "wait for paid transfer" suggestion - i would be STILL one char short (actually 3), since there is only one other PVE server left in Europe - Red Eclipse.

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I disagree with everyone saying he should delete his toons... If he Played them he is entitled to keep them. If they are transfering toons due to dead servers (biowares fault) then the op is entitled to transfer all his toons. The op is just unlucky that all his toons were being transfered to a single server. This just goes to show that we dont have enough character slots in a game designed to play alts.... I say close down all dead servers... Free transfers to whatever server we like that is left open and more character slots. That is how it should have been from the beginning but bioware are too lazy to do it that way because it means more effort for them.


The op didnt put himself in this position... Bioware did... So he is entitled to a solution.

Edited by Razdek
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Answers like this are not helpful. If you don't play alts, and or are not an Altoholic you will never understand. But your answer is just rude and heartless.


Not heartless, realistic. He's asking for a solution to having 17 toons on one server. Just not possible. Transfers are not mandatory. He won't loose them if he doesn't move them. The realistic solution to his problem is pick his favorite 8. If he wants a different solution, he'll have to wait for paid transfers.

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They really should increase the cap. Its quite the shame that a story based mmo, with a legacy feature would allow so few characters. Specially now with these mer... I mean transfers which (A) assigned many servers to a few other, and (B) turned 90% of all servers into ghost towns.
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Thanks for the support.


As for the "wait for paid transfer" suggestion - i would be STILL one char short (actually 3), since there is only one other PVE server left in Europe - Red Eclipse.


I was lucky and didn't have to make the choices you are going to have to make but I did have to delete one character. I did worry about it for a while though and I completely understand where you are coming from.


It goes to show short sight on BW's part about NOT implementing increase in number of characters per server prior to this server merger ( its'a merger don't let anyone tell you differently).


I hope BW hears you and gives those in your situation a few options of servers to transfer too so that you don't loose so many of your characters.

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Not heartless, realistic. He's asking for a solution to having 17 toons on one server. Just not possible. Transfers are not mandatory. He won't loose them if he doesn't move them. The realistic solution to his problem is pick his favorite 8. If he wants a different solution, he'll have to wait for paid transfers.


Actually he was asking for more than one server to transfer too. I think that if BW actually read these forums they would see that there are some people that they didn't consider when designing their merger schema. I think that BW should allow some exceptions to people that have ALOT of toons on more than one origin server to destination server. Something like ok if you are in that situation send a note to this email address to have your situation adjudicated to see if you qualify to go to more than on destination server. THAT would have been fair.

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Actually he was asking for more than one server to transfer too. I think that if BW actually read these forums they would see that there are some people that they didn't consider when designing their merger schema. I think that BW should allow some exceptions to people that have ALOT of toons on more than one origin server to destination server. Something like ok if you are in that situation send a note to this email address to have your situation adjudicated to see if you qualify to go to more than on destination server. THAT would have been fair.


No, what's fair is that he's given 8 characters that can land on a single server, just like everyone else. Giving him special treatment because he's a special case is not fair.

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They aren't asking you to delete any. Transfers are voluntary, not mandatory.


We all know that this is not true.


My server was healthy and standard before the transfers but has 23 players online right now. I mean its really not hard to see that staying behind is the end of the game for you, as you will be alone then. No pvp pops, no more dungeons or raids etc.


I do also wish that BW would had not done the whole transfer thingy in such a mandatory way. Dead servers with maybe only 100 players online average should have gotten transfers but not those with about 1000.



It cant be changed now, the boy did fall in the water so to speak but ya its sad for those that have many alts or are just very strict in RP and need to start from 0 again now.

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Bioware isn't at fault for this issue, the premise of this game is that it's a result of your choices, and in that sense art is imitating life. You chose to create 17 characters over 3 servers, but you had no way of knowing that this would happen, BW equally had no malicious intent in choosing the servers you just happened to be based on as part of the origin/destination server grouping. To top all of that, as many others have pointed out in this thread...it's an optional transfer, nobody is forcing you to do anything.


The bottom line here is: It sucks, but just like in real life, you can't always get everything you want.

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No, what's fair is that he's given 8 characters that can land on a single server, just like everyone else. Giving him special treatment because he's a special case is not fair.




If I said what I wanted in response, I'd get a nastygram from the CSR....


You, sir, are the special-snowflake, who got what you wanted, except maybe some names(unless you were on a destination server).


The GAME encourages ALTS, the transfer system did not take that into account when it was "designed". BW messed it up for a lot of folks. Would be nice if they fixed it for those folks. Forcing peeps to delete toons is not a "nice" thing.


And NO: the option to stay on a dead, soon to be deleted server is NOT an option/choice/whatever.


Now if BW actually communicated to the troops, something they recently promised to do, and told us the servers will stay up until this problem is corrected, by either pay-to-transfer, or a second phase with more choices of server, or what ever the h-ll they have in mind, then we wouldn't have to come on-line and beg for help....


Or they could tell us to "suck it up" and delete the toons.. either way we would know what to do...

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We all know that this is not true.


My server was healthy and standard before the transfers but has 23 players online right now. I mean its really not hard to see that staying behind is the end of the game for you, as you will be alone then. No pvp pops, no more dungeons or raids etc.


I do also wish that BW would had not done the whole transfer thingy in such a mandatory way. Dead servers with maybe only 100 players online average should have gotten transfers but not those with about 1000.



It cant be changed now, the boy did fall in the water so to speak but ya its sad for those that have many alts or are just very strict in RP and need to start from 0 again now.


Yay.. More room for me to roam around in.

Edited by Inokis
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No, what's fair is that he's given 8 characters that can land on a single server, just like everyone else. Giving him special treatment because he's a special case is not fair.


How is it the ops fault that his SEPERATE servers all managed to be merged into a SINGLE server... He is asking that his toons be moved to different destination servers. Its not the ops fault that bioware have not considered this possibility of clashing servers. Its not special treatment he is asking for but fair treatment.

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Everything in moderation. It's as true for alts as anything else in life. :cool:


SIGH again...


There are 2 sides to the conflict in SWTOR, so is 4 per side "moderate"?


Before you answer.. 4 per side plus 1 more slot for a "new" species"? So is 9 "moderate"?


And with the mergers... 9 would be too many.....


Again thinking ahead is difficult I know.... but do try.


And I wonder are there more species planned? Hmmm.... this thinking ahead to the next set of mergers is REAL hard isn't it....

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