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swtor has less servers than rift!


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you do realize no one has been able to use all the SWTOR data and get an accurate number for subs.


Back when it was 1.7 million people where guessing all over the place. Back when it came out as 1.3 million people where guessing all over the place NO ONE GOT IT RIGHT


Except those that guessed 1.3m :) What's your current guess ?

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Well Gary's the host, so he sets the tone, but he will still say the game is legitimately great 1-50 but lacks the fun PvP stuff he's looking for. Justin from Darthhater is obviously not rooting against the game and his own economic interest. Ed is clearly the voice of insight on the show and saying he's just along for some sort of troll shows you don't watch the show very much. The other RP guy I could do without - he doesn't seem to have any deep understanding of MMOs and I think he's there because he does a lot of the web stuff, but who knows.


Blaming GameBreaker for pointing out there are super obvious warning signs of trouble for the game is unfair. Given the amount of time one generally invests in an MMO compared to other games it's nice to get a heads up with what's really going on.


I know it's tough to keep track of all the bad news, but merging 90% of servers over to the remaining ones, laying off one-third of your staff, dropping 400k subs in 3 months + however many in April, May and June (when things actually got bad), facing off against Diablo 3, the summer doldrums, and a slew of competition for the fall has been a lot of very bad news very fast.

"The only person who didn't assume the game would offer something it never advertised doesn't count."
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you do realize no one has been able to use all the SWTOR data and get an accurate number for subs.


Back when it was 1.7 million people where guessing all over the place. Back when it came out as 1.3 million people where guessing all over the place NO ONE GOT IT RIGHT


WHen they said 1.7 I think i said 1.5 when they said 1.3 I think I said 1.2. Pretty close IMO.


Right now I say 600k.


I dont just take random guesses but you have to look at before and current data. Back when they had 1.7 they had how many full servers and very heavy and heavy servers? When they had 1.3 again how many? Now how many? They have only 20 servers now LOL and to get 1.3 million people on those servers they would have to put about 50,000 on each server.


I dont know but 50,000 subs on each server seems too like a little bit too many to have on each server as an average.

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I think we can pretty much stop reading here, Gannon is the host and the one that sets the tone for show, and if you judge by the title he is picking for the shows lately, this is turning into an Anti-Swtor show more than anything.


Justin Lowe always struck me as a hardcore raider that expected the ultimate raiding experience in swtor, and since he didnt get it he always talks trash about how broken it is, also he was against mirror classes before the game came out, and he always talked trash on the bodytypes and the species available, because he was butthurt that he couldnt have his Rodian from SWG, also he doesnt give a rat's *** about story or lore, when they asked him if he was planning to get HK-51 he said "meh, naw"


Ed Park is a legitimate PVPer but I dont think he plays swtor anymore, or at least not as much as he did before, I read his blog every now and then, but he seems to be under the delusion that the game balance was better pre 1.2, when Scoundrels could doubletap for a total of 15k damage in a single GCD (thank gawd that was fixed anyway)


For a Story driven MMO, only one guy out of the 4 guys in the panel, gives a damn about story. then you have a Troll of a host, a butthurt raider, and a PVPer.




There is so much truth here, it hurts.



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WHen they said 1.7 I think i said 1.5 when they said 1.3 I think I said 1.2. Pretty close IMO.


Right now I say 600k.


I dont just take random guesses but you have to look at before and current data. Back when they had 1.7 they had how many full servers and very heavy and heavy servers? When they had 1.3 again how many? Now how many? They have only 20 servers now LOL and to get 1.3 million people on those servers they would have to put about 50,000 on each server.


I dont know but 50,000 subs on each server seems too like a little bit too many to have on each server as an average.


so how do you know what the caps are, how do you know they havnt increased the caps by 5,10,20,30%

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"The only person who didn't assume the game would offer something it never advertised doesn't count."


I literally have no idea what that sentence means, at all. There are 3 negatives (didn't, never, doesn't), 1 conditional (assume), an absolute (only), and language about advertising, which is always fuzzy. What is it you're trying to say, and are you quoting someone?


Can someone help me parse this sentence? I'm really not trying to be mean - I have no idea what you're saying at all.

Edited by jgelling
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Ed is clearly the voice of insight on the show and saying he's just along for some sort of troll shows you don't watch the show very much.


lol@random dude making assumption of how much I watch or dont watch that troll's show. Ed Park is an objective guy when it comes to give his opinions (he's also been one of the less negative about the game, figures) but he is just there to say his piece and that's it, The general tone set up by the host is just to put a negative twist on everything and make fun of the game shortcomings. Justin and Ed are guys with legitimate concerns about the game, but lately they seem to have taken the backseat while Gary wants to be the center of attention of the show impersonating Gabe Amatangelo or making fun of how James Olhen and Ray Muzyka speak, pretty petty, but as I said, the tone of the show is made to appeal to the trolls.

Edited by ChazDoit
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Could care less if its even 600k, If i am on a full/heavy server and there is stuff going on then then I could care less as long as they are pulling enough money to keep the game going.


SWG peaked at not even 1 million and was still one of the best MMO experiences i have had(even with the bugs and only having i think 9 or 12 servers)


The people/community make the game. not ZOMG 1+ MILLION PLAYERS!!!!!


Honestly when WoW had 10 million people, how many really were you playing with on your server.

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We will see some servers go down for now IMHO. Too many people leaving to keep some servers open.


Hopefully in 6 months when/if people come back they can go to low pop servers or they can have free xfers OFF the high pop servers evening things perfectly.

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as long as they are pulling enough money to keep the game going..


But that's the only reason it matters. No one would care if for sure they were pulling enough money to keep the game going and fund new development.


I didn't care about sub numbers until they fired so many people in May, either. That's really why it matters - is the game healthy enough to survive? We've seen this show before with other MMOs, I'm just hoping it isn't another SWG mess.

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But that's the only reason it matters. No one would care if for sure they were pulling enough money to keep the game going and fund new development.


I didn't care about sub numbers until they fired so many people in May, either. That's really why it matters - is the game healthy enough to survive? We've seen this show before with other MMOs, I'm just hoping it isn't another SWG mess.


Apparently, you weren't listening during the show where they talked about that - most of those people were contract employees who were let go when their contracts expired. This was known to be coming, and is standard fare for most games, not just MMO's. Not a lot to see, here.


The surprise was Stephen Reid being included. I suppose they had some good reason for letting him go...at least, I hope they did.



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so how do you know what the caps are, how do you know they havnt increased the caps by 5,10,20,30%


Because other peoples work shows that they havent.


You are just saying that because there is no hard proof they havent and your going to try and discredit what I say on the assumtion that they could have increased the caps 5-20% or any amount, when you have absolutely no proof they did.


Other Peoplr have monitored the server status and figured out that up to 500 is light and up to 3000 is very heavy and 3000+ is full. Now maybe full is 3001 or 3500 we dont know but it is close to 3000 so to round off numbers I used 3000.


I also rounded the servers to 20 and even rounded off the amount of players to 50,000 when if you used the actual amount of servers it would be even more.


People have taken their own forms of data and some have shared them with everyone and it all shows that subs are dropping. Not one person has shown data that shows an increase in subs at any time. They have all been made up stories. The only way people try to discredit subs being lower is making up claims that they have no proof of. All the data still shows about 3000 being caps and they were not increased so by using that the actual amount of people playing is around 600k.


No one wants a game to die if they spent money on it but dont go any say its the greatest game in the world when most people didnt enjoy playing it. Maybe now some devs will realize that the theme park MMO should be closed and open up the sandbox again.


Hope you continue to have fun with a game that they decide what and when and how you will play the game, and not let you decide.

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Because other peoples work shows that they havent.


You are just saying that because there is no hard proof they havent and your going to try and discredit what I say on the assumtion that they could have increased the caps 5-20% or any amount, when you have absolutely no proof they did.


Other Peoplr have monitored the server status and figured out that up to 500 is light and up to 3000 is very heavy and 3000+ is full. Now maybe full is 3001 or 3500 we dont know but it is close to 3000 so to round off numbers I used 3000.


I also rounded the servers to 20 and even rounded off the amount of players to 50,000 when if you used the actual amount of servers it would be even more.


People have taken their own forms of data and some have shared them with everyone and it all shows that subs are dropping. Not one person has shown data that shows an increase in subs at any time. They have all been made up stories. The only way people try to discredit subs being lower is making up claims that they have no proof of. All the data still shows about 3000 being caps and they were not increased so by using that the actual amount of people playing is around 600k.


No one wants a game to die if they spent money on it but dont go any say its the greatest game in the world when most people didnt enjoy playing it. Maybe now some devs will realize that the theme park MMO should be closed and open up the sandbox again.


Hope you continue to have fun with a game that they decide what and when and how you will play the game, and not let you decide.


No im genuinley asking, i dont know how its all worked out thus why im reading this topic. And thanks, i will continue to enjoy the game.

Edited by Shingara
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Neither game has many subscribers.


Enough Subs to be considered a fairly good sized city isn't very many? At 250k Subs, which is shown as the last numbers on http://mmodata.blogspot.com/ would make it the 4th largest City in the San Francisco Bay Area, and TORs last reported sub count of 1.3 million is about the same population of San Francisco and Oakland combined.


Many long term successful MMOs have even smaller populations then TOR and Rift.


Sure, compared to Mexico City these are smaller populations, but no one would call these small cities. By the way, at 10 million subs WoW is larger then Mexico City.

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Maybe now some devs will realize that the theme park MMO should be closed and open up the sandbox again.


At 600k subs its still almost twice as many as EVE, which last reported 321k subs, which is one of the most popular, if not most popular Sandbox MMO. SWG, another big Sandbox MMO, had about 50k subs. When you look at overall numbers of Sandbox vs Themepark MMOs, Themeparks are blowing Sandbox away. There is just a lot more market potential there, and devs will keep going where the numbers are.


I'm not opposed to having more sandbox elements, I think a hybrid is going to be the best way to go long term, but the markets are the market, and pure sandbox just hasn't materialized as a powerful market. I would suggest that maybe it makes ones leisure activity too much like the rest of their life, and doesn't really provide the escape that most are looking for.

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WHen they said 1.7 I think i said 1.5 when they said 1.3 I think I said 1.2. Pretty close IMO.


Right now I say 600k.


I dont just take random guesses but you have to look at before and current data. Back when they had 1.7 they had how many full servers and very heavy and heavy servers? When they had 1.3 again how many? Now how many? They have only 20 servers now LOL and to get 1.3 million people on those servers they would have to put about 50,000 on each server.


I dont know but 50,000 subs on each server seems too like a little bit too many to have on each server as an average.


you're joking right? 100k difference is a HUGE difference.


rofl you say 600k. Ok i'll remember that and be sure to send you a private message to gloat over how wrong you are

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Because other peoples work shows that they havent.




two weeks ago The Fatman would have 200 people on fleet during prime time and be full with a wait to get on the server.


On Saturday they had 450+ people on fleet with NO wait to get on the server.


Sorry but they have increased the server caps

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I love the game. If you don't then I feel sorry for you because you're wasting your time in more ways than one.


This is just another air-headed forum claim (or regurgitation rather) that promotes no critical thinking or constructive discussion.

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