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swtor has less servers than rift!


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I think most people were referring to the Gamebreaker-affiliated one of the bunch, not the other, obviously more level-headed guests.


I forget which thread it was, but someone said it best: Gamebreaker is the Fox News of the gaming world. And by that I mean they are (objectively) not news and (subjectively) horrible.


I think comparing them to foxnews is too harsh.


they report the news as it comes out without twisting it, then they state their opinions which are opinions and can be viewed differently by each viewer


foxnews on the other hand distorts news to fit their opinions without reporting it 100% correct

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I dont know who or if there is a 10% rule or what the actual number is but using the data she collected and the subs that bioware released, taking a 10% as the amount of people that log on is acurate in this case.


Where were all the no way its not 10% its only 5% back then? There wasnt because the numbers fir together. Now when you do it you have to make it 5% or else the numbers dont fit the 1.3 and you dont want to think this game only has 700k +/- players now (which would also fit the average loss of subs since release numbers) you would rather change the percentage.


The 10% is an average over time while also taking the subs as an average over time. 10% dont play at 3 am its much less as is it much more than 10% at 8pm. But on average it works to be 10%.


Whilst i do applaud your attempts at trying to get figures, cos even if we dont admit it we all have a guilty pleasure of wanting to know, with the people waiting for content i think its a bit premature to start trying todo it unless your after a before and after comparison.

Edited by Shingara
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Gary Gannon is a admitted Troll. He doesn't play swtor anymore...


I think we can pretty much stop reading here, Gannon is the host and the one that sets the tone for show, and if you judge by the title he is picking for the shows lately, this is turning into an Anti-Swtor show more than anything.


Justin Lowe always struck me as a hardcore raider that expected the ultimate raiding experience in swtor, and since he didnt get it he always talks trash about how broken it is, also he was against mirror classes before the game came out, and he always talked trash on the bodytypes and the species available, because he was butthurt that he couldnt have his Rodian from SWG, also he doesnt give a rat's *** about story or lore, when they asked him if he was planning to get HK-51 he said "meh, naw"


Ed Park is a legitimate PVPer but I dont think he plays swtor anymore, or at least not as much as he did before, I read his blog every now and then, but he seems to be under the delusion that the game balance was better pre 1.2, when Scoundrels could doubletap for a total of 15k damage in a single GCD (thank gawd that was fixed anyway)


For a Story driven MMO, only one guy out of the 4 guys in the panel, gives a damn about story. then you have a Troll of a host, a butthurt raider, and a PVPer.

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I think comparing them to foxnews is too harsh.


they report the news as it comes out without twisting it, then they state their opinions which are opinions and can be viewed differently by each viewer


foxnews on the other hand distorts news to fit their opinions without reporting it 100% correct


Once you get into there shows and larry starts it usually calms down, but its the titles i dont understand, you semi see the same thing on legendery where its lore who keeps a level head. It used tobe pokket and larry but now its just larry :(

Edited by Shingara
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holy crap you have to be joking??? People are really using that as a standard?


Wow no wonder no one can accurately get the number of subs this game has.


No its using the 10% with all the data collected with SWTOR. To get the subs that Bioware released to work with the data collected. If 2% would have worked back then then we would use 2% now. If 50% worked back then then we would use 50% now.


Maybe the reason it was the same in WoW is because its common.


Remember when Bioware said that it was about 60% logged in every day? Want to use that number instead since its the only one Bioware has ever given us? That would mean about 150k +/-

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No its using the 10% with all the data collected with SWTOR. To get the subs that Bioware released to work with the data collected. If 2% would have worked back then then we would use 2% now. If 50% worked back then then we would use 50% now.


Maybe the reason it was the same in WoW is because its common.


Remember when Bioware said that it was about 60% logged in every day? Want to use that number instead since its the only one Bioware has ever given us? That would mean about 150k +/-


Like i said i applaud you but to many variables for me, not everyone logs in every day etc or same time but suppose its close.

Edited by Shingara
dyslexia spellchecking
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Whilst i do applaud your attempts at trying to get figures, cos even if we dont admit it we all have a guilty pleasure of wanting to know, with the people waiting for content i think its a bit premature to start trying todo it unless your after a before and after comparison.


Even if you look at the increase after 1.2 it still is about the same. This percentage was also figured for right after they gave the numbers of subs they had. It wasnt done just now with subs from 3 months ago. It was done back then.

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holy crap you have to be joking??? People are really using that as a standard?


Wow no wonder no one can accurately get the number of subs this game has.


Actually to be perfecly clear , it wasn't that only 10% play, it was that at any point in time only 10% are online.

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Like i said i appluad you but to many variables for me, not everyone logs in every day etc or same time but suppose its close.


To clarify--


The 10% rule states that only 10% of an MMO's total active subscriber base log on concurrently at any time on an average.


It's a statistical model - note the average there. So there may be 60% online at peak time or 1% at off times. That's why it uses the average.

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Like i said i applaud you but to many variables for me, not everyone logs in every day etc or same time but suppose its close.


So you wont accept any increase or decrease in subs unless Bioware anounces it?


How many posts have you made against people saying that subs have dropped? How many have you made against people saying subs have increased since there are too many variables for anyone but Bioware to know?


Dont come and use this as a way to stop people from saying that subs are decreasing without doing the same to people saying subs are growing.

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To clarify--


The 10% rule states that only 10% of an MMO's total active subscriber base log on concurrently at any time on an average.


It's a statistical model - note the average there. So there may be 60% online at peak time or 1% at off times. That's why it uses the average.


I understand that, i mean that when headcounts are done im going to be extreme here but group one only play monday wednesday, group 2 only play tuesday thursday etc. if numbers stay level then.......

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So you wont accept any increase or decrease in subs unless Bioware anounces it?


How many posts have you made against people saying that subs have dropped? How many have you made against people saying subs have increased since there are too many variables for anyone but Bioware to know?


Dont come and use this as a way to stop people from saying that subs are decreasing without doing the same to people saying subs are growing.


Basically no, i spent years on wow with people going its 3 million, its 18 million, no its 5 million. I will agree there are trends of logging in and trends of people playing draught games and that can be recorded to a degree. And ive never said there increasing or decreasing due to tor status or me seeing people on the fleet.

Edited by Shingara
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Let me clarify further.


Say there are 100 active subs in an MMO.


According to the 10% rule, only 10 of those players are concurrently online on an average at any given time in the game.


This does not mean that it's the same 10 people. This also doesnot mean that it's 10 people every minute. There may be just 1 guy at 5 AM in the morning and as many as all 100 at say 7 PM prime time.


So, it's an average over the entire day.

Edited by Muskaan
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I understand that, i mean that when headcounts are done im going to be extreme here but group one only play monday wednesday, group 2 only play tuesday thursday etc. if numbers stay level then.......


Doesn't matter. That's why it is an average. It has regional and seasonal variance also. Like summertime, MMO activity decreases as people like to go out and do outdoor stuff. Wintertime time it spikes, since people get boxed in by snow.

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I understand that, i mean that when headcounts are done im going to be extreme here but group one only play monday wednesday, group 2 only play tuesday thursday etc. if numbers stay level then.......


if the numbers stay level then it makes it even easier to figure out the average

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Whether or not the 10% rule is true is irrelevant. There is, without question, a significantly smaller-than-what-popular-opinion-might-think percentage of people online at any one time. The point is, those who have the mindset of "1.3 million? Yeah, right! There's only X on my fleet right now!" just don't see the bigger picture.
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Larry Everett plays Swtor everyday and likes the game. He defends it unless it is something that bothers him, like losing his character names in the transfers. Or lack of chat bubbles since he is a rp'er.


I don't think any self-respecting fan of the game would take any part on Gamebreaker anymore, that just a show for trolls.

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I don't think any self-respecting fan of the game would take any part on Gamebreaker anymore, that just a show for trolls.


that's your opinion, you are consumed with hatred towards that site and anything they say. I on the other hand like the shows they have and i watch them weekly. I also play swtor and like/dislike it and voice my opinions regularly on these forums.


I think a lot of what they say has truth to it, and sometimes doesn't. besides gary.

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that's your opinion, you are consumed with hatred towards that site and anything they say.


You are confusing hate with disgust, but whatever, you are entitled to your opinion, if you dont think that show just devolved into Gary's Trolling Session and the other 3 guys are just along for the ride that's up to you.

Edited by ChazDoit
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You are confusing hate with disgust, but whatever, you are entitled to your opinion, if you dont think that show just devolved into Gary's Trolling Sesion and the other 3 guys are just along for the ride that's up to you.


Well Gary's the host, so he sets the tone, but he will still say the game is legitimately great 1-50 but lacks the fun PvP stuff he's looking for. Justin from Darthhater is obviously not rooting against the game and his own economic interest. Ed is clearly the voice of insight on the show and saying he's just along for some sort of troll shows you don't watch the show very much. The other RP guy I could do without - he doesn't seem to have any deep understanding of MMOs and I think he's there because he does a lot of the web stuff, but who knows.


Blaming GameBreaker for pointing out there are super obvious warning signs of trouble for the game is unfair. Given the amount of time one generally invests in an MMO compared to other games it's nice to get a heads up with what's really going on.


I know it's tough to keep track of all the bad news, but merging 90% of servers over to the remaining ones, laying off one-third of your staff, dropping 400k subs in 3 months + however many in April, May and June (when things actually got bad), facing off against Diablo 3, the summer doldrums, and a slew of competition for the fall has been a lot of very bad news very fast.

Edited by jgelling
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Haha. Don't try to paint me as a hater, because i do give praise to this game, but only when it's due, such as the optimization in 1.3, and also the Group Finder deserves praise. However, i'm not going to blindly support some of Bioware's incompetent decisions, such as, their transfer process, which is really just a merger. I'm also not going to defend their flawed Rated Warzone system either, among many other things. I'm sorry that i don't kneel on the floor and praise everything Bioware does like some blind fanboy. Criticism is good for the game, because it reveals what isn't working. Fanboys such as yourself do this game a disservice, by not having Bioware become aware of what isn't working.


You should make a MMO, clearly you know how to.

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No its using the 10% with all the data collected with SWTOR. To get the subs that Bioware released to work with the data collected. If 2% would have worked back then then we would use 2% now. If 50% worked back then then we would use 50% now.


Maybe the reason it was the same in WoW is because its common.


Remember when Bioware said that it was about 60% logged in every day? Want to use that number instead since its the only one Bioware has ever given us? That would mean about 150k +/-


you do realize no one has been able to use all the SWTOR data and get an accurate number for subs.


Back when it was 1.7 million people where guessing all over the place. Back when it came out as 1.3 million people where guessing all over the place NO ONE GOT IT RIGHT

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