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you are in a ranked warzone and you get glitched where u are dead in the spawn, cant move and get kicked out becase of staying in the spawn too long. I think this issue should be address before rated becomes available.

I think it's pretty rare... I play A LOT and never seen it or had it happen. I have heard of it tho... I would think they'll fix it in 1.3.

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Yeah this is rare but I have had it happen twice in 6 months and only have seen it happen to one other person. I would hope this is fixed but who knows. They said that a loss of a player threw a disconnect will be taken into effect when the match ends so it wont change your rating to much. I would take a guess that if this bug is still in 1.3 I imagine it will work like a disconnect. Edited by cycao
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Yeah this is rare but I have had it happen twice in 6 months and only have seen it happen to one other person. I would hope this is fixed but who knows. They said that a loss of a player threw a disconnect will be taken into effect when the match ends so it wont change your rating to much. I would take a guess that if this bug is still in 1.3 I imagine it will work like a disconnect.


yeah but the question is, does the person who is disconnected get penalized when they are not at fault? also, can they come back into the match and maybe help for a win.

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It's not that rare if you have super human reaction/click time. Before I curbed my speed a bit this bug occurred ~2-3 times a night.


Breathe. Then click respawn. Bug less.


yeah i know i could slow down, but its hard to slow down, when your in an intense match on say voidstar, and your teammates tell you over vent that the door just opened and you might be able to make it through.


what erks me most about this glitch, is that bioware is well aware of it, and even addressed it in a patch, saying that they "reduced" the likelyness of it happening.

its a frightening thought that bioware can know of such a glitch and not be able to fix it regardless.

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While I'm not arguing how soon it should be addressed... maybe you could slow it down a notch? ;) I do just fine with my less than super human button mashing :rolleyes: and I have more instant abilities than most classes and I can still top the boards for my team in damage AND objectives...


If that really is the reason... there is NO reason to be mashing buttons at a "super human" rate :rolleyes:


Maybe drink less soda... probably where you're getting that super human speed from... :D

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While I'm not arguing how soon it should be addressed... maybe you could slow it down a notch? ;) I do just fine with my less than super human button mashing :rolleyes: and I have more instant abilities than most classes and I can still top the boards for my team in damage AND objectives...


If that really is the reason... there is NO reason to be mashing buttons at a "super human" rate :rolleyes:


Maybe drink less soda... probably where you're getting that super human speed from... :D


lol... even if i am hitting respawn at "superhuman" speed... i doubt i'm the only one, and i still dont think thats a viable solution. sure, i can tone it down a notch on the respawn, but i dont want to lose a teammate too. also, in the heat of the moment, all that soda adrenaline cant be held back.

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lol... even if i am hitting respawn at "superhuman" speed... i doubt i'm the only one, and i still dont think thats a viable solution. sure, i can tone it down a notch on the respawn, but i dont want to lose a teammate too. also, in the heat of the moment, all that soda adrenaline cant be held back.


I am willing to bet that 95% of the time you are hitting respawn at "super human" speed only to wait for the respawn barrier to come down....


See my point? :D

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I am willing to bet that 95% of the time you are hitting respawn at "super human" speed only to wait for the respawn barrier to come down....


See my point? :D


ok but on alderaan where there is no barrier, and 1 second makes the difference between a cap at east or west... see my point.

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It's very easily duplicated. Experience high server latencies. Simply get knocked down just before/as you die, then rapidly release back to the spawn. The server says you are knocked down and the client moves you to the spawn. The server thinks you are up and the Client thinks you are down and prohibits movement while waiting for the server to allow movement.


Workaround is to wait 3-5 seconds before attempting to release to give the server time to catch up.

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