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Things you dont want to hear in a wz


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The absolute worse thing I hate to see in Civil War is the unending line of single respawners running into the 5-6 opposite faction players, gettin decimated, respawning again, to do the same damn thing again over and over. I just lol at that point cause its just pointless.....and trust me, I've seen it happen on my team and the other team.


In voidstar the famous "All left, stealthers right!" and where does everyone go? To the right of course.....Must be that particular paint color on the door is a bit more fascinating than the left, I'm still trying to figure it out myself



::shakes head::

:rak_02: Drunk :rak_03:

Edited by Heggelund
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Me: Make sure to call inc early, not after you die.


*node gets taken*




This makes me rage more than anything else.



As for all the bashing of the strat where you send people to the opposite turret in CW, stop. It's a perfectly valid strat but you need to send at least 2 or more for it to work, and they must have transcendence or some other type of speed boost.


If the enemy sees you going for their turret, they will send more people to that side which means there is less at mid, or they won't see you and only send the one guy. If it's just one guy, then you got the node. Now you have W and E and it's GG.

Edited by Smashbrother
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Me: "pass the ball!"

Farva: "passing is horrible. It leads to interceptions"


Also, I am that guy that ninja caps right constantly in CW. I run there solo, and it takes 2+ of the other team to keep me from capping it, giving my team superior numbers in Mid.


Trying to cap right is VERY help ful, if you are great at 1vs1/2vs1.

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Also, I am that guy that ninja caps right constantly in CW. I run there solo, and it takes 2+ of the other team to keep me from capping it, giving my team superior numbers in Mid.


Trying to cap right is VERY help ful, if you are great at 1vs1/2vs1.


I do this all the time, but my goal isnt to cap it, just stall them long enough so my team gets left n mid (but sometimes I do end up solo capping it)

The most ive pulled to the right has been 4 peeps at once , I think its funny sometimes when stuff like this works.


:confused: Drunk :eek:

Edited by Heggelund
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(Re: sending someone right in ACW)

Yay!!! So it worked once.......


....and failed the other 10 times and made your team lose because of it.


I never try to "ninja" right, but sometimes I will go harass. Several times I've delayed the cap long enough that by the time I die I'm up against 3 people. We never get right, but we very often get mid.


Every now and then I'll /bonk someone for taking my 1v1 kill, but I'm always joking.


My favorite, in the accidental typing theme.


Guy on my team: 11113333sssssssssss2233

Me: Stop backpedaling!! :-D

Guy: I wasn't!

Me: um, "...sssssssssssss..."

Guy: OK, you got me.

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"I tried to pass but I couldn't find anyone"

-- No, really what happened is you got the ball and ran ahead of your team. There is no pro bowl in huttball, wait for blockers and receivers.



"You guys suck"

-- Almost always from the guy who stayed the whole match and doesn't top any one stat. Needs to point out that everyone besides him sucks and if we were all just better we would win.



"" - Nothing

- No communication . Almost always a loss.



"Who wants guard"

-- What are you going to follow this person around the whole match?


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Prior to ranked, when we still had 4 pug's, the following happened in Civil War:


The 4 of us were all at mid defending against a full attack. We took a big risk and left one of the pugs to defend snow. We never do that but, oh well, we did it this time. Now, the pug was a Jugg with decent gear, mostly WH so we were hoping for the best, when we simply see the guy starting to go down in health, he dies, the assasin that killed him starts to cap. We rush there we cap it back bla bla.


I ask the guy politely in ops chat: " Why did you not call incoming on snow "?

Answer: " I was CC'ed "

Me: " You could not type while CC'ed "?

............ (silence)


Boggles the mind.

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I do this all the time, but my goal isnt to cap it, just stall them long enough so my team gets left n mid (but sometimes I do end up solo capping it)

The most ive pulled to the right has been 4 peeps at once , I think its funny sometimes when stuff like this works.

My approach too :) I will probably die, but if I can tie up 2-3 of them for a decent amount of time it's worth it.

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- You guys really suck (to their own team)


Hehe the pug team may very well suck, but IMO its a huge sign of a poor sport to belittle your own team. Especially while youre still on the playing field.


Favourite is to look at there stats at the end. Now I just say they have to beat mine. Some punk did that on a healer and I out healed, out guarded, and way out dpsed him on my tank shadow before change. Was playing dps scoundrel and he said same thing, still beat him dps and heals from pugnacity.


Go figure.

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Its not what I hear but what I see really. In Voidstar after I call left, while solo guarding only to die by a quick 4 on 1. Then up there right as the gate closes and you watch all the little purple guys on your radar leave right to go left. At that point I am raging.


"Don't leave right empty!"

"Don't leave right empty!"


Funny. How every one of them heard the call for help left; not a single one responds to the desperate plea to not leave right unguarded...


Seriously. It is the only time I get really frustrated. Everything else, I just kind of sigh and say "Oh well. Will do what I can and complete my daily."

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Its not what I hear but what I see really. In Voidstar after I call left, while solo guarding only to die by a quick 4 on 1. Then up there right as the gate closes and you watch all the little purple guys on your radar leave right to go left. At that point I am raging.


"Don't leave right empty!"

"Don't leave right empty!"


Funny. How every one of them heard the call for help left; not a single one responds to the desperate plea to not leave right unguarded...


Seriously. It is the only time I get really frustrated. Everything else, I just kind of sigh and say "Oh well. Will do what I can and complete my daily."


Yeah this happens a lot, I think people must get too excited in their battles to watch the chat I guess.

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I was playing in Civil War earlier this week and as we were trying to regroup from losing mid, score was 450 to 370



..."We can't cap a node if we aren't focus targeting. Hit left together and fight the same marked target"



..."It doesn't matter, its too late. I'm getting my medals"


Gotta say, I am level 78 Valor and this is the first time I have heard this.

Edited by Hyryu
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Sucks to be you, never seen any of those in my matches. Worst thing I hear in WZs are people who lie to make it seem like they're not bad like in Huttball "I didn't pass cause I was stunned" after they died whilst walking, or "I got ninja capped by 4 invis" in Ald when there's already 6 enemy players fighting in the middle and 1 defending their node.


Really? Sucks to be you is the best input you got?

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You just reminded me of something that I hate in warzones. I'm playing a new low level alt and I haven't rebound the R key that is defaulted to reply. I'll be fighting someone and then my character stops moving or attacking even though I'm hitting buttons frantically. I look up at the chat box and all I see is: wdsawdsadawrrreeeeqsdawsdqwqeasdf


Makes me rage at myself for that stupid reply button



I removed my reply button. I hate that stuff myself.

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