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Honest opinion- do you think the game is in trouble?


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Maybe my perspective is biased as my server is pretty much a ghost server (Lord Calypho) but I do think the game is in trouble. We went from 200+ servers to what, 40? 30? And I don't really see SWTOR gaining subs with GW2 lurking in the corner, about to steal subs from the PvP crowd (since GW2 is free to play, people may play both games, but you'll definitely see a drop in player activity).


However if Bioware plays its cards right it may well still turn into a great success, if only they have the courage to do what no MMO after SW:Galaxies has done before: successfully merge traditional WoW-style land-based gameplay with proper space content (X-wing vs Tie-fighter or SW-Battleground like).


With gw2 having legal purchase of ingame currency for cash i do wonder how many will stay after beta. (pc gamer uk edition issue 241 july page 60-61)

Edited by Shingara
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I do believe "swtor" is in trouble!


Not because its about to go F2P, but because of how "EA" messed up the game since day 1.


Going f2p will actually give them more income. Averyone in the gaming industry knows that players tend to spend more in a f2p game than in a pay to play one. People will be charged couple $ for every funny thing they want in the game. Mounts, unlockable contents, inventory spaces, gear(maybe high tier gear,mods etc) and maybe even autorisation to chat in-game etc etc. There are plenty of things they can ask players to pay $1-2 and it can easily become a lot more expansive than paying a $15/month sub.


Its only a marketing tool, not a desperate move. The industry is changing and "EA" needs to adapte to be competitive.



As I said, the whole problem is how "EA" manages the game and how we were promised things for this game that never came or are totally different. Exemples:


-Someone told us the game "world" would be something like 2 times bigger than the "WoW" world.....

-We were promised intense world PvP...

-Open world(yes there are but not as much as we were told there would be)


there only to name a few things. Bioware promised us a lot of things that we didnt get and it was all part of their marketing strategy. Lot of false advertisement and I blame "EA" for this.


We all know "EA" owns Bioware and if "EA" says "we dont have money to do this" , Bioware cant do **** about it.


"EA" makes everything it touches rot. Bioware should have never sold to "EA".


Because of that transaction, swtor wasnt made by gamers for gamers, it was made by selfish money-whores for gamers.


I believe swtor suffers from an enourmous lake of management and we know "management" cost money and who injects money for swtor? "EA"


"EA" I hate you.


With all my non-respect,(for EA)



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This game will not go P2W, and no it is not in trouble. What they need is some major advertising. I'm still seeing D3 adverts everywhere.


Well, D3 is an easier sell - no subscription - and it's still a very new game, so they plan to spend more on ads. They may feel they have to spend more on ads with a summer launch, too, and they're using D3 to hook people into WoW and vice versa. Heck all the Blizz games do a good job with their BNet system of cross-selling the other products.


Big advertising is super expensive and often not worth it for a game that's out there. But getting some help in the form of discounts when customers buy other EA products and vice versa to hook people in would probably be a good idea.


I don't know how it really is at EA but they interviewed a guy at BW in Montreal(?) and he said EA just writes checks and collects receipts. I feel like the EA sports people are not willing to risk their revenue to support SWTOR the way the Blizz family of games all tie into each other and support one another.

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With gw2 having legal purchase of ingame currency for cash i do wonder how many will stay after beta. (pc gamer uk edition issue 241 july page 60-61)


That fact will be silenced both in the media and the internet by the ArenaNet fanboys.

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ow ye i can believe that, one tried to shout me down as a lier until i linked the magazine, article and page numbers, that why i put that there this time. It is amazing how they will attack this and call me a fanboi but when shoe is on other foot, boom watch out /duckandcover. Edited by Shingara
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With gw2 having legal purchase of ingame currency for cash i do wonder how many will stay after beta. (pc gamer uk edition issue 241 july page 60-61)


Given that everyone knows how it works and that it is not P2W, why would anyone leave for that reason alone ?

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Given that everyone knows how it works and that it is not P2W, why would anyone leave for that reason alone ?


Please explain to me how a person could buy millions of ingame credits and buy the best gear, pay people ingame to run and boost them and to upgrade everything on there account to the max isnt pay to win.

Edited by Shingara
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You miss a key principle here, swg pre cu was not a themepark game, soe tried to turn it into one, they destroyed what swg was in the chase to get more subs then wow, failed hard because of that, they broke the cardinal rule, do not put in a change to totaly destory your game that subscribers are paying for, wows messing with that now not swtor.


except it was failing hard long before they turned it into a theme park game. In fact it was able to keep more subscribers as a theme park game then it was as a sandbox

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Given that everyone knows how it works and that it is not P2W, why would anyone leave for that reason alone ?


Because they get constantly beaten in GW2's "fabled" PvP to people who have bought their equipment with real money when they themselves wear stuff earned through gameplay? :rolleyes:

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except it was failing hard long before they turned it into a theme park game. In fact it was able to keep more subscribers as a theme park game then it was as a sandbox


I said when they tried to turn it into a themepark, i played cu, i was on euro-inifinity, i remember the socail class, the entertainers and musician, style designers and bioanalysis, when we used to get fatigue and go into a cantina and talk and have a community, it was a great game. And there were way more in it pre cu then post. All those ghost towns that said fu from the air, we left those.

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Because they get constantly beaten in GW2's "fabled" PvP to people who have bought their equipment with real money when they themselves wear stuff earned through gameplay? :rolleyes:


All gear in competitive PVP is normalised , you can't 'buy' better. At least read up on a subject before you post.

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All gear in competitive PVP is normalised , you can't 'buy' better. At least read up on a subject before you post.


Can you be boosted, yes, do you even know what all the micro trans are gonna be no, is there gonna be an ah system for trading. And if you cant have better as you put it what is the point of getting new gear. the ability to buy the prime credit in the game for real money from the games creators is quite frankly insane, and i noticed you dodged my question.

Edited by Shingara
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Please explain to me how a person could buy millions of ingame credits and buy the best gear, pay people ingame to run and boost them and to upgrade everything on there account to the max isnt pay to win.


You can't buy gold.

All gear is equal at max level, there is no concept of 'best' , differences are purely cosmetic.

Not sure how you would boost somone in that game as you are made level appropriate for zone.

Yes, I could buy an extra char slot, something many in SWTOR would be willing to do,


Once more, what exactly does someone 'win' ? And more importantly what does someone 'lose' as a result ?

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Because they get constantly beaten in GW2's "fabled" PvP to people who have bought their equipment with real money when they themselves wear stuff earned through gameplay? :rolleyes:


From my understanding.... everyone is on equal footing in WvWvW. When you zone in you are auto leveled to max level, with the best gear and all skills available. You cant really buy better gear.

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You can't buy gold.

All gear is equal at max level, there is no concept of 'best' , differences are purely cosmetic.

Not sure how you would boost somone in that game as you are made level appropriate for zone.

Yes, I could buy an extra char slot, something many in SWTOR would be willing to do,


Once more, what exactly does someone 'win' ? And more importantly what does someone 'lose' as a result ?


Guildwars 2's microtransactions system, where players will be able to trade real money for in-game currency, has been controversial since its announcment in march.


thats a direct quite from the magazine. and me buying a char slot for £2 is not the same as me being able to purchase 300 million credits in swtor for £120.

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Can you be boosted, yes, do you even know what all the micro trans are gonna be no, is there gonna be an ah system for trading. And if you cant have better as you put it what is the point of getting new gear. the ability to buy the prime credit in the game for real money from the games creators is quite frankly insane, and i noticed you dodged my question.


The game does not play that way. You are auto leveled to the appropriate level of content you are doing. Lower levels can mentor up to higher level friends. Higher level friends get down leveled based on the content they are doing. Gear is mostly cosmetic. There isnt a substantial difference. In PVP there is zero difference because of the way PVP works.


As for your SWG posts... the game had roughly 250k subscribers and was losing 10k subs a month before the cu.

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The game does not play that way. You are auto leveled to the appropriate level of content you are doing. Lower levels can mentor up to higher level friends. Higher level friends get down leveled based on the content they are doing. Gear is mostly cosmetic. There isnt a substantial difference. In PVP there is zero difference because of the way PVP works.


Just a second but let me see if im getting this right, you think at top lvl in guildwars 2 that no matter what you wear in pvp everyone will be equal, that there is no gear train at all, there there is no point todo anything or buy anything ever because you could wear any old skanky armour and be as good as someone who has done the hardest things or earned gotten the hardest to get items.


So how do they make money in gw2 again ?


As for your SWG posts... the game had roughly 250k subscribers and was losing 10k subs a month before the cu.


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thats a direct quite from the magazine. and me buying a char slot for £2 is not the same as me being able to purchase 300 million credits in swtor for £120.


Ah, a quote from a magazine, perhaps he may have played. Once more, you can't buy gold.


Do some more research on Gems.


As you are avoiding questions, I'll try once more, what do I 'win' and what does someone else 'lose' ?

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Ah, a quote from a magazine, perhaps he may have played. Once more, you can't buy gold.


Do some more research on Gems.


As you are avoiding questions, I'll try once more, what do I 'win' and what does someone else 'lose' ?


thats an interview with Mike o'Brien, maybe you have heard of him.


(see what i mean Rouge )

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No I Don't think the game is in trouble. At launch WoW was the crappiest, high latency, unfinished, unstable piece of work. How it survived its first 9 months is anyon'es guess. It surely did not have 1 mill subs at launch.


If people would concentrate more on their own gameplay and less on the gameplay of other people in a completely different game then maybe they wouldn't panic needlessly.

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in order for swtor to last 1.3 has to be the jesus patch that 1.2 was not. The game is obviously dieing and the free transfers are just a bandage that is gonna wear out and with guild wars 2 coming on the horizon and considering ive been in both betas and love it i have to say swtor is in major trouble. imo gw2 is already better then swtor being out for months and its a f2p game. if swtor's 1.3 patch is not amazing then swtor is dead for sure and i promise a another dip in subscriptions when gw2 is released Edited by Kyllum
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Just a second but let me see if im getting this right, you think at top lvl in guildwars 2 that no matter what you wear in pvp everyone will be equal, that there is no gear train at all, there there is no point todo anything or buy anything ever because you could wear any old skanky armour and be as good as someone who has done the hardest things or earned gotten the hardest to get items.





Basically, yes, 'better' pvp gear as you put it is acheived by participating in PVP for which you get a 'currency' . This 'currency' cannot be gained via the cash shop.

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Basically, yes, 'better' pvp gear as you put it is acheived by participating in PVP for which you get a 'currency' . This 'currency' cannot be gained via the cash shop.


whatever you have to tell yourself. discussion over. I shall not have a flamewar about another mmo on these forums.

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Still failing to answer the question I see.


Nope, your reaction is answering it perfectly, like i said i refuse to have a flamewar because you just found out that you can buy ingame currency for real money on gw2. BTW Mike o'brian is the ceo of arenanet.

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