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Honest opinion- do you think the game is in trouble?


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Perhaps they should have gone with a movie, instead. They seem to be pretty good with cinematics and story. :cool:


The 3 cinematic trailers were pretty darn good. Way better than the terrible prequels that Lucas made.

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This is where we differ. I use SWTOR to judge how well SWTOR is doing. I'm not demanding anything either. I was stating my opinion. Argue against it and insult it all you like buddy, it wont change.


If you do not enjoy SWTOR rhen simply dont play it. And take my advice do not ever play another mmo again. SWTOR is one of the better mmo's out their.

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The game is fine and thriving.


It's the doomsayers who are mistaken.


I'm quoting my own previous post because you are mistaken and relying on blind faith.


I'm one of those doomsayers so sue me.


SWTOR is incredibly linear. Every world is boxed in...

There is no exploration.

NPC's are too static. They don't move around, they don't do anything. There is simply no life in this game, they just stand there.

No day or night cycle, no weather. Everything looks like a movie set piece.

Social hubs are boring, you can't even sit on a chair or interact with objects except lore objects in this game.

Every flashpoint and operations are on the fleet, which forces people to stay on the fleet.

Daily quests are too repetitive and just plain boring to do.

We are in 2012, why is there on-rails space combat...what is this 1993?

PVP is no fun.

Theme Park MMO at it's finest, SWG did it right by having a sandbox.


Yea this game is in trouble. -sigh-

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If you do not enjoy SWTOR rhen simply dont play it. And take my advice do not ever play another mmo again. SWTOR is one of the better mmo's out their.


You need to learn to read better. I've never said I don't enjoy the game. I do. But it's 90% because of the people I play with, not the quality or abundance of the content. I'm also a big boy...I can make my own decisions on which game I spend my $ on. I appreciate your concern though.

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Really? because WoW took 5 years of development and was barren compared to SWTOR.


I do wish people would stop attempting to compare this game to WoWs early days. We are in 2012, SWTOR is a modern MMO, released by a big name RPG developer and the game is in competition with its contemporaries. They’ve had 5 years to look at what else is out there and gain an understanding to the market and customer expectations.

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I do wish people would stop attempting to compare this game to WoWs early days. We are in 2012, SWTOR is a modern MMO, released by a big name RPG developer and the game is in competition with its contemporaries. They’ve had 5 years to look at what else is out there and gain an understanding to the market and customer expectations.


Is there anything not in the game right now that they said would be in the game ?

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I read that, and that is part of the reason for my concern. Does F2p necessarily mean the game is a failure though?


Not always, but it will give them a bigger piece of the gaming market, at some point all current mmo's will be f2p, even wow, if wow did it soon since everyone seems to follow wow, I guess it would be taken better in the gaming world.

But over all Tor has a huge problem with diverseity, at end game, plus the fact when I play TOR, I feel like am just playing through the world, and my toon does not live in the world, this is a big flaw in all straight up theme park games. Plus to much focus on gear grinds, there needs to be other reasons to play other than gear, in open world pvp for example something that would benifit my faction like a DAOC style pvp, putting the "Wars" back into Sta Wars.

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Is there anything not in the game right now that they said would be in the game ?


Immaterial, I’m not saying that they conned anyone. I’m saying that what they released doesn’t have the content to compete long-term in the current market and that a direct comparison to the release version of WoW is nonsensical for a MMO released in December 2011.

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Immaterial, I’m not saying that they conned anyone. I’m saying that what they released doesn’t have the content to compete long-term in the current market and that a direct comparison to the release version of WoW is nonsensical for a MMO released in December 2011.


so a game that took as long to develope must have more content on launch becames it came out 10 years later, And even though it has everything they said it would have makes no difference ?

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While I don't think the game is "one foot in the grave"......I will say they cause themselves a lot of trouble and cost themselves many more customers than should have been.

They consistently make irritating decisions and annoying mistakes. They constantly implement frustrating "balances" and.......kind of alienate their customers with some of their poor choices in design or, at the very least, lack of good choices in design with less than enough communications regarding those choices.

Their communication is often vague and/or unclear, their moderation of forums is inconsistent, and they are far too easy on hackers/cheats. They regularly over promise and under-deliver.......which in and of itself is a recipe for disaster.

So all that being said.....the game is still going to make them money and....at present, is not in trouble. But they sure are leaving a metric ton of money on the table (for other studios to get a piece of) while they flop around like a fish out of water, trying to learn how to please their MMO gamers.

Edited by WickedImage
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world pvp is here, the den still works, ranked wasnt set for release and we were told specifically that same gender romances wernt going to be in release.


Ranked wzs were set for 1.2.


They aren't in the game yet.


You asked for features they said they would deliver on that are not in game, I provided them. You adding these circumstances now doesn't really change the fact that I'm right.


World pvp isn't here. I think the burden of proof is on you to provide me evidence that the Den is a functional and attractive pvp area that is regularly used. Otherwise I'm simply going to continue believing that world pvp isn't functional within this game.

Edited by Celebrus
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so a game that took as long to develope must have more content on launch becames it came out 10 years later, And even though it has everything they said it would have makes no difference ?


If it hopes to succeed in the current market, yes. You seem to be getting quite defensive about the game but this is the bottom line no matter how you look at it. Does this game have the rounded content needed to be successful in 2012? The answer at the moment is no. People were pointing this out during beta.

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Is there anything not in the game right now that they said would be in the game ?

January 4th - "Players can now use emotes while riding a vehicle."

Open World PvP - "We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis."

Month after month content - "We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting."

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You didn't wave your hand, your mind trick is fooling no one! :o


Aah my friend. I am an old, old Jedi -- my mind trick might not have worked on you, but DuckKing got falcon punched still. So, it still worked :)

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If it hopes to succeed in the current market, yes. You seem to be getting quite defensive about the game but this is the bottom line no matter how you look at it. Does this game have the rounded content needed to be successful in 2012? The answer at the moment is no. People were pointing this out during beta.


Im not meaning to come across as ultra defensive dont get me wrong, but this game stands up on a very strong bioware made story rpgmmo, rpg being the main part. As it stands it has enough content to compete in 2012, does it have enough content to be world number one is the difference and the difference i think people are mistaking for what has to be a competative game.


Does it have things it could do with, obviously, does it have things it could have done with on release, of course. But is this a fun and enjoyable game and the answer to that is very much yes. They delivered everying on launch they said they would, the only thing they have slipped on really is illum not working as intended of which as much blame for that falls on the community as bioware and ranked pvp going from 1.2 to 1.3 and thats only because it was broken, after illum none of us wanted something in the game that didnt work especialy todo with pvp.


we have seen whats coming, and we have seen how good they are at live events. They are putting content into the game fast and are obviously listening to the playerbase as group finder is coming and the ui changes came into effect.


They have a vision of where the game is going, it might not line up totaly with what i want, or you want or others want but what they have shown us looks like a good direction.

Edited by Shingara
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Ranked wzs were set for 1.2.


They aren't in the game yet.


You asked for features they said they would deliver on that are not in game, I provided them. You adding these circumstances now doesn't really change the fact that I'm right.


World pvp isn't here. I think the burden of proof is on you to provide me evidence that the Den is a functional and attractive pvp area that is regularly used. Otherwise I'm simply going to continue believing that world pvp isn't functional within this game.


Ranked WZ got pushed back which is not a big deal because i rather have functioning system then a buggy one. and your correct that world pvp needs some help but it is delivered no matter how much you complain about it. And if BW is reading this they should take my suggestion and implement a daily that has worthwhile reward for both open PvP area's . And in worthwhile i mean at least same reward as 6-7 standard WZ matches

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