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Rakata/Columi Vs. Recruit/BM/WH


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I've been away from PvP for a while, since before 1.2 pretty much, mostly been doing PvE, and most of my characters are in a mix of Columi/Rakata gear. I've been getting back into it and been wondering how my gear will stack up against some of the PvP gear. The way I see it, I'll most likley just save up at least 1/2 a set of BM gear before switching to PvP gear. losing 25-30 of my stat per piece of gear, along with the non optimised stats on the PvP gear just seems like too big of a hit unless I get a couple hundred expertise to help make up for it. Any advice on what I should do?
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I've been away from PvP for a while, since before 1.2 pretty much, mostly been doing PvE, and most of my characters are in a mix of Columi/Rakata gear. I've been getting back into it and been wondering how my gear will stack up against some of the PvP gear. The way I see it, I'll most likley just save up at least 1/2 a set of BM gear before switching to PvP gear. losing 25-30 of my stat per piece of gear, along with the non optimised stats on the PvP gear just seems like too big of a hit unless I get a couple hundred expertise to help make up for it. Any advice on what I should do?


Basics of PvP gear(for part-timers): Columi-> BM is an upgrade, Rak->BM is not much of an upgrade, its about even.


For you take your Rak shells, find the optimized "equiv" Mod/Enh on the BM pieces, put them into your Rak shell. You can do the same thing with the columi ones, but they are a slight nerf compared to the BM equiv..

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I've been away from PvP for a while, since before 1.2 pretty much, mostly been doing PvE, and most of my characters are in a mix of Columi/Rakata gear. I've been getting back into it and been wondering how my gear will stack up against some of the PvP gear.


Welcome back. Here are a couple threads that did a nice breakdown of Expertise 1.2 and its relation to PvE gear.





More than anything, I think it really comes down to Expertise having no DR. Stats do. And even if you are stat loaded, the defensive bonus from Expertise helps a lot with burst.


As I'm sure you are already aware, BM gear is stupid easy to get now. My Marauder just turned 50 two days ago and already has 4 BM pieces and his Mainhand. I don't do endgame PvE much at all anymore on any of my toons, but there is definitely room for min/maxing with PvE mods once you hit Full BM and 1200 Expertise. I would go with the BM gear as a foundation though.

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go to your pvp vendor, talk to the recruit vendor, buy a full set of recruit gear, enter pvp.


You should NOT be in pvp zero expertise. I know the recruit gear looks like it drops all your stats and you're gonna lose all those hp, but it simply does not matter. Expertise > pve gear no matter what.


PvP'ing in non PvP gear = you back here posting how some op killed you in 2 global cooldowns, or how some sent/mara ravaged you for 123498712340412371890237190238750123498571023497809 damage.


Dont listen to the ********. Get in the recruit gear, take you're lumps like everyone else and work you're way up to wh, its really not that bad of a grind, even more so now with the server merges.

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If you go into PvP wearing your PvE gear, you will be lol'd at by your own team.


Seriously, if you are going to get into saving for BM/WH you'd be better off going Recruit > BM > WH.


It is pointless for you to place the BM gear in the bank and use your Raid gear in PvP, better off hanging up the Raid gear than the BM. Then when you are needed for a Raid, it'll just take a simple dusting.

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No. You need the expertise to be useful at all, this isn't pre 1.2. PvE gear doesn't cut it anymore. Get some Recruit



If you don't believe me, go PvP in your PvE gear and see how fast you get rolled.


well i was PvPing a bit yesterday in my PvE gear and I was doing alright. I had a set of recruit gear a little while ago, but when i see myself lose like 400 cunning, and around 10% crit chance, and 10% surge, I just don't see how recruit can possibly be any good for me.

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well i was PvPing a bit yesterday in my PvE gear and I was doing alright. I had a set of recruit gear a little while ago, but when i see myself lose like 400 cunning, and around 10% crit chance, and 10% surge, I just don't see how recruit can possibly be any good for me.


Operatives may be the one class that is able to get away with it, but you doing more healing a live than dead.

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well i was PvPing a bit yesterday in my PvE gear and I was doing alright. I had a set of recruit gear a little while ago, but when i see myself lose like 400 cunning, and around 10% crit chance, and 10% surge, I just don't see how recruit can possibly be any good for me.


My Sentinel currently has +1300 expertise. I run into you in a wz match. I'll be doing +22% more dmg to you and I'll have +18% dmg reduction from your attacks, since you have zero expertise.


All the extra endurance and cunning won't do anything.


It's simple you need expertise.

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Just grind the BM gear... you may find a few pieces of rakata to be useful but you would need a pretty significant stat increase to make it better than expertise. I believe it's about 2-1.


Anyways, you can grind full BM in 3-4 days of decent grinding. Just get it over with and you'll see the difference. Expertise should be a minimum of 900-1000 from what I understand.

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I agree with everybody else. Get some Recruit gear to PvP with. You will be ridiculed and scorned if you don't. I only have six more pieces of BM gear before I am in full and I got that in 2.5 days of hard grinding PvP. Do like I do. I keep my PvE set and my PvP set on me so I can swap to the appropriate gear when I need it. Do the same and you will be good.
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well i was PvPing a bit yesterday in my PvE gear and I was doing alright. I had a set of recruit gear a little while ago, but when i see myself lose like 400 cunning, and around 10% crit chance, and 10% surge, I just don't see how recruit can possibly be any good for me.


It's not any good if you are in Col/Rak gear already. It's a nerf; regardless of the expertise "value". The PvE equiv is barely below it, but like I said earlier, if you got columi, exchange it for BM, if you got Rakata, exchange it for WH(only get the BM piece if you need it for exchange) .


COL (better if you ask me)(lvl 56) ~= REC(lvl "53")

RAK(lvl 58)~= BM(lvl 58)

BH(lvl 61)~=WH(lvl 61)


You can wear the PvE equiv and lose very little (if anything)in terms or damage/healing output. The whole "DR" thing is under debate, but DR really only is "effective" when receiving healing from others, but I don't see how DR in the hundreds is worth losing HP in the thousands and also assumes you

1. Have a healer or can self-heal while in combat.

2. No one dies quickly.


TTK is too low for DR to even matter right now so I carry very little EXP. Check out my link if you want to know further details..

Edited by L-RANDLE
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Speaking as a healer, please buy yourself some recruit gear before you start pvping. Extra HP really doesn't help that much when you take more dmg and receive less healing from me, all while doing less dmg than you could to the enemy. A new 50 in recruit gear can't and shouldn't solo full WH player, but what they can do help with the objectives longer than a pve-geared player. (i.e. interrupt caps, still be around to use their CCs when needed, etc etc)


From personal experience, full BM gear outperforms (basically) full Rakata. I add the caveat because the guy in question (another Sorc healer) had slightly modded his Rakata gear to give himself 250 expt. He was trying to tell me that his setup was better than my full BM gear. I proceeded to out-heal and out-dmg him in every game we happened to play together over a 2 month period. Now, that could be attributed to me simply out-playing him, but I have a hunch that actually having respectable expt also played a big factor. Obviously, things only got better for me as I bought myself WH gear.


Please, pvp in pvp gear.


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, The Shadowlands-

Edited by Sock_Bramson
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Speaking as a healer, please buy yourself some recruit gear before you start pvping. Extra HP really doesn't help that much when you take more dmg and receive less healing from me, all while doing less dmg than you could to the enemy. A new 50 in recruit gear can't and shouldn't solo full WH player, but what they can do help with the objectives longer than a pve-geared player. (i.e. interrupt caps, still be around to use their CCs when needed, etc etc)


From personal experience, full BM gear outperforms (basically) full Rakata. I add the caveat because the guy in question (another Sorc healer) had slightly modded his Rakata gear to give himself 250 expt. He was trying to tell me that his setup was better than my full BM gear. I proceeded to out-heal and out-dmg him in every game we happened to play together over a 2 month period. Now, that could be attributed to me simply out-playing him, but I have a hunch that actually having respectable expt also played a big factor. Obviously, things only got better for me as I bought myself WH gear.


Please, pvp in pvp gear.


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, The Shadowlands-


i thought expertise just increased healing done, not healing recieved.

also, its kind of a moot point anyway because i hardly ever see healers in warzones anyway.


It just seems like such a loss. I think i vendored the recruit set that i had simply because i lost around 10% crit and surge, and 400 or so of my main stat, and about 5k HP. i just didnt see how the expertise boose from recruit makes up for that.

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Depending upon make up of the other team, you might have been grouped with decent pvpers who watched out for you or you faced poorly geared or inexperienced players. Expertise makes ahuge difference in WZ's.. do a bit more reading and the general concensus is to get at least the main gear set recruit pieces
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dear lord they still dont get it... human race is doomed


pvp gear to pvp

pve gear to pve


is not rocket science


and yes Rakata is a lil better then recruit but BM is better then Rakata hands down


and it really take 1 week to get BM so you are excused in rakata only the first week

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No. You need the expertise to be useful at all, this isn't pre 1.2. PvE gear doesn't cut it anymore. Get some Recruit



If you don't believe me, go PvP in your PvE gear and see how fast you get rolled.


I'm with the OP, literally in this sense as I'm PvPing with him, Im full rakata, and still have full Champion gear, which is better than the recruit gear by a little bit, I see a slight increase in damage and survivability wearing Rakata rather than my Champion stuff. And get cut down easily in both by anyone wearing BM or WH,

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dear lord they still dont get it... human race is doomed


pvp gear to pvp

pve gear to pve


is not rocket science


and yes Rakata is a lil better then recruit but BM is better then Rakata hands down


and it really take 1 week to get BM so you are excused in rakata only the first week


.........i know pvp in pvp gear and pve in pve gear. im just saying, the fact that i lose a massive amount of stats by going from rakata/columi --> recruit doesnt seem like it would be offset by the 12% bonus from the expertise. hence why i came here looking for more info on the subject

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.........i know pvp in pvp gear and pve in pve gear. im just saying, the fact that i lose a massive amount of stats by going from rakata/columi --> recruit doesnt seem like it would be offset by the 12% bonus from the expertise. hence why i came here looking for more info on the subject


I get ya, but trust me - and pretty much everyone on this forum (for a change )- wear recruit gear.

Your pve stat aint worth crap if you're dead.

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