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What's the point of having two factions for PVE?


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It's just for the story and the fact pretty much every game has some PvP in it. Though it doesn't have to be like you expect. I remember back to playing Asheron's Call where in that game you picked one of 3 factions to join AFTER making your character. As far as PvE went everyone could group up but if you entered a PvP zone it was dog eat dog. A game could get away with this concept easily unless the game itself was expected to have certain warring sides with races and all, but it seems like an easy way to make 3 warring sides without effecting PvE.


Agreed lore wise, the factions are pretty much the same as LoTRO, they did a single faction game and took a different direction with PVP.

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Faction interaction is little to none.


You only interact with them in warzones.


You can see them in certain planets questing, you can attack them if flagged, or chat with them locally.


What's the point?


Besides having the OPTION of choosing another faction with new stories/characters.


There is no point at all, for story purposes while leveling i can see why we have the split, but at level 50, none what so ever, Most players can choose to be light-side or dark-side and in my opinion that is what represents your standing in the universe, not your class.


The republic would have and employ bounty hunters, just as the empire would, and nothing is stopping a Sith from defecting to the Jedi....Only in SWTOR is the class restricted to the side they play with. In reality a person would choose their side based on their instincts.


Han solo was a pilot for the empire being going it alone as a smuggler, and Anakin Skywalker was a Jedi for almost 18 years before becoming a Sith.........Class should not represent the side you play for, They should remove the faction choice at character select, and make it an option via Light-side and Dark-side points.


Let alone that half the stories in the game have some kind of defector element along the lines somewhere, Lord Scourge for example, The entire JK story is about Jedi Masters defecting and so on.


In all honesty any change does not have to affect the storys, if you are a Jedi and frequently pick DS options everyone questions your motives, If a player picked all DS as they leveled and wanted to PVP they could gauge you fights on what side you are in, based on Positive and Negative Points. Meaning if a BH decided to go all LS in their story, when it came to PVP they would fight for the Republic. It makes no difference as they are effectively a Trooper.

Edited by Nippon
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Because it's Star Wars, and there are two sides. Republic and Empire, Light and Dark, Jedi and Sith. As a primarily PvE player, I would be upset if I wasn't allowed to play characters on both sides.


Once again, it's Star Wars. Palpatine would never team up with Yoda even if he was on a PvE server and they were the only people on the fleet on their respective sides.

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Because it's Star Wars, and there are two sides. Republic and Empire, Light and Dark, Jedi and Sith. As a primarily PvE player, I would be upset if I wasn't allowed to play characters on both sides.


Once again, it's Star Wars. Palpatine would never team up with Yoda even if he was on a PvE server and they were the only people on the fleet on their respective sides.


Yet in the actual game a JK has to team up with a Sith Lord (scourge) who maintains constantly that he is a SIth and will never join the Jedi, his goal is to out the emperor for his own gains and he has no real alignment. Yet fights for the Republic...!!!


Flawed logic much. ??

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Well Jedi and Sith (Republic and Empire) are always at war, they are opposites. It wouldn't make sense to have jedi mixing with sith, especially in this time period.


Maybe as the story moves on it might work, as well as a 3rd faction thats some where in the middle (if they get enough players for a 3rd). But not at the moment.

Edited by NasherUK
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It's not only on a PvE server but PvP servers you rarely see another person from the opposing faction. Half the time you're in your own area for your faction the other half you're in a instanced story zone or mission. Open world pvp in this game is a bigger joke than Diablo 3 and Ilum just proves my point. Would be nice to see some quest interaction with the opposing faction, maybe one quest has you repair something than a sith quest is to blow it up, something along those lines. But BW couldn't figure out open world PvP so I wouldn't get my hopes up.
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But BW couldn't figure out open world PvP so I wouldn't get my hopes up.


Plenty of World PvP, small scale and large scale on Jung Ma. World PvP is something created by the community, not the developer. If the players really wanted it, they'd go out and do it rather than whine about it.

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Yet in the actual game a JK has to team up with a Sith Lord (scourge) who maintains constantly that he is a SIth and will never join the Jedi, his goal is to out the emperor for his own gains and he has no real alignment. Yet fights for the Republic...!!!


Flawed logic much. ??

He doesn't exactly "Fight" for the Republic. Because of what he did, he's no longer welcome among other Sith. Besides, he still likes Imperial Memorabilia when you gift him it.
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If a player picked all DS as they leveled and wanted to PVP they could gauge you fights on what side you are in, based on Positive and Negative Points. Meaning if a BH decided to go all LS in their story, when it came to PVP they would fight for the Republic. It makes no difference as they are effectively a Trooper.


So would they change what fleet you went on? Would they just let everyone go everywhere without any consequences? IMHO this is not SW. So they would have a DS fleet and a LS fleet and what Light or Dark level would that happen at? Where would all the people be that are neutral, or low level toons that have no side yet? If i make a ton of friends on the light side but want a dark side pet, I have to go neutral (change Fleets), go dark (change fleets), and get my pet and go back again.Oh but if all that didn't happen then they kept it how it is and just organized pvp DS vs. LS? What do I do if I am dark and you are light and we are in the same guild? We can't pvp together? There can never be organized groups, or pre-mades, or any kind of collaboration between same faction people because some people may have wanted to be a DS JK, or a LS SI.


I think it is really dumb to have a class like the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter restricted to one faction.


Do you think for a split second that anyone would play Emps or Pubs if there were classes that could be both? The imbalances would be even greater. If they did make them able to be played as either one, you would still have to pick at the start and stick with it.


Han Solo the smuggler was smuggling from the Empire, not the sith empire but the one that the republic turns into.


This game takes place before the original trilogy, as far as lore is concerned.


Back to the original question, I think it adds to the pvp dynamic to have an ongoing conflict, and secondly that it fits into the lore, They both go hand in hand.

Since every server has pvp of some sort this is maintained even on pve servers. (also writing severely different code for different servers is a huge time and money sink for the company)

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There is no point at all, for story purposes while leveling i can see why we have the split, but at level 50, none what so ever, Most players can choose to be light-side or dark-side and in my opinion that is what represents your standing in the universe, not your class.


The republic would have and employ bounty hunters, just as the empire would, and nothing is stopping a Sith from defecting to the Jedi....Only in SWTOR is the class restricted to the side they play with. In reality a person would choose their side based on their instincts.


Han solo was a pilot for the empire being going it alone as a smuggler, and Anakin Skywalker was a Jedi for almost 18 years before becoming a Sith.........Class should not represent the side you play for, They should remove the faction choice at character select, and make it an option via Light-side and Dark-side points.


Let alone that half the stories in the game have some kind of defector element along the lines somewhere, Lord Scourge for example, The entire JK story is about Jedi Masters defecting and so on.


In all honesty any change does not have to affect the storys, if you are a Jedi and frequently pick DS options everyone questions your motives, If a player picked all DS as they leveled and wanted to PVP they could gauge you fights on what side you are in, based on Positive and Negative Points. Meaning if a BH decided to go all LS in their story, when it came to PVP they would fight for the Republic. It makes no difference as they are effectively a Trooper.


Your words lose all meaning when you fail to recognize that the factions are your political stance and have no correlation with morality. That being said, we do find many more dark siders in the empire but this is simply due to the fact that the movies depicted it to be that way.

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There is also plenty of room for a 3rd faction as well. But why go out on a limb and risk something that is different than what is already successful when you can just copy it and put a star wars label on it?


They could if wanted have introduced a third faction, a netural, say Hutt/ Crime faction which deals with both Imp and Pub. However the balancing of the game would have been much more complicated.

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Faction interaction is little to none.


You only interact with them in warzones.


You can see them in certain planets questing, you can attack them if flagged, or chat with them locally.


What's the point?


Besides having the OPTION of choosing another faction with new stories/characters.


There's no point. Just like playing an MMO for PvE.



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The short answer is because it's easier to have two factions and lump people together for them. It helps with balancing and all other things that the players don't generally think about. It also was easier to write their stories if everyone was already in a pre-defined faction that wasn't going to change.


It would be awesome if Smugglers and Bounty Hunters started off in a neutral-state and were able to maybe pick a faction later based on their story, or even just stayed neutral. But when it comes to warzones and things of that nature it becomes more difficult to deal with three or more factions instead of just two.

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BLah blah blah Education.....please ladies, you're both pretty.


It's true, we should have interaction between factions, but not to a point of ridiculous lore-smashing stupidity.


Like quests and situations that involve the necessity for both factions to work togethor....or even just to allow us to socialize and hang out with our friends on the Imperial Side.

Is that so wrong on a PVE server?


Now on a PvP server, i can understand why you would wanna keep both factions FAAAAARRRR away from each other in PvE content.

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Well it is, if he is talking MMOs generically. But if he's talking Star Wars.... well there is 2 factions in the lore.


Correct. There is two main controling forces within the galaxy Star Wars is based upon. But to suggest a Smuggler would be aligned with ether one seems to me to defeat the whole purpose of being Smuggler. Same for the Bounty Hunter. Both those classes are out to make credits and as a rule could not careless about the factions other than how it would affect thier income.


Let us take Hans Solo. He really did not care which side was winning until he got the hots for the Princess. Before that the movie made it clear he was all for himself and making credits. Illegal ways even. I remember reading a post by BioWare about the ship the Smuggler would get which was suppose to have a secret compartment for contraband. Lol! What ever happened to that idea? No matter what choices the Smuggler makes in the game..he is still considered ok with his faction. They even go so far to provide him dark or lightside items. :p

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