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East/West vs Snow/Grass


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East/West is better, no contest.


If you're not familiar with cardinal directions, here's a quick primer. Your mini-map is always oriented so north is up, south is down, east is right, and west is left. This never changes.


You're running around the middle node kiting/chasing someone who is kiting, getting disoriented in the process. Someone calls "snow": oh crap, which way is that? Someone calls "east" instead: you just glance at your mini-map and start moving towards the right side of it.


East and West are constants, so please, use them. in b4 "Snow/Grass doesn't change": what about when Civil War becomes same faction in 1.3? What about Voidstar and Novare Coast, where east and west have no identifying features like snow and grass?


There is no debate, really. "East/West" is by far the easiest way to orient yourself. The people who are used to calling "snow/grass" shouldn't have a problem calling "east/west" because they have to do it for the other maps.


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, The Shadowlands-

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East/West is better, no contest.


If you're not familiar with cardinal directions, here's a quick primer. Your mini-map is always oriented so north is up, south is down, east is right, and west is left. This never changes.


You're running around the middle node kiting/chasing someone who is kiting, getting disoriented in the process. Someone calls "snow": oh crap, which way is that? Someone calls "east" instead: you just glance at your mini-map and start moving towards the right side of it.


East and West are constants, so please, use them. in b4 "Snow/Grass doesn't change": what about when Civil War becomes same faction in 1.3? What about Voidstar and Novare Coast, where east and west have no identifying features like snow and grass?


There is no debate, really. "East/West" is by far the easiest way to orient yourself. The people who are used to calling "snow/grass" shouldn't have a problem calling "east/west" because they have to do it for the other maps.


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, The Shadowlands-


This is a non issue. Calling East/West and Snow/Grass are both effective means of communication. I prefer the grass/snow INC call to the botched "Inc West!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!" 5 seconds later..."I mean East!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" or even worse, no call at all.

Edited by Baizak
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East/West is better, no contest.


If you're not familiar with cardinal directions, here's a quick primer. Your mini-map is always oriented so north is up, south is down, east is right, and west is left. This never changes.


You're running around the middle node kiting/chasing someone who is kiting, getting disoriented in the process. Someone calls "snow": oh crap, which way is that? Someone calls "east" instead: you just glance at your mini-map and start moving towards the right side of it.


East and West are constants, so please, use them. in b4 "Snow/Grass doesn't change": what about when Civil War becomes same faction in 1.3? What about Voidstar and Novare Coast, where east and west have no identifying features like snow and grass?


There is no debate, really. "East/West" is by far the easiest way to orient yourself. The people who are used to calling "snow/grass" shouldn't have a problem calling "east/west" because they have to do it for the other maps.


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, The Shadowlands-


k, won't stop me from referring to grass and snow


imbeciles and fools don't know cardinal directions, some don't know left and right


also, est/west is confusing in voidstar, because the map is upside down, so that east is left and vice-versa when defending, but you can't count on everybody noticing (most people being idiots, of course)


There is no debate,


lol assuming this statement is true (which itself is up for debate), why even post it?

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people can't distinguish left from right anyway....so you can write what you want, snow/grass, monkeys/elefants, cars/trams, they either don't come at all or run an other way...Or they write left themselves and you find yourselfs standing on left alone with no opponents around...
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We've done studies on this. Gass/Snow/Mid is the most efficient and clearest way to communicate.


When someone calls "Grass", your team mates only have to look at their feet to know where to go. If its not green then move. If its green, then look for enemies.


On average people were 70% more responsive.

Edited by Yeochins
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Moving this to this thread from the idiots in WZs thread:


East/West or Snow/Grass, if you're calling anyone an idiot for not using your preferred naming of choice then you are the true idiot for not being able to make the distinction no matter which is called. It's really quite simple and I can work with either one. As anybody else with a more than a few brain cells firing can do. Please stop showing your ignorance/stupidity by arguing it.


Reply to my post:

If you don't understand what I mean when I say "Pink corrosive antelope" then you are the idiot as well then. After all it makes just as much sense as using any other arbitrary descriptive term rather than universal directional skills: IE being able to use a freaking compass.


No, I'm not and this is why: One side has snow and one side has grass thus the descriptors make sense. There are no pink antelopes on either side. Maybe corrosives but that can be either side. Where as I agree that people should know cardinal directions but to say that "pink corrosive antelope" is as logical a descriptor as snow or grass is just argumentive for the sake of being argumentive. It's not a logical or even well thought out argument. It's just plain stupid. It's like someone getting mad because I typed six apples instead of 6 apples and calling me stupid for spelling it out with letters instead of using numerals. Then a bunch of people start arguing over which shoud be used and I reply with both sides are idiots for not understanding both ways. Then somebody responds with "you're an idiot if you don't know that § apples is 6 apples" like it was a valid point. It's not a valid point, it's someone with little reasoning just yelling out something to sound important.


Here's your cookie for trying, though.

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Le sigh. If you're sitting in the middle of CW, all you see is metal. The quickest way to either side is up identical metal ramps. One of them is to the east, the other is to the west.


When you're on the starting ship, there isn't any snow or grass in front of the corresponding speeder. The one on the east side goes east, the one on the west side goes west.


The Voidstar mini-map is not inverted; the cardinal directions still hold true. Ditto for Novare.


I'm not saying that people can't figure out which way to go if they're used to "snow/grass." What I'm saying is it makes much more sense to call "east/west", since it's universally applicable. It's all well and good if you're used to "snow/grass", but don't expect transfers to appreciate your system. I've only seen a few people on our new server who use "snow/grass", so for The Shadowlands, at least, "east/west" is much more common.


How is "snow/grass" quicker for you (whoever posted that)? I'm not asking a rhetorical question, I'm actually curious. It would seem to me that the split second it takes to look at your mini-map is the quickest way to go. Even if it takes the same amount of time to orient yourself either way, I don't see why you wouldn't just use the system that applies to the other capture/defend WZs.


-Hedley Melange <Dynamic>, The Shadowlands-

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We've done studies on this. Gass/Snow/Mid is the most efficient and clearest way to communicate.


When someone calls "Grass", your team mates only have to look at their feet to know where to go. If its not green then move. If its green, then look for enemies.


On average people were 70% more responsive.


What if its concrete?

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The Voidstar mini-map is not inverted; the cardinal directions still hold true.


When you are resurrecting on defense, you are facing south, so west is right and vice-versa. The mini-map reflects this; at the top, you have south (though south is never mentioned in VS for obvious reasons). Just think about it, when a bomb is planted on defense, it says "east" and it's to your left. I know, east means east and it doesn't mean right side, but conventionally, north is up or forward and east is right, simply because that's the way maps are oriented.


I don't think it's very confusing, don't get me wrong.However, I'm not naive enough to think other players realized this or to think that other players actually know how to think. Always assume you are playing with *******, which in most case, it will be true.

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One side has snow and one side has grass thus the descriptors make sense.


Sure, unless you're in the middle surrounded by the walls in which case snow and grass exist about as much as Schrödinger's cat. East/West however remain constant and logical. Might as well use "stairs" and "railings". After all, both of those can be found at those locations as well. :rolleyes:

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Sure, unless you're in the middle surrounded by the walls in which case snow and grass exist about as much as Schrödinger's cat. East/West however remain constant and logical. Might as well use "stairs" and "railings". After all, both of those can be found at those locations as well. :rolleyes:


Let me help.


Snow - east

Grass - west


Now you always know where to go! Now what if someone calls left and I'm looking east.. Do I go to the spawn?

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I do snow/grass because its retardproof.


And in voidstar I call weakside/strongside help.


If you dont know which is which. Look around, if you see 5+ red. You're strong side. If you see 1-3 You're weakside.

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We're missing out the all important "Where I am!"


To be honest, I'm cool with either. Hell, even if they say left or right, I'll know what they're on about since it's your left/right when you leave the speeders. At the end of the day, it's better than no-one saying anything. I personally use east and west. I noticed the compass long before I noticed the snow and grass.


Although I can imagine the hilarity if someone suddenly blurted out "Incoming at snow!" in Voidstar.

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I found that yelling "HELP!" (Or "HALP!" [caps are important]) is at least twice as effective.


If you only have 2 nodes, and you're the only one guarding a node and they know you're guarding. People should know where help implies.

If I see someone yell help, I know exactly what they mean. It usually means there's 4+ people too.

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Sure, unless you're in the middle surrounded by the walls in which case snow and grass exist about as much as Schrödinger's cat. East/West however remain constant and logical. Might as well use "stairs" and "railings". After all, both of those can be found at those locations as well. :rolleyes:


Unlike the proverbial cat Snow is always east and Grass is always west, there is nothing arbitrary about it. Again, you're arguing to be argumentative. Still, I don't expect you to stop arguing because admiting I know what I am talking about takes true strength of character and is actually much harder than just continuing to argue.


Still, I have to ask, if you can't know it because you can't see it through walls then do you need to have a compass by your computer when you play? On the same note do you have to look out of a window or open the door to know in which direction the street is outside of your domicile?

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Let me help.


Snow - east

Grass - west


The very fact that you explain which side grass/snow refers to by relating it to the cardinal directions simply proves that east/west is the simpler and clearer route. Saying snow and having some teammates think "snow is east" adds a completely unnecessary moment of thought when you could have just said east to begin with.


As for people who call left/right, I pretend they don't exist because acknowledging their existence makes me lose what little hope I still have for humanity. At least the snow/grass guys show an element of logic (albeit poorly executed.)

Edited by matslarson
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