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To those who have been transferred: worth it?


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My new server is full of people at peak times. It feels like an MMO! Can't wait for 1.3 and group finder.


I still find it annoying having to use chat to LFG and am not advancing my characters until 1.3 comes online (so I can level with an MMO experience instead of a single player experience).


It's definitely worth it - I'd come back fully after 1.3 is on.

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it's worth it if you like playing the same warzones over and over, along with the operations. as of now, the population is just insane. 3 fleet instances, a huge blob of names and guild recruitment spam.


in the end i can't see it mattering much. the pvp, while entertaining, isn't going to hold my interest very longer. the same old warzones are the same old warzones. to me, the "healthy" population, if it can't engage in world pvp or constant world events on a massive (mmo style) scale, then it's just worthless for the long term.


think about it: it's 3 instances of fleet where everyone is standing around, queuing up for a warzone. how is that an MMO? that's no different than 3 instances IRL of people trying to find a game of bf3. we need a world to actually live in, not a lobby.

Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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ye huge upswing. Everyone in my guild transfered over with no hassle. Lotsa people I know that were playing D3 and even WoW >< are back. Heavy participation and great for players with weird hours.


Prime-time is insane ....looks to be a hundred's of people in warzones most of the time on Rep side if you /who each warzone. Guild mate was joking that he put in a ticket cause he had to wait 2 mins for a warzone :D

There is even world PvP with decent numbers going on in Tattoine. Overall this will be great for Ranked and also recruiting for PvE progression. Great platform to build on.


- The Bastion server

Edited by Stovokor
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My server has yet to be selected; however, about 3 Weeks ago I made a toon on fatman to roll while we waited for xfers to go live. From the moment I fist got on koriban and saw 100ish people playing I knew things would be different once xfers hit. Koriban was just the tip, when I got to fleet, 200ish people were there and so on when I reached kaas.. The amount of low levs was high because everyone was rolling ALTs as well, but from just a active view point it was great. I have 4 lev 5/s to xfer and a fer 20-30ish on my main. But if their new server is anything like fatman (& it will be) the game is going to get very entertaining.
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(This seems like the place to ask this question, but I'm sorry in advance if it isn't) To those who have been transferred: does the game feel reinvigorated? Is it "new" and fun again?

I reluctantly transferred when a friend and I found that we were the only two people in Fleet, meaning what was a nice, quiet server became a ghost town. We found it's just the same game but a LOT more crowded. Too many people competing in the same mission areas and, as I suspected, no-one talks or thinks to form/join a group, they just run madly about trying to get mobs/objectives before the other guy. A friend of mine was in Black Hole yesterday and there was just under 40 players all pelting around, mostly solo, and getting in each other's way! I didn't even bother going. It's like SWtOR mated with Fraggle Rock.


The only advantage I see is that the Market is nice and active.

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My server (Krayt Dragon) was at the cusp of light and standard (just behind The Shadowlands which we merged with) and I didn't experience a problem with population. Although, being in an active guild certainly helped, and I can't really speak for the experience of people with no guilds. So I was a bit disappointed to find out we were an origin server (we were hoping that both The Shadowlands and Krayt Dragon were going to be destination servers)


That being said, the transfers went really smoothly and aside from having to get used to some new names (including my main) and legacy name, knowing that the server will be strong and that and we can grow the guild is well worth the trade-off. Also, the fact that reddit has two guilds on The Shadowlands is definitely a feature, not a bug. :cool:


I was originally a bit upset with the name changes, but realized that the main was the only one I was really attached to, and I found a suitable variant spelling (went from Kaliko to Kalliko) the other two have completely different names that'll take some time to get used to. My legacy changed from Starfury to Starcrash. I didn't use it as a surname, so it wasn't much of an issue. Although I can totally commiserate with people who lost well-loved names, especially ones that they had established in other games (especially if your name was Kalliko Starcrash :D)

Edited by MadBlue
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Actually I'll pipe in with a different take. Depends on what you want from the game. I am not into PVP at all. Flashpoints and Operations are more of a bonus. I play the game for the story, for the Star Wars story line for my character, which is why I have always played and preferred BW games. Until now that has been their forte. But I am faced with a choice. Play on a server with such a low population that I can't have access to the bonuses I want, or play on a server that is so ridiculously crowded that no real RPG experience is possible. I switched to a RP server to avoid the "your gay", "your mom", crowd. To me that is not social interaction and detracts from my game experience. I wanted KOTOR but on a grander scale.

Bottom line is that if you are into the whole PVP and repeatedly doing the same quest then yes the game has been "invigorated" in that it is much easier to do now. If you are here for the story then we are back to square one. I left the server I was on (Dresdae Cantina) for an RP server because I didn't like the massive crowds. My RP server basically died so I went back to DC. By this point the pop there had dropped dramatically. Boils down to the squeaky wheel getting the grease. Everyone that is complaining is the whole PVP /Ops crowd. The game is now theirs. Lots of people, easy for the PVP que, easy to make FP groups for all the 50's that have no story line to follow. For those of us that wanted to play Star Wars, well we get to have three people on speeders run us over while we are fighting a mob cause that is kinda funny and social. Or have someone come in and take the crystal resource while you fight the mob that was by it because well that is social and fun.

Now that my server was "transferred" I have a choice of playing single on a dead server or cancelling my sub. I think I will just go buy Mass Effect 3 and play single and let the PVPers have their game. It just isn't what this old KOTOR vet expected.

My sub was cancelled today.


just read your post, and to me it sounds like MMO's are just not for you, the whole point to this type of game is to group up and play along side other players, be it in pvp or pve.


this isnt KOTOR 3 this is an MMO

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Actually I'll pipe in with a different take. Depends on what you want from the game. I am not into PVP at all. Flashpoints and Operations are more of a bonus. I play the game for the story, for the Star Wars story line for my character, which is why I have always played and preferred BW games. Until now that has been their forte. But I am faced with a choice. Play on a server with such a low population that I can't have access to the bonuses I want, or play on a server that is so ridiculously crowded that no real RPG experience is possible. I switched to a RP server to avoid the "your gay", "your mom", crowd. To me that is not social interaction and detracts from my game experience. I wanted KOTOR but on a grander scale.

Bottom line is that if you are into the whole PVP and repeatedly doing the same quest then yes the game has been "invigorated" in that it is much easier to do now. If you are here for the story then we are back to square one. I left the server I was on (Dresdae Cantina) for an RP server because I didn't like the massive crowds. My RP server basically died so I went back to DC. By this point the pop there had dropped dramatically. Boils down to the squeaky wheel getting the grease. Everyone that is complaining is the whole PVP /Ops crowd. The game is now theirs. Lots of people, easy for the PVP que, easy to make FP groups for all the 50's that have no story line to follow. For those of us that wanted to play Star Wars, well we get to have three people on speeders run us over while we are fighting a mob cause that is kinda funny and social. Or have someone come in and take the crystal resource while you fight the mob that was by it because well that is social and fun.

Now that my server was "transferred" I have a choice of playing single on a dead server or cancelling my sub. I think I will just go buy Mass Effect 3 and play single and let the PVPers have their game. It just isn't what this old KOTOR vet expected.

My sub was cancelled today.

So you come to an MMORPG and complain about their being other people ...


RP servers are much less populated than PVP servers, and I still have seen no overcrowding issues, even BH is doable.

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OP. A lot of this advice is completely bias. I am happy for the people who landed on a full destination server but the rest of us who were basically left for dead, have no idea where we are going to end up.


Think about it. Why after over 100+ servers opened for free transfers are 20 servers left unopened?


It means they ran out of space on the selected destination servers and now they simply do not know yet what to do with the balance.


Its not a lot of money but on principle alone, unsub and wait to see how this all plays out.


I for one will not subject myself to further frustration if I wind transferring to yet another underwhelming server.


That would absolutely push me over the point of no return.

Edited by JediRaffa
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I moved from Krayt Dragon server too. I expected it to be a destination server. I didn't mind the emptiness at first but it did catch up. Server transfers were very smooth and fast. I did lose two names though. Still kind of made about that since I got on early play and signed my names up as soon as I was able to that morning.
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Bottom line is that if you are into the whole PVP and repeatedly doing the same quest then yes the game has been "invigorated" in that it is much easier to do now. If you are here for the story then we are back to square one. I left the server I was on (Dresdae Cantina) for an RP server because I didn't like the massive crowds. My RP server basically died so I went back to DC. By this point the pop there had dropped dramatically. Boils down to the squeaky wheel getting the grease. Everyone that is complaining is the whole PVP /Ops crowd. The game is now theirs. Lots of people, easy for the PVP que, easy to make FP groups for all the 50's that have no story line to follow. For those of us that wanted to play Star Wars, well we get to have three people on speeders run us over while we are fighting a mob cause that is kinda funny and social. Or have someone come in and take the crystal resource while you fight the mob that was by it because well that is social and fun.

Now that my server was "transferred" I have a choice of playing single on a dead server or cancelling my sub. I think I will just go buy Mass Effect 3 and play single and let the PVPers have their game. It just isn't what this old KOTOR vet expected.

My sub was cancelled today.


Massively Multi Player does not mean you and 100 recluses following your single character storyline separately on the same server. This is the first time I have played as a PVP player in 15 years of MMO experience, and I can truthfully say it wouldn't have mattered WHAT server I was on, I would have continued to complain about server pops until they gave us transfers. Not for pvp queuing or ops.....because the world was an empty shell when I was one of only a couple of people on any given planet. That's not an MMO. So if you wanted KOTOR......go find another single player game. SWTOR leaned way too far in the single player direction at launch. They're taking steps to make it a real MMO experience again, and I, personally, thank them. Prophecy of the Five server makes it feel like an entirely new game again with a vibrant community. People are talking, helping, buying and selling, grouping......wow, it's like an MMO.


To the OP.....it was definitely worth the wait to me.

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it's worth it if you like playing the same warzones over and over, along with the operations. as of now, the population is just insane. 3 fleet instances, a huge blob of names and guild recruitment spam.


in the end i can't see it mattering much. the pvp, while entertaining, isn't going to hold my interest very longer. the same old warzones are the same old warzones. to me, the "healthy" population, if it can't engage in world pvp or constant world events on a massive (mmo style) scale, then it's just worthless for the long term.


think about it: it's 3 instances of fleet where everyone is standing around, queuing up for a warzone. how is that an MMO? that's no different than 3 instances IRL of people trying to find a game of bf3. we need a world to actually live in, not a lobby.


PVP is where you find it. There was open world PVP occurring on our server last night, because people went out hunting. It just took a little effort to do stuff like come pillage the level 50's who were molesting level 20-somethings on Tatooine or Nar Shaddaa, or to actually run to quest areas and ambush people on Voss or Corellia. You get out what you put in with open world PVP. What the high pops do is give us enough people to ALLOW this kind of interaction if you put the effort in. Previously, you could wander around aimlessly for hours in another faction's quest area and not find the one or two of them playing on the same planet as you.

Edited by Ashlian
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I haven't transferred yet, except for a "scratch" character to test the process and see what the destination server was like. From what I have seen, I am definitely leaning toward a transfer. However, my guild is still in the process of discussing it and ultimately I will do whatever we decide to do as a group (so far, in our poll, everyone has either chose "transfer" or "Abstain" and no one has chosen "stay put", so we will probably transfer at this point, but the poll runs till early next week and a few people have yet to vote).


It's definitely better to see 73 people on Coruscant than 4, I'll say that.

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Both the PvP server and PvE server I play on were dead at 6am Central. Both servers were allowed free transfers so all 9 toons got sent and the moves were completed in under 5 minutes.


When I logged on, both Fleets showed over 100 people on...something I hadn't seen since launch.


Leveling areas have dozens of people on them, people are looking for others for flashpoints and ops...yeah, it was more than worth it.

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As someone who loves the social aspect of an MMO, yes, it is absolutely worth it. Just having people talk, telling jokes, etc. in general chat makes a huge difference. I don't feel like I'm playing a single-player game anymore.


It's funny, though... I have friends playing SWTOR who haven't played any other MMOs before, and they keep saying, "What are these people doing in my game!?"

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Now that my server was "transferred" I have a choice of playing single on a dead server or cancelling my sub. I think I will just go buy Mass Effect 3 and play single and let the PVPers have their game. It just isn't what this old KOTOR vet expected.

My sub was cancelled today.


Dude, if you play for story, DO NOT buy Mass Effect 3. I'm sure you've probably heard about the ending - but it's something so mind-bogglingly stupid I couldn't believe it until I experienced it. Worst purchase of my entire gaming life.


As for this game - well, it's an MMO - with all the problems that entails. Bored no-life basement-dwelling virgins are bound to get bored and find new ways to bother you. Report and move on, and hopefully you'll be able to help weed some of the undesirables from the population.

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