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What Year is the Game Set In?


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What year do the events of SWTOR take place in? I've yet to see any date that makes sense when one starts to consider the varied events that have occurred in the lives of those characters with a presence both in the game and at the time of the Sacking.
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what year do the events of swtor take place in? I've yet to see any date that makes sense when one starts to consider the varied events that have occurred in the lives of those characters with a presence both in the game and at the time of the sacking.



1999 :D

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They've said that the class stories start approximately 10 years after the Treaty of Coruscant.
Except this makes absolutely no sense. In the years between the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant and SWTOR, Satele Shan gave birth to a boy that has since reached adulthood. This requires more than 10 years.
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Except this makes absolutely no sense. In the years between the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant and SWTOR, Satele Shan gave birth to a boy that has since reached adulthood. This requires more than 10 years.


I'm with you on this,I was under the impression from the devs it was more like 25-30 years after the Treaty. Which explains the aging of characters like Baras and Satele(look at Satele from the trailers and Satele in-game,huge difference) and also their rise in position from the trailers.

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Something's really messed up with the dates surrounding this game. The author of the upcoming novel "Annihilation" has stated that the book takes place in 3,640 BBY, and that Theron Shan is 30 years of age in the book. That's only 13 years after the Sacking of Coruscant, and the signing of the resulting Treaty. Satele Shan was a Padawan at the time of the Sacking.


Even if she had given birth to Theron before the Sacking, for him to be 30 years old in 3,640 BBY, Satele would have had to have been a 30-year-old Padawan. Maybe even older.

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The Treaty of Coruscant was broken at the start of Chapter 3. For most classes. If you take that into account We are at

3,641 BBY - 3,640 BBY. Which translate to 12-13 ATC.


The game originally started at 10 ATC. It's roughly 2 years since in universe time.

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When does Star Wars : The Old Republic take place in relation to the movies?


Star Wars : The Old Republic takes place more than 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader. The most powerful Sith Empire in history has emerged from deep space to attack the Republic and its legendary Jedi guardians. After decades of war, a tenuous truce has been established between the Sith Empire and the Republic, but events occurring in the game are leading the galaxy back to an all-out war.


How does Star Wars : The Old Republic relate to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?


Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place approximately three hundred years after the events of Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR). At the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War in KOTOR, Revan disappeared into unknown space in search of a great threat to the Republic, an expanding Sith Empire led by a mysterious Emperor who planned vengeance for his ancient Jedi enemies. Revan never returned from unknown space, but the Sith Empire did, kicking off a war with the Republic that lasted for decades. Now, despite the uneasy truce created by the Treaty of Coruscant, the tension among the divided star systems is threatening to once again tear the galaxy apart.

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When does Star Wars : The Old Republic take place in relation to the movies?


Star Wars : The Old Republic takes place more than 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader. The most powerful Sith Empire in history has emerged from deep space to attack the Republic and its legendary Jedi guardians. After decades of war, a tenuous truce has been established between the Sith Empire and the Republic, but events occurring in the game are leading the galaxy back to an all-out war.


How does Star Wars : The Old Republic relate to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?


Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place approximately three hundred years after the events of Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR). At the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War in KOTOR, Revan disappeared into unknown space in search of a great threat to the Republic, an expanding Sith Empire led by a mysterious Emperor who planned vengeance for his ancient Jedi enemies. Revan never returned from unknown space, but the Sith Empire did, kicking off a war with the Republic that lasted for decades. Now, despite the uneasy truce created by the Treaty of Coruscant, the tension among the divided star systems is threatening to once again tear the galaxy apart.


Thanks for this, all though I knew all of this it helps those that didn't. The answer to the first one is still a bit too vague though, when exactly did Vader rise, it varies on people's opinion and definition of his rise? That's subjective and can throw the timeline of this era off if its "3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader".

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Something's really messed up with the dates surrounding this game. The author of the upcoming novel "Annihilation" has stated that the book takes place in 3,640 BBY, and that Theron Shan is 30 years of age in the book. That's only 13 years after the Sacking of Coruscant, and the signing of the resulting Treaty. Satele Shan was a Padawan at the time of the Sacking.


Even if she had given birth to Theron before the Sacking, for him to be 30 years old in 3,640 BBY, Satele would have had to have been a 30-year-old Padawan. Maybe even older.


I think they retconned the "Threat of peace" comics. Satele was probably a knight at the sacking or even a master. If you assume the timeline is correct and she was around 14 in the "Return" trailer, she was 42 at the sacking. (The Great Galactic war took 28 years.)

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I think they retconned the "Threat of peace" comics. Satele was probably a knight at the sacking or even a master. If you assume the timeline is correct and she was around 14 in the "Return" trailer, she was 42 at the sacking. (The Great Galactic war took 28 years.)
I had considered this, but you're this first person I've seen give voice to the possibility. Essentially the majority of the comic series would end up being discredited. If this is true, it would be nice if someone with the authority to do so could state this to be the case. Edited by HeavensAgent
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Which, again, makes absolutely no sense. The dates don't add up. Do you have a source for the game starting at 10 ATC?


As I recall there was a dev statement before release that the game started 8 to 10 years after the treaty. Unfortunatly it was lost in the forum reset that happened at release so I can't provide a link to it. :(


I had considered this, but you're this first person I've seen give voice to the possibility. Essentially the majority of the comic series would end up being discredited. If this is true, it would be nice if someone with the authority to do so could state this to be the case.


This is not the first time I have seen where the comics aren't completely in sync with what appears to be in the game. I seem to recall reading somewhere that the comics were based on earlier design documents and some changes were made either after the comics were made or after the info was provided to the comic's creative team. This is the reason why some characters look different in comics and in game. I don't have a source to absolutely prove this, I'm just saying that I recall hearing that before.

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I had considered this, but you're this first person I've seen give voice to the possibility. Essentially the majority of the comic series would end up being discredited. If this is true, it would be nice if someone with the authority to do so could state this to be the case.


They said themselves that Threat of Peace was their earliest beta for characters and how they would appear. Master Shan appears much different in-game and in trailers than she does in the comics, same with Baras and Angral. Designs and polish to the game changed the models so the comics are essentially materials that give an early, if inaccurate, portrayal of events. Several minor changes are likely (such as her age or rank in the order). The only ones that appear accurately are the droids, Malgus, the Jedi Armor, and the star ships which were early concept art material and probably stuff they said, "We aren't changing." I would reference ToP but not keep yourself too attached to it. Things changed during development and certain details probably went with them.


My guess, the game starts 10 years after the treaty and the stories are over the course of 2-3 years as you travel across the galaxy and such. Certain events in-between the game (and obvious filler such as the time to get to planets, resupply, companion activities, etc.) are removed to tell the "epic" tale like in movies and games where the boring stuff does not exist so a lot can be done in a smaller amount of time.


My opinion: Wait until the official Encyclopedia and a few more novels come out before we begin sorting out dates and ages. I believe Satele in the Return trailer was 16-18 with 28 years passing (making her 46-48, heading towards her 50s) and that her "master" was simply a Jedi Master who mentored her after her old master died and had grown to admire her (suspecting Battle Meditation) and later turned to the Dark Side as she obsessed over her (ala Kreia). Satele and Tavus's "relationship" may be retconned entirely or he is just into "older women" so that may be a detail to be discarded. By the time the game starts, Satele is in her late 50s which makes her a good age for her appearance (assuming she ages well).

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Something's really messed up with the dates surrounding this game. The author of the upcoming novel "Annihilation" has stated that the book takes place in 3,640 BBY, and that Theron Shan is 30 years of age in the book. That's only 13 years after the Sacking of Coruscant, and the signing of the resulting Treaty. Satele Shan was a Padawan at the time of the Sacking.


Even if she had given birth to Theron before the Sacking, for him to be 30 years old in 3,640 BBY, Satele would have had to have been a 30-year-old Padawan. Maybe even older.


I just thought about this after making my last post. At bare minimum Satele has to be around 40 minimum at the time of the Treaty. She fought at the first battle of the war over Korriban. To add a bit of context, according to the Journal of Gnost....w/e that came with the CE, Shan was a member of the Jedi Council at the time when Tython was rediscovered which was within two years of the Treaty.....so yeah if the comics say she was a padawan at the time of the Treay that would mean she was a padawan for 28+ years and then jumped onto the Coucnil 2 years later. I think it is safe to assume that the comics have been retconned by later material.

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