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Could you please articulate the risk that you are considering?


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le sigh


Your probably right.


While it provides a good explanation of WHY they chose to do it, it doesn't answer my request of an articulation of the RISK they are balancing.


For example, they must obviously have considered how upset the remaining people not yet transferred may be. There is one yellow post that says "sorry, we know it sucks to wait"

I would like to know what OTHER factors, if any have bearing on this (imo) bad decision?


I imagine the risk of having massive server queues over the weekend because they transferred too many people is a pretty big one. Not sure why you need someone to clarify that to understand though.

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Wait three days to ensure healthy population for years.


Seems like a good deal to me.


If it was even close to reality, it would be a good idea. Explain to me how your statement has any basis in fact?


I am not going to ragequit or anything. I still can enjoy my time on my dead server, but the reasons that we have been given for this decision are not clear and frustrating in their ambiguity.

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We have no idea how things have really gone so far. For all we know, only half the population of the current transfer servers have actually transferred. There's already a bunch of threads on how mad people are mad about "overpopulated" servers. If BW does not keep their heads and roll out this process slowly while monitoring everything, it'll turn into a giant mess like a lot of other rushed decisions they've made. Seems to me they're finally learning their lesson and trying to do this right instead of rushing it out in response to the chorus of "MEMEMEME NOWNOWNOW".

Giving us more insight into their plans would only result in more outrage, because someone is always going to be mad at the way things go.


I know that after waiting for months for this to happen it's a bitter pill to swallow to be told you have to wait a few more days. But is it really that big a sacrifice if it insures that the end results are actually worthwhile, instead of rushing a move that causes more trouble?

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Bzzt. Try again. They have months of data on which to perform trend analysis. That and there's no need to fill each destination server to the brim.
This is why, while it probably wouldn't hurt to explain what they are monitoring and what cases they are preparing for, it wouldn't matter because most people would just tell BW they are wrong. They don't need to fill them all to the brim, but they also don't want to leave so much of a buffer that half the servers still end up underpopulated either. No matter what analysis you think they have, they also know they don't have any numbers to predict how many people will or will not return over this process who have not been actively playing for the last while.
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I imagine the risk of having massive server queues over the weekend because they transferred too many people is a pretty big one. Not sure why you need someone to clarify that to understand though.


merge the remaining servers into a new destination? Seems pretty straightforward to me.


How is that risk balanced against the customer dissatisfaction that they have generated by making this decision?


That risk factor alone seems pretty flimsy, what are the other risk factors considered?


While I am disappointed, I am not ignorant. I am asking for FURTHER explanation. The current yellow posts make clear what you just said. I am wondering why they thought that was enough to alienate a good chunk of paying players.

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I feel like a homeless beggar asking Bioware to give me a buck so I can buy booze to ease the pain until I get a new server. I'll huddle up all alone on my dead server (I mean cardboard box) for the weekend again and blindly believe that you guys can turn this train wreck around.


Maybe I should have re-rolled, and maybe I will this weekend just to help with their "metrics". :mad:


Give me a break.


You've had months in which people have been suffering on your dead servers to figure out your genius plans here... and I'm disappointed and angry once again. I really need to get use to this level of incompetence or say goodbye to my abusive MMO.


Go ahead figure your metrics... with the way you're running the show here you're only going to be re-calculating them again in another few months for the next round of merges because you can't quite figure out what you're doing while destroying what could have been an awesome game.

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my biggest beef with this is their lack of communication (which has gotten worse since the layoffs) if they explained why these servers were left till last, what their thinking was in choosing the servers they have allready transferd and a better explination as to why we must wait then id happly go on.
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merge the remaining servers into a new destination? Seems pretty straightforward to me.


How is that risk balanced against the customer dissatisfaction that they have generated by making this decision?


That risk factor alone seems pretty flimsy, what are the other risk factors considered?


While I am disappointed, I am not ignorant. I am asking for FURTHER explanation. The current yellow posts make clear what you just said. I am wondering why they thought that was enough to alienate a good chunk of paying players.


Why? There is no answer that you will accept. They could come out and link a spread sheet showing metrics on how x number of transferred players are more valuable today than y number of non-transferred players, but you wouldn't be satisfied.


All you would do is argue whatever information they give.

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my biggest beef with this is their lack of communication (which has gotten worse since the layoffs) if they explained why these servers were left till last, what their thinking was in choosing the servers they have allready transferd and a better explination as to why we must wait then id happly go on.


This instead of the vague answers they give. We aren't children so stop talking to us like we are.

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It's easy to understand why there is little or no feedback from BW. It's called a gag order. The BW brass tells the employes "If anyone asks how things are going, smile and say things are moving along nicely and we have tons of data to review. Please be patient..." and so on. If they say anything else, they'll need a new job. All MMO's do this at some point. Anything they (BW) say now, will be used to hang them later.


That coupled with answering to EA, LA, etc.. and stockholders... They are in perma pucker tight now, and are probably very worried. As is if this transfer doesn't work, and stimulate play etc, they are really in dire straits.

Edited by SikrouDeco
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We have no idea how things have really gone so far. For all we know, only half the population of the current transfer servers have actually transferred. There's already a bunch of threads on how mad people are mad about "overpopulated" servers. If BW does not keep their heads and roll out this process slowly while monitoring everything, it'll turn into a giant mess like a lot of other rushed decisions they've made. Seems to me they're finally learning their lesson and trying to do this right instead of rushing it out in response to the chorus of "MEMEMEME NOWNOWNOW".

Giving us more insight into their plans would only result in more outrage, because someone is always going to be mad at the way things go.


I know that after waiting for months for this to happen it's a bitter pill to swallow to be told you have to wait a few more days. But is it really that big a sacrifice if it insures that the end results are actually worthwhile, instead of rushing a move that causes more trouble?


This was a really good post. I appreciate the thoughtfulness and consideration you put into this answer, but your essentially making an excuse as to why the yellow names don't give better explanations. I am obviously into this game and I enjoy playing it. If the reason they cannot post clear answers is their fear of miscommunication then I think they are doing something wrong.


I don't buy that. There is no reason that they could not give a better articulation of the risks they are mitigating by making this choice and a clear explanation of how those risks are measured and what they mean to me as a player.

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my biggest beef with this is their lack of communication (which has gotten worse since the layoffs) if they explained why these servers were left till last, what their thinking was in choosing the servers they have allready transferd and a better explination as to why we must wait then id happly go on.


I think it's safe to assume that the servers transfers were prioritized by some metric, and your servers just happened to be low on that priority. You can whine and cry all you want about needing to know what that metric is, but giving it to you would only encourage you to complain more.

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Why? There is no answer that you will accept. They could come out and link a spread sheet showing metrics on how x number of transferred players are more valuable today than y number of non-transferred players, but you wouldn't be satisfied.


All you would do is argue whatever information they give.


Sorry friend, you don't know me, or what I would do. I would LOVE to see a spreadsheet with metrics like you described. That would go a long way towards easing how disappointed I feel.


I think you misunderstand my request. I like this game. I am going to play on Test Server over the weekend to help out (on my own dime yo). I am dissatisfied with the current answers and would like a clearer explanation. THATS what I want. More bang for my buck so to say. I also would love for them to change their minds because of how the community feels, that would also make me happy.


I guess at the core of it, I am unhappy. I am looking for some validation. Specifically I want a clearer explanation of why they consider my (and many others) disappointment to be less important than what they chose to do.

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You can whine and cry all you want about needing to know what that metric is, but giving it to you would only encourage you to complain more.


No I would have felt better knowing on 6/12/12 that my server was not going to be transferred this week at all. The fact that they're doing it how they are is insulting and a waste of time for the people waiting in vain for their transfers off of a dead server.

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I think it's safe to assume that the servers transfers were prioritized by some metric, and your servers just happened to be low on that priority. You can whine and cry all you want about needing to know what that metric is, but giving it to you would only encourage you to complain more.


You know what assuming does though right?

Hating is bad.

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merge the remaining servers into a new destination? Seems pretty straightforward to me.


How is that risk balanced against the customer dissatisfaction that they have generated by making this decision?


That risk factor alone seems pretty flimsy, what are the other risk factors considered?


While I am disappointed, I am not ignorant. I am asking for FURTHER explanation. The current yellow posts make clear what you just said. I am wondering why they thought that was enough to alienate a good chunk of paying players.


Clearly, Bioware believes that only a small number of people are actually being 'alienated' by what is in fact merely a prudent delay.


Or in the vernacular, "umadbro?"

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I think it's safe to assume that the servers transfers were prioritized by some metric, and your servers just happened to be low on that priority. You can whine and cry all you want about needing to know what that metric is, but giving it to you would only encourage you to complain more.


dont assume that you know how i feel its insulting and norrow minded

i have had one of my servers tranferd allready so its not about that its about the fact that bioware treats us like children half the time, giving us only 10% of information and telling people to simply wait is insulting and what you say to a child.


as someone who works in customer service for over 5 years i can tell you that customers prefer to know these details, it gives them comfot knowing that you didnt simply forgot or picked at random and couldnt be botherd to do them ect.

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No I would have felt better knowing on 6/12/12 that my server was not going to be transferred this week at all. The fact that they're doing it how they are is insulting and a waste of time for the people waiting in vain for their transfers off of a dead server.


Dude you are starting to sound like me. Read this post above and let me know if you agree. :)

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dont assume that you know how i feel its insulting and norrow minded

i have had one of my servers tranferd allready so its not about that its about the fact that bioware treats us like children half the time, giving us only 10% of information and telling people to simply wait is insulting and what you say to a child.


as someone who works in customer service for over 5 years i can tell you that customers prefer to know these details, it gives them comfot knowing that you didnt simply forgot or picked at random and couldnt be botherd to do them ect.


Also it lets customers "manage expectations and plan accordingly". The lack of information makes this hard.

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dont assume that you know how i feel its insulting and norrow minded

i have had one of my servers tranferd allready so its not about that its about the fact that bioware treats us like children half the time, giving us only 10% of information and telling people to simply wait is insulting and what you say to a child.


as someone who works in customer service for over 5 years i can tell you that customers prefer to know these details, it gives them comfot knowing that you didnt simply forgot or picked at random and couldnt be botherd to do them ect.


They've been telling you all week how it's going to work, how it's a going to be a gradual process and they're going to take their time and do it right. It's really not their fault if you can't understand. And it's not their problem if you're insulted by your lack of comprehension.

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Isn't it obvious? You could be facing 50 minute login que's if they don't monitor this.


Thing is do we really need a dozen heavy to full servers in the first place?


Nope, what we really needed was a few dozen standard to heavy servers.


But now we're back at square one and are going to have the same issues we had back in December (It's funny how history repeats itself). Begin the ************ about queue times to get on a server, bad questing mechanics for overpopulated servers all when I still can't get a queue for PvP on my dead server... sweet.

Edited by Nakazia
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No I would have felt better knowing on 6/12/12 that my server was not going to be transferred this week at all. The fact that they're doing it how they are is insulting and a waste of time for the people waiting in vain for their transfers off of a dead server.


Assuming they knew your server wasn't going to be transferred this week (which is doubtful anyway), the forums would have been up in arms about it if they posted a list of such servers. There would be cries of how unfair it is, or demands for explanations why, much like this thread actually.


The fact is, they can't please everybody. They also can't sit here and type out "articulated" explanations every time someone isn't happy with a decision they make, which is essentially every decision. They are in the business of running an MMO. Communication with the players is fairly low on the list of priorities compared to other things, as much as you may hate that.

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Also it lets customers "manage expectations and plan accordingly". The lack of information makes this hard.


If by "manage expectations and plan accordingly", you mean post non-stop vitriol on the forums about how the process is broken, or how Bioware has screwed up again, then you are correct.

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Essentially they are watching the weekend traffic on current destination servers to see if it spikes high enough that they need another destination server for you. If population remains under control they will consider moving you to one of the current destination servers.

This is completely logical, and in most cases, in my opinion, the smart thing to do.


However, in this case, it's total BS.


In Europe there are 20 English PVE servers. So far, 9 have been sent to The Red Eclipse. Some of the 10 servers left have somewhat decent populations (some sometimes even touching Standard), and with the current population limits, there seems to be no chance that all 10 remaining servers ca fit on The Red Eclipse.


What are they monitoring? If a second server will have to be opened eventually, what are they waiting for? If they actually are monitoring how people are moving, wouldn't it make sense to open a second server now, let some move to it, and then after the weekend make a decision on which server to send the remaining people to?

These are questions they refuse to acknowledge...

Edited by Rassuro
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