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No more transfers until next week


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This is what happens when a PhD in Computer Science solves what is quintessentially a "people" problem. You have a perfectly logical solution that will mathematically produce a balanced outcome... while alienating and angering a portion of your customer base who at best will see Bioware as arbitrary and at worst see them as blatantly unfair and indifferent.


Instead of building good will across their customer base they are instead risking a portion of their customers /ragequitting. Probably not the result they were hoping for when they started this process.


Bioware is a superior software development studio, but from day one of SWTOR's release they have stumbled badly when it came to customer service. Their subscription numbers have paid the price for these missteps. This is an entirely new ballgame for Bioware, as customer service for a platform game is entirely different from customer service for an MMO, especially an MMO with a paid monthly subscription.


Only time will tell if Bioware can adapt to these new challenges and succeed or not.

Edited by YankeeDelta
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Id like to know Bioware..why My server is the LAST PICKED (ok.. there is Darth Malak..) PVP server to be transferred.

ALL the west coast PVP servers transferred

EVERY East coast PVP servers besides Darth Malak and Belgoth's Beacon Have been transferred

What did they do forget about us? IT IS not fair. Every pvp server will have fun this weekend, Me and whatever few people left on Belgoth's Beacon and Darth Malak have to sit here and stare at 5-10 people on our Fleets. There is no reason not to transfer us, We couldnt tip the server populations that badly with the 300 subscribers left on our servers.


Yeah, I'm on Belgoth's Beacon pvp east and this is ridiculous. Everyone else is enjoying their high population servers and I'm sitting on a server with the fleet population of under 20??? Glad they had their priorities straight in transferring the heavier pop servers first and making the lowest ones wait the longest, less people for them to p*** off I guess....

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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(perhaps this is better put here)


As simply as possible ...


1. They're trying to make the destination servers as full as possible


2. A *lot* more people will be transferring over the weekend, because they only play on the weekend.


3. They didn't transfer many low-pop servers because it's easier to "top off" a server with low-pop servers.


4. They can't do this topping off until they see just how many people will actually transfer this weekend.


It's not about fairness, it's about achieving the best long-term results for the game.


It might also be about faction balance, though that's only my hope.

Edited by Teefal
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This all sounds like Pre-launchers screaming bloody murder....,The reason why they have so many servers to begin with.

Let me In my moneys just as good !

Why do I have to wait !

This isn't fair!

I want My 5 days Prelaunch time!! (however they did get almost everyone in for the 5 days prelaunch period)


No matter what they do its going to be bloody murder ,some got in a few days earlier than others as they let people in with a monthly count down prior to the prelaunch 5 day gametime.

I just see mmo players as the never satisfied customer thats simply never satisfied.

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This all sounds like Pre-launchers screaming bloody murder....,The reason why they have so many servers to begin with.

Let me In my moneys just as good !

Why do I have to wait !

This isn't fair!

I want My 5 days Prelaunch time!! (however they did get almost everyone in for the 5 days prelaunch period)


No matter what they do its going to be bloody murder ,some got in a few days earlier than others as they let people in with a monthly count down prior to the prelaunch 5 day gametime.

I just see mmo players as the never satisfied customer thats simply never satisfied.


Spoken like someone who's already gotten their transfer!

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ill admit this is kinda a kick in the face to people who have been waiting patiently all week to get transfered only to have to wait 3 more days... doesnt seem right.. at all.. i understand they need to monitor population rates and what not.. but really this isnt fair in the slightest.. I and many other have sat waiting without comment..even defending the way they were doing things, just to be literally left out for the entire weekend... not cool bioware.. really not cool.


there just is no patience nowadays. everything has to be NOW, DAMMIT!

what difference will 3 more days make? and you take it as a personal insult? lol. id much prefer bioware took some time and did it right than rush through and bungle it.

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(perhaps this is better put here)


As simply as possible ...


1. They're trying to make the destination servers as full as possible


2. A *lot* more people will be transferring over the weekend, because they only play on the weekend.


3. They didn't transfer many low-pop servers because it's easier to "top off" a server with low-pop servers.


4. They can't do this topping off until they see just how many people will actually transfer this weekend.


It's not about fairness, it's about achieving the best long-term results for the game.


It might also be about faction balance, though that's only my hope.


Yada yada yada! It's unfair period!

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what difference will 3 more days make?


You have 1 day of play time remaining.


Enough difference to have my play time run out before I get the chance to migrate for free. If some day I'd want to resub and all that awaits me is a dead server or paying hefty sum for transferring all characters, why would I return?

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(perhaps this is better put here)


As simply as possible ...


1. They're trying to make the destination servers as full as possible


2. A *lot* more people will be transferring over the weekend, because they only play on the weekend.


3. They didn't transfer many low-pop servers because it's easier to "top off" a server with low-pop servers.


4. They can't do this topping off until they see just how many people will actually transfer this weekend.


It's not about fairness, it's about achieving the best long-term results for the game.


It might also be about faction balance, though that's only my hope.


They don't want to overpopulate servers by adding more people this week. So somehow next weekend there will be fewer players? So next weekend you will have people that transer over this weekend, plus those that were waiting for things to settle down, plus those that resub because transfers are finally here plus the servers that are still waiting to be transfered that will be moved next week.


So to prevent the overpopluation next weekend, they would need to either raise the server caps or take the remaining servers and merge them together. They will also need to make sure that there is room for the returning players that come back for 1.3 and for the free 1-15 in July. So why not do that now?

Edited by HelinCarnate
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there just is no patience nowadays. everything has to be NOW, DAMMIT!

what difference will 3 more days make? and you take it as a personal insult? lol. id much prefer bioware took some time and did it right than rush through and bungle it.


what difference will three days data make that 3 months of data didnt make??


are they going to get some magical numbers from the magical hummingbird of server stability that ONLY come on this weekend?


I can not logically see what information they can recieve in these three days that makes it worth making a large portion of the player base play a ****** version of this game while the rest of it.. a LARGER population gets to play the game as it was intended..


raising the server caps for the weekend, and migrating those few who were left out in the cold, would do the exact same thing, and allow players to enjoy the game as was intended.


I just can not see a good reason to make Anyone wait till monday.. the data can not be that pivitol to the games life span to piss off this many people..


am i taking it personally?? from bioware.. no.. from people like you in the forums who basically say shut up and stop complaining... yes.. why? because i am 90% sure ( being generous to you on this one) but you would complain jsut as bad if you had to play the suck fest that is this game withtout other people.



so tell me..what can they learn in three days that shouldnt have been learned in 3 months? do that and i wont say another word.

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Its pretty sad tbh Bioware is my fav console company they have yet to make a game I don't like. To bad they suck at making online games, SWTOR is an awesome single player/story game till you get ta lvl 50, then its just repetitive and gets boring way fast.................
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Why does everyone assume BB and DM will be transferred to Fatman and POF?


I am on BB and here is what I suspect wil happen:


1) Too many people will transfer to Fatman and PoF over the weekend.


2) At some point they will cut off transfers due to under or overestimation on their part this weekend (Depends on how you look at it).


3) On Monday they will make BB or DM a destination server.


4) Everyone who did not transfer in time will be funneled there


5) Those of us on BB and DM will have a server of casuals and Leftovers come tuesday.:(


This would be a terrible decision on their part, but still a possibility. Remember they are hoping sub numbers increase and they have to put those people somewhere.


Simply put BB and DM are their parachute if they screwed up, and I do not appreciate that.


They should have been slightly more conservative tried to balance 3 servers and re transfer once 1.3 comes out if the servers don't blow up. Fatman and PoF will blow up upon release of rated battlegrounds when people come back to the game.

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I too am a member of Belgoth's Beacon... and severely disappointed in Bioware's customer service. You left TWO pvp east servers, both low populations, and that doesn't make sense too me. How are you going to make it up to us that have been forced to wait? I understand that they need to pay attention to the new transfers and save some room for people re-subbing, late transfers, etc. BUT those numbers will be off when you have most of us unsubscribe. I will continue to play, for how much longer depends on BW getting their **** together.

BW you make great games, but when it came to this MMO you promised a lot and delivered very little. Good thing I watched episodes 1-3 or this game would have been the biggest Star Wars disappointment...

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Why does everyone assume BB and DM will be transferred to Fatman and POF?


I am on BB and here is what I suspect wil happen:


1) Too many people will transfer to Fatman and PoF over the weekend.


2) At some point they will cut off transfers due to under or overestimation on their part this weekend (Depends on how you look at it).


3) On Monday they will make BB or DM a destination server.


4) Everyone who did not transfer in time will be funneled there


5) Those of us on BB and DM will have a server of casuals and Leftovers come tuesday.:(


This would be a terrible decision on their part, but still a possibility. Remember they are hoping sub numbers increase and they have to put those people somewhere.


Simply put BB and DM are their parachute if they screwed up, and I do not appreciate that.


They should have been slightly more conservative tried to balance 3 servers and re transfer once 1.3 comes out if the servers don't blow up. Fatman and PoF will blow up upon release of rated battlegrounds when people come back to the game.


This is something that seriuosly worries me as well. I'm on a PvE East server, and one of the remaining that have yet to be transferred. If they opened up a new destination server with the intent for it to only be standard, and to take the inflow of those who haven't transferred or those who resub at a later date, with the intention that the server would fill up slowly. This wouldn't be any sort of garauntee that the server would turn out to be filled like the others. Yes it's speculation, but since they haven't been straightforward or explained anything it's definitely a possibility.

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There are 13 pve servers left in the east. When they open a new destination and transfer all those servers there you wont have a problem.

If they open a new pvp destination server in the east i could see them losing many subs from those two servers. The players will not take this.

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There are 13 pve servers left in the east. When they open a new destination and transfer all those servers there you wont have a problem.

If they open a new pvp destination server in the east i could see them losing many subs from those two servers. The players will not take this.


They should have just put the 2 PvP East serves onto Po5 and have been done with it, without a doubt.


The problem is they opened up a new destination for PvE East, The Shadowlands, and it needs another wave of 4-5 servers to get a lot closer to the other 2 destination servers Jedi Cov. and Cand. Ordo. That would leave only 8-9 servers which are still relatively low still in population and unlikely to fill up very much of a server. There's no garauntee it would be healthy and sustaining really.

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I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand I'm sad that we have to wait longer. On the other hand It's kinda exciting to think that maybe... just maybe we could be a destination server. I can also look at the 3 destinations and the 12 undecided PVE East servers and pray for the destinations of the server names I like. Ya I'm into names even when it comes to the server name. I really hope they get everything sorted out and by Monday night I can read the forums full of happy transfers instead of unhappy people still stuck on a dead server.


I am on Tarro Blood and this afternoon we have 29 people on the Imp fleet. I don't believe I am on the deadest server waiting till after the weekend to be decided on. I would like to know how many people are on the fleet on other leftover servers as well.

Edited by Petite
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I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand I'm sad that we have to wait longer. On the other hand It's kinda exciting to think that maybe... just maybe we could be a destination server. I can also look at the 3 destinations and the 12 undecided PVE East servers and pray for the destinations of the server names I like. Ya I'm into names even when it comes to the server name. I really hope they get everything sorted out and by Monday night I can read the forums full of happy transfers instead of unhappy people still stuck on a dead server.


I am on Tarro Blood and this afternoon we have 29 people on the Imp fleet. I don't believe I am on the deadest server waiting till after the weekend to be decided on. I would like to know how many people are on the fleet on other leftover servers as well.


Ya Tarro blood got no love..its falling apart:P

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I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand I'm sad that we have to wait longer. On the other hand It's kinda exciting to think that maybe... just maybe we could be a destination server. I can also look at the 3 destinations and the 12 undecided PVE East servers and pray for the destinations of the server names I like. Ya I'm into names even when it comes to the server name. I really hope they get everything sorted out and by Monday night I can read the forums full of happy transfers instead of unhappy people still stuck on a dead server.


I am on Tarro Blood and this afternoon we have 29 people on the Imp fleet. I don't believe I am on the deadest server waiting till after the weekend to be decided on. I would like to know how many people are on the fleet on other leftover servers as well.


Wouldn't be that bad, would it? If those of us that had to wait ended up on an additional destination server? I really like that idea as that server wouldn'tt be as "loaded" as the others thus far. It would have some room to grow and yet maintain a high pop that will benefit the gaming community overall.


Hmm... a nice reward for waiting a weekend.

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Wouldn't be that bad, would it? If those of us that had to wait ended up on an additional destination server? I really like that idea as that server wouldn'tt be as "loaded" as the others thus far. It would have some room to grow and yet maintain a high pop that will benefit the gaming community overall.


Hmm... a nice reward for waiting a weekend.


I would be happier with a slightly smaller server that can be filled later if it meant that i could have transfered yesterday

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