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No more transfers until next week


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Ranked Warzones were pulled because they changed how they wanted them to work.


I mean sure they may be saving it for 1.3 now but they should be. They want to market 1.3 and the more features they leave for it the better.

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So if I am at dinner with 10 friends and the other nine get their meals but I don't am I still required to pay for my meal? I can say that I don't like the decisions that lead up to not give me my meal but end of the day, I don't have a meal so why should I pay?


You're still getting your meal, you're just sitting at a different table.


[For those of you stating, OMG you can't wait 4 days? OMG QQ? OMG, NEXT..... to you Trolls I ask this question.


If you were in line to say upgrade your internet service, while wiating in the lobby and there was two grps of people. The first Grp, are all the people who have upgraded said internet, for the same price you are paying.

The second Grp are the people laying in wait to upgrade there same service for the same price.


But in this story, the lobby allows the frist grp to use the upgrade directly infront of the 2nd Grp, for up to and past 6+ days. While the company lobby attendants state they are haulting upgrades to review there products, directly in front of you while you are still in the same lobby as the first Grp. My Question Trolls, in thise secnario you are telling me you would not be Irritated, annoyed? and would keep your mouth shut and say ok, no worries they will eventually get to me?


This happens all the time. When companies upgrade infrastructure, not everyone gets it at once, and the people not getting the upgrade right away don't get discounts.


Man, this thread is full of bad analogies.

Edited by Sireene
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Ok for you people with analogy's here is a good example.


You Lease a car, there is a recall for it for a bad fuel injector restricting speeds to 30 mph. Your informed that the dealerships will start with the repairs on Tuesday, Come Friday morning they say they are not accepting any more vehicles for repairs til Monday so they can check and see if the repairs that have done on 90% of the cars meet their expectations.


So the 10% of those not repaired have to wait the weekend until they get their car repaired cruising a 30 mph while all the other leasers of the same car cruise at 90.


Would you not be pissed off in this situation?

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Ok for you people with analogy's here is a good example.


You Lease a car, there is a recall for it for a bad fuel injector restricting speeds to 30 mph. Your informed that the dealerships will start with the repairs on Tuesday, Come Friday morning they say they are not accepting any more vehicles for repairs til Monday so they can check and see if the repairs that have done on 90% of the cars meet their expectations.


So the 10% of those not repaired have to wait the weekend until they get their car repaired cruising a 30 mph while all the other leasers of the same car cruise at 90.


Would you not be pissed off in this situation?


Their cars were causing those customers more grief than the owners of the cars they pushed-off. I recognize they only have so many hours in a day to do repairs. I'd understand that they targeted priority owners first.


If you're an understanding person, it's not a big deal. Plenty of fun things you can do with a slow or parked car ;)

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The last handful are also the largest servers left, if I'm not mistaken. All of the little puzzle pieces have been stacked in and they want to see how that works over the weekend (a reasonable and valid decision) before they lump the biggest wedges on top.


A misstep at this point could easily ruin the server and knock it way out of their targeted specs.


They said transfers Early Summer.


It's June 15th. Summer doesn't even start until next week.


Please, folks. I know you're excited and want to move. Give them some time to finesse the last portion of this together. You'll appreciate it much more later on.


This should have all been worked out already.


Let me ask you this. They determine that all the destination servers are at the level they want them to be and there are 2 more servers in that group that havent transfered. What will they do then? Combine those two servers so we now have 2 full servers and 1 server thats standard?


The plan was to give everyone the best playing experience by giving them more poeple on the server. What they did is fill up 2 servers and then ignored what would happen to the others. Really think those last two servers will be happy playing knowing that Bioware doesnt really care about the players /.

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Really think those last two servers will be happy playing knowing that Bioware doesnt really care about the players /.


I think they care. I'm still waiting for a kiss good-night and to get tucked into bed.


Really though, if they want to spend an extra 2 days to see how transfers will go over the weekend to better decide if they want to put Darth Malak on The Fatman or Pot5, I'm fine with that. I don't want to be somewhere too flooded.


Also, I hope I wind up on Pot5 :D

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Another dissapointmnet from BW. Yes, it's a small amount of servers and yes it's only a few days. I've been waiting all week to see my server pop up on the list. And now to find out that they think it's better to wait is just another example of how BW doesn't have their **** together.

I love the game, but really might be time to move on.


Oh, and I love all the analogies here....love em.


**fixes spelling**

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I do love that the last Dev post was over 2 hours ago - seems like maybe it was an early Friday.


In their shoes, would you post. It's kinda like asking to get yelled at and misinterpreted and get insulted. I would avoid that as much as possible. Its why I really tip my hat to the community managers.

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Hey everybody!


We have finished cleaning out the thread, removing several posts and their replies, so please feel free to continue discussion.


As always, please keep all comments and replies on-topic, constructive, and respectful of others even if there are differences in opinion.


Thanks and may the Force be with you!

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I feel scammed. They had to of known at the start of transfers these servers would not be moved because they wanted to monitor them. why not tell us a few days ago instead of letting us think we had a chance to actually play again.


You can play. The game is right there on your computer. You're free to play it whenever you want.

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Look BioWare, it's your game, do what you want. But know this... Stopping with less that 20% of servers left (which means less than 20% of the population) and my sub being up on Monday, you won't be getting a single penny from me until:


1) Transfers are announced for my server

2) I approve of the source/destination combo*


*This is the hitch... Had you just completed xfers today, I wouldn't care where I went, or if my server was an origin or destination server.. At this point, I care. If I see anything other than Darth Sion -> The Harbinger or Drooga's Pleasure Palace, then your hesitation has cost you my business...


Not like anybody actually cares...

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There's a whole galaxy outside the fleet ;)


True, just a shame that the planets it contains are even less populated than the fleet. case in poin on my server Lord Calypho there was just myself and one other guy on Hoth. thats it! As soon as I saw that i logged out again as whats the point, I may as well go play a single player game that I don't have to sub for.


Oh but there was 26 others on the fleet so i suppose thats one big party there. :cool:

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Well im not getting my hopes up for next week either, because one they figure out they screwed up by sending even more servers to FATMAN , a server thats already FULL, they are gonna have to re-transfer those people that went to fatman. And knowing Bioware that will take all of next week for them to figure out.
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The delay could, for me personally, not have come at a worse time. I havent played in 6 days, despite having days off from work, and I got bored after 5 minutes today due to the fact that the Q never pops and the likelyhood of getting a group together is minimal unless it's primetime and I get lucky. The latter is partially a player problem, it seems like players give up when the population reaches a certain low despite that it might still have been possible to get a group going. I think people fear being stuck in a group with strangers for too long while waiting for the group to fill up.


This is by no means specific to SWTOR, I have reached this point in several games. One thing all those games, games I used to love, had in common is that for every day that passed by and I couldnt bring myself to play, due to lack of incentive, the chance of me returning became smaller and smaller. I'd guess that the threshold is somewhere around 7-14 days of no game time, despite having the option, for me. My intensive work week starts on Monday evening (MD, long shifts with no time to play) so this is going to be a close one.

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Well im not getting my hopes up for next week either, because one they figure out they screwed up by sending even more servers to FATMAN , a server thats already FULL, they are gonna have to re-transfer those people that went to fatman. And knowing Bioware that will take all of next week for them to figure out.


I'm inclined to agree. I'd imaginemany of the existing destination servers are already overfull due to Bioware pushing the transfers w/o waiting a weekend in between bunches. I fully expect massive queues and lag when I try to play this weekend...


And I suspect that come Monday, there will be free transfers *from* these destination servers to one (or more) of the existing untransferred servers.

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lol! This is still going?


So... I'm on one of the affected servers. Affected as in status quo and not transfers. After thinking about it, and reading the dev message (btw, they do communicate with us), I'm happy to wait and see what happens this weekend. The loads will tax the servers and hopefully all will go as planned. When its my turn, everything will be done a dusted, and I will get a new server pop as well as 1.3. Not bad...


To those of you that feel slighted or worse are taking this personally, you just have to unclench for a moment and look up. All is well, and getting better.


BTW, to characterize the reasons they are not completing the transfers this weekend as not caring, or just plain laziness is just... well, lazy. The people that support this game work well into the weekends. They care. They are doing their best to support us. If you read the dev post, its logical and warranted to wait.


To those that think there are ulterior motives... Roll an IA. Its a much better story.

Edited by Rafaman
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