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Healers are fine. Perfectly fine. In fact probably a little more than fine.


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Healers in TOR are 100% fine.


I've been PVP'ing all day against "supposedly nerfed healers" and when played properly they are fine. In fact today felt almost like pre 1.2 as I wailed and wailed away on healers that (1) Could not be interrupted, and (2) could vanish whenever they needed to in order to escape. Sometimes we had 2 or 3 people on one healer and the healer wasn't going down, of course they had other healers healing them but that is how it is supposed to be.


Are healers overpowered? Am I calling for a nerf?


Not really.


Darn frustrating. Enough to make me decide to stop PVP'ing for the night, but I wouldn't say overpowered or in need of a nerf. I would say in some situational circumstances some healers are overpowered. I would say that healing in Huttball is a bit on the overpowered side but I wouldn't say they need to be nerfed.


They absolutely don't need to be buffed.


Already games are decided more or less on which team has the most operative/scoundrel healers. Anyone who thinks that healers need help simply needs to play some PVP with some good players and they need to make friends with tanks. Not once today was I able to solo a healer and I was finishing games with 600,000 damage dealt out. So no healers... You are fine... Perfectly fine.

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Well, healers are perfectly balanced at the momenet. We are not OP or under powered. I'll agree with you on that point. There is a big learning curve, however, to healing. One can't just respec healing and hope to do a good job. Unfortunatly, Bioware doesn't give any incentive to be a healer, especially in pvp. Come on, 1-3 MvP votes which basically means 1-3 extra wz commendations? Thats so usful to getting War Hero.... :rolleyes:
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Not going to lie - I'm enjoying my Scoundrel healer a lot - probably a little more than I should. While it's not the "tankiest" healer, it's certainly very flexible and extremely slippery. Not to mention being able to avoid the frustration of getting pulled and\or charged by simply ducking.
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I was going to say the same thing as the OP, albeit not as well and not in as many words. My first wz on a server I transfered to was vs a premade and inspite of much effort and impressive damage from my sentinel, my team failed to score a single kill (thanks to heals). Even pre 1.2 I've only seen that happen 1 or 2 times (and I have 2 75+ valor characters that never farmed ilum). Healers are definitely very annoying in wzs but they are more manageable; I'm not thinking of leaving the game because of them anymore (as I was pre-1.2). That hasn't happened to me on the new server since the first game and I've played a couple dozen so far...


<< Bioware doesn't give any incentive to be a healer, especially in pvp. Come on, 1-3 MvP votes which basically means 1-3 extra wz commendations? Thats so usful to getting War Hero.... >>


You make plenty of medals now, nothing to complain about there unless you're trying to compete with tanks. But the main advantage to playing a good healer is that you can make a big difference in the game and can influence more wins (hence more commendations and faster war hero gear). A great healer can turn a couple mediocre dps into awesome dps, make another healer unkillable unless focused by 3, etc.. Also, you'll have little trouble finding wz premade groups, ops/hm groups or good guilds that want you. The world is an oyster if you're willing to sacrifice the dream of playing a relatable, hero-like character ;>

Edited by Savej
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Throw a commando healer in there, and see if he can survive 1vs1, non warhero gear. people never said scoundrel healer was bad(best healer atm), it is sage and commando that got hit with the no longer useful stick.


What he said.

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Healers in TOR are 100% fine.


I've been PVP'ing all day against "supposedly nerfed healers" and when played properly they are fine. In fact today felt almost like pre 1.2 as I wailed and wailed away on healers that (1) Could not be interrupted, and (2) could vanish whenever they needed to in order to escape. Sometimes we had 2 or 3 people on one healer and the healer wasn't going down, of course they had other healers healing them but that is how it is supposed to be.


Are healers overpowered? Am I calling for a nerf?


Not really.


Darn frustrating. Enough to make me decide to stop PVP'ing for the night, but I wouldn't say overpowered or in need of a nerf. I would say in some situational circumstances some healers are overpowered. I would say that healing in Huttball is a bit on the overpowered side but I wouldn't say they need to be nerfed.


They absolutely don't need to be buffed.


Already games are decided more or less on which team has the most operative/scoundrel healers. Anyone who thinks that healers need help simply needs to play some PVP with some good players and they need to make friends with tanks. Not once today was I able to solo a healer and I was finishing games with 600,000 damage dealt out. So no healers... You are fine... Perfectly fine.


Vanish?? Vanish?? I can't "Vanish" on either my Sage or Inquisitor. Not all healers are Operative / Scoundrel. Operative / Scoundrel are not the ones that are having problems. The rest of the healers in the game are, unless you are 50 and in all WH gear. Then you might be doing fine with any class.

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<< Throw a commando healer in there, and see if he can survive 1vs1, non warhero gear. people never said scoundrel healer was bad(best healer atm), it is sage and commando that got hit with the no longer useful stick. >>


Saying commandos and sages are "no longer useful" is exaggerating any point you're trying to make to the point of being irrelevant. Also, as numerous healers liked to say pre-1.2: the game isn't about 1v1.

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Vanish?? Vanish?? I can't "Vanish" on either my Sage or Inquisitor. Not all healers are Operative / Scoundrel. Operative / Scoundrel are not the ones that are having problems. The rest of the healers in the game are, unless you are 50 and in all WH gear. Then you might be doing fine with any class.


I got news for you, Bounty Hunter/Trooper Healers that cannot be interrupted are fine too. Sages are COMPLETELY FINE and in fact I was spending a lot of time trying to kill one who would zip away and kite me around all through the Warzone. Every time I almost had him he made sure he was close enough to team mates who could guard him, taunt me, and focus fire me down.


Sages are fine right now. It is players who have the problems currently. Not the classes.

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I got news for you, Bounty Hunter/Trooper Healers that cannot be interrupted are fine too. Sages are COMPLETELY FINE and in fact I was spending a lot of time trying to kill one who would zip away and kite me around all through the Warzone. Every time I almost had him he made sure he was close enough to team mates who could guard him, taunt me, and focus fire me down.


Sages are fine right now. It is players who have the problems currently. Not the classes.


You're making this sound as if BH\Commando healers are permanently uninterruptable, while this occurs only during a fairly long cooldown's duration.


And I don't think you can really kite a competent Sentinel all that well as a healer Sage. Not without deep Balance, or mid-TK talents.

Edited by Helig
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I think the reality that causes consternation is how easy it is to chew up a healer being left to dangle in the wind versus how darn near impossible it is to get a healer that is being well supported by guard/taunt/peel/cross-heals.


Because of this when a healer receives improper support he feels extremely ineffective thus leading to the concerns healers are throwing out, while at the flip when he does receive proper support dps of the opposing team feel like they are bashing their heads against a wall.



As someone who makes it a point to go healer-hunting when on a dps character I know how much support plays into it over just skill/gear from facing the same names in multiple different situations, being able to tear them apart with relative is at times while being virtually unable to kill them at others.




This is probably the biggest area that a well-coordinated team separates itself. This leads to very little middle ground. Quite often they either get the support and are brutal to take down, or don't and get blown up.

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As far as an Opr/Scoundrel healer you guys must understand that they spent many hours stalthing and watching players in WZ's until the recent adjustments to our burst,is it any wonder that many who have went heal spec seem to have a very keen sense of not only the surroundings but the classes?


I know for myself i learned far more while stealth scrapper specced than any force person or commando etc about other classes,two guildmates of mine that had a force and a commando tried the scoundrel and after time realized just how much more you learn about others while playing that class.


And to top it is buff's,if you got your sage and any other of the buffs you are at a very good sitting point,and most other scoundrels i kno followed the same route.

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i think healers are fine one healer really dosnt make a big diffrence slap a mark on him and blow him up the problem is if there is 3-4 healers nothing dies due to cross healing but that happens with any class you stack and it supports each other just as healers its easyer cuz they dont have to pay that much attention since they support just by doing what they doing while dps has to look around and find someone to focus with.


end of story healing is fine its the stacking normal in any game if they have to many healers and lack of dps they lose to



You're making this sound as if BH\Commando healers are permanently uninterruptable, while this occurs only during a fairly long cooldown's duration.


And I don't think you can really kite a competent Sentinel all that well as a healer Sage. Not without deep Balance, or mid-TK talents.


and when they have there bubble up you can still stun/mez/kb them to make the time they immune to interrupt even shorter


kiting in this game is nearly inposibal agree there

Edited by mamosh
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Oh poor poor sages and sorcs... being on top of the healing numbers is hard sometimes. I guess you also want to have heavy armor and stealth.

Oh poor poor commandos and mercenaries... being on bottom of the healing numbers is hard sometimes. I guess you want to trade your heavy armor and massive damage reduction for more healing.


Oh and change that green beam for commandos please. (I heard they don't want to be focused because they prefer the light and medium armor to take the damage instead.)


Now now... to be serious.

Interrupts need a nerf. Sentinels/Marauders and Vanguards/PT require a nerf. I don't care about being able to deal damage. But being able to deal more damage then an healer can heal for is not something that should happens. Like a lot of people says. This game isn't about what you can do alone.

Edited by snaplemouton
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Ive played like two months 50 pvp now and im in battlemaster more or less and Ive only met 1 person in a 1v1 that ive been able to stalemate healing myself so he couldn't kill me. Every other time I've ever engaged with someone 1v1 I've died if I couldn't stun and run frantically away, but then I usually get pulled back or leaped too and I die. In below 50 pvp I could almost stalemate everyone where 2 people had to kill me or we just neutralized each other other which in reality was better for the other team since I couldnt aoe heal or bubble. Now in lvl 50 pvp I just play a game of don't bubble myself and hide behind the tree and hope for the best. I feel like im playing battlefield 3 and im a sniper that shoots magical rays of healing and I have to reposition my healing nest all the time.
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I have been playing all 3 healers extensively in WZs for the last few months, experiencing the patch(es), and everything else there is in a WZ.


I have to say that they are very similar in terms of healing capability. I don't do hybrid. I do full time healing. The rule of engagement is strictly: only fire when being fire upon. In my hand, all 3 healers heal more or less the same. If there are other healers in the group who do more or less the same as I do, we heal just about the same - usually within 10% different. I call it a draw anyway.


The only differences amongst the 3 start to show when there is no Guard available and when you are being marked and being focused-fire upon. However, I am not going to rank them in here in terms of survivability in case someone with less experience in healing may get a wrong idea. Having said that, if you want to survive in a WZ and be a tough little healer, you have to really learn your class knowing all the powers you have at your disposal using them at the right moment.


So, in short, in terms of healing potential, there is nothing to choose between them. But they do have their own unique strengths and weaknesses that will seriously affect your healing output. Choose the one that is best fit your play style and strategic mindset and I am sure you will do very very well.



Taking down a healer does taking some strategic thinking. In short, CC and burst - not necessarily in that order but from my experience that usually does the job more efficiently. It is very hard to massage a decent healer to death, particularly when the healer know which heal to use under what circumstances. You have to hit hard and fast. Some specs are better at neutralising a healer while some are not half as effective; and that gives the illusion that healers are hard to kill. A sheer mean dps machine on steroid is a sore sight for every healer; worst when they have perfected they attack chain.


I suppose as in all manners in life, you have to bring the right tool to do the job.

Edited by The_Old_One
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Actually there's a bunch of Commando healers on my server (err... my old server) that are much harder to kill than scoundrels. Probably the face-tankiest of the 3, imo. Sage healers are pretty weak defensively atm, but their heals are also better so I'm not sure what needs to be done.
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Actually there's a bunch of Commando healers on my server (err... my old server) that are much harder to kill than scoundrels. Probably the face-tankiest of the 3, imo. Sage healers are pretty weak defensively atm, but their heals are also better so I'm not sure what needs to be done.


actualy its quite simple ppl need to stop running around in tank specs thinking they are dps and supposed to bring down healers ;)

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Sage healers are not fine. We can be interrupted and cannot vanish. In fact, Sage healers were broken from the beggining, but it wasn't as obvious back then due to long TTK and few bugs.


Why Sage healers are broken? Because we are kiting class that cannot heal on the move (yea, except for bubble, which has CD). I'm ok with moving a lot, but how can we heal if most of our heals are channeled? No good melee player will ever give us a chance to finish a heal. If you having troubles killing or shutting down a Sage healer 1v1, well that only tells me something about you.


Can anyone seriously say that Sage healers are as effective as Scoundrel healers?

Edited by DartLexx
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Sorc is a kiting-only class with light armor, no defensive cooldowns, weak single target burstheal and weak instant heals.

If a light armor healer has no defensive cooldowns, no burst heal and no good instant heals/HoT's to use while kiting, this isn't what I call "balanced".


To survive just one good player beating on them and to have a useful force regeneration without hurting themselves, they need to put 18-20 points into a dps tree (lightning).

Forcing a healer to put half of his talent points into a dps tree isn't what I call "balanced".




I don't play a Merc so I can't really judge them, but they seem to be pretty tanky. Their problem is that they are to immobile. They need to stand still to cast most of the time. This also leaves them open for interrupts.



Operatives are fine.

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I got news for you, Bounty Hunter/Trooper Healers that cannot be interrupted are fine too. Sages are COMPLETELY FINE and in fact I was spending a lot of time trying to kill one who would zip away and kite me around all through the Warzone. Every time I almost had him he made sure he was close enough to team mates who could guard him, taunt me, and focus fire me down.


Sages are fine right now. It is players who have the problems currently. Not the classes.


you lost my respect...

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In terms of mobility, I have an interesting idea. Have not really thought it through yet but here it is:


For those heals that need to be casted standing still, how about allow them to be casted at walking speed?


The idea is to introduce some mobility into a fast pace PvP environment without making the mobility itself a game changing factor.


In PvE, cast standing still is fine since most of the fight are sufficiently localised. In PvP, I feel a bit trapped standing still.


I have been thinking about it for quite sometime already imaging what it would be like if I were allowed. You will be moving slowly and your back will be exposed to certain back-hitting class. But you will not be a sitting duck feeling isolated from the rest of the team.


Of course, I am not saying all cast heal should be allowed to cast while moving. May be keep those bigger ones as it is for now. Just those mid-range cast heal, I suppose. In essence, there is a gradual lose of mobility starting with the fully mobile small instant heals on one end to the totally stand-still big cast heals on the other.


Just a though. I am open for suggestions.

Edited by The_Old_One
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