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Transfers; has it given the game a new lease on life?


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well people are stupid and self entitled... sorry but if you lost your name because you CHOSE to move to another server you have no right to complain as it is completely fair... if the name is taken than that means someone else on that server got it first and as such it is rightfully their's... and if your name is taken already than obviously it wasn't very unique so the whole "but it's my online identity" argument falls right in the crapper


I checked for the names first and they are taken.I haven't moved all my characters over but I do feel like I will be forced to if I want to do anything besides PvE. They weren't super common names either, but as long as Bioware didn't delete people who are unsubscribed or are place holding names on level 1 characters then it is their fault.


All of this is their fault. I am entitled I pay for the damn game and I'm going to bad mouth it just adding to the already bad word out there. For a good reason, this is just a symptom of those reasons.

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It sure makes the game more fun ATM. With more people on planets that has been very fun today and yesterday.


That being said the things that made people leave in the first place have not yet been fixed, so sub numbers may very well drop again. Will some of these servers drop to the dead feel we have been having, i dont think so.


SWTOR overall is a decent game, its staying power IMO is lacking, but the storylines and some of the better aspects should hold enough of a player base to keep SWTOR afloat for a long time.


I wont be surprised when the fleet goes from 300 to 150 duing peak hours, and 150 is alot of players still, so should still be fun.

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well people are stupid and self entitled... sorry but if you lost your name because you CHOSE to move to another server you have no right to complain as it is completely fair... if the name is taken than that means someone else on that server got it first and as such it is rightfully their's... and if your name is taken already than obviously it wasn't very unique so the whole "but it's my online identity" argument falls right in the crapper


Bingo. Get an original name.

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Bingo. Get an original name.


You feel this way because you joined in 2012, others joined in as far back as 2008.


Alot of people pre-ordered so they could reserve their names. This was one of the benifit of paying the extra money and a topic on these forums commonly at pre-launch


Personally I lost my name but i just went ahead and rerolled the same name on a different server and the problems fixed, but that is me.


I am more passive about this stuff, but i can understand why some of these players would want to quit.


They have vested 6 months into that toon and they lost the name to some person that most likely does not play anymore.


What is important to you may differ from what is important to someone else, but that does not mean its any anymore or any less important.

Edited by kirorx
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I wouldn't know. My server has not been merged. I don't mind the wait to make sure the servers aren't overpopulated but between not knowing the fate of my server and waiting all day only to find out I will have to wait yet another day to see if I will get to log into a healthy pop server or back into a dead server is frying my nerves. I would just like to know if the server transfer is going to happen or not and if so, when.
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Everything comes with a price: this might please hard-core users with toons on low-pop servers, but it comes at the price of alienating casuals on the now-swamped servers, and it doesn't please people that are being asked to change names.


Much more importantly, it doesn't address the issues that caused people to leave in the first place, #1 of which is trying to sell a story-driven MMO without regular story updates.


I'd say it's more like a bandage on a gaping wound, not necessarily a new lease on life just yet.


I Agree.


Instead of trying to follow the standard theme-park mmo model, BW should focus on doing what they designed the game to do, deliever an on-going story. They should be selling the game on it's merits, rather then desperately trying to please the crowd who want to focus on end game.


Swtor isn't about the endgame, and by the time they actually HAVE a decent endgame several new mmo's will have launched.

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Have you seriously not heard about the group finder that's coming in 1.3?


you realize.. that group finder is not cross server so the only thing it will do.... is make for players being kicked from groups because they are not as geared as the current group... meaning....you sign up for finder.... you are in culumi gear...you get put in with 4 others in rakata gear... they won't want to carry you in a HM that you clearly are more than geared for so you will be booted....only to have to start over again.... atleast with cross server they could try and match gear of players togather, something which wow was able to do to a limited extent. For something like that to work you need a bigger pool of players to pull from... but since they will only pull from 500 players max.. that is not going to be a ideral pool.


as it stands now.. even with the group finder the best way of getting a group is joining a guild that is very active and willing to help.

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You feel this way because you joined in 2012, others joined in as far back as 2008.


Alot of people pre-ordered so they could reserve their names. This was one of the benifit of paying the extra money and a topic on these forums commonly at pre-launch


Personally I lost my name but i just went ahead and rerolled the same name on a different server and the problems fixed, but that is me.


I am more passive about this stuff, but i can understand why some of these players would want to quit.


They have vested 6 months into that toon and they lost the name to some person that most likely does not play anymore.


What is important to you may differ from what is important to someone else, but that does not mean its any anymore or any less important.

such a fanboy science 2008,

others dont love a game so much until it really launch,

we dont trust any game, anything on the world will go well until it REALLY happen,

buy a lesson, next time dont pre-order anything, such as da2,me3,d3,gw2,

do not trust them until u really played them.

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I'd say it's definitely re-invigorated the game for our guild. We're a PvP-active guild, and the first people to log in on Prophecy of the Five reported that they warzone entries were popping up instantly every time they emerged from their last one. The Galactic Trade Network is FAR more active than it was on our old server, and people are having no problem finding groups for flashpoints and operations. And open-world PvP seems to be picking up as well. A handful of Saints went into the Black Hole zone on Corellia, and found some 15 Imps arrayed outside the Republic base. They allied up with another Republic guild, and proceeded to clear the Imps out.


Fun times have returned!

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I don't think so. But it should keep those around who wanted to play the game but couldn't because of low pop.


What will give the game a new lease on life will be the space content if they do it right. If they do that right I could see a large influx of players coming back.

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I think a lot of people love this game but needed more M in MMO - some havnt been able to do all the Ops and stuff much.so now they can actually play the game.


For others it will.make.it more fun but won't be life changing, some of us are still bored of doing EC over and over again.Part of the reason why I'm getting into PVP more and playing other games until more content comes :)


In general I.think yeah this is a big big deal for most people. And once 1.3 hits with lfg tool and ranked wz - even though there's no new content I think it will breathe a lot of life into PvP and PvE especially flashpoints.

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I'm curious, how do members of RP servers express their excitement over the influx of players?


They RP with random folks in their environment spontaneously, and then go back to guild forums and say how happy they are. :-)


I'm having a TOR-gasm over here on Ebon Hawk. It's back to feeling like a real MMO again.


Oh emm gee. That's my new favorite expression Jenazali!!!



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It seems to be correcting the mistake of opening too many servers at launch, but that's it. They still need to address the issue of not being able to find groups for things without spamming fleet station.


You wouldn't be one of the thousands of people who flooded the forums with tears and rage about 15-30 min queue times to login thus causing BW to open up more servers than needed to placate the nerdragin' masses,were you? My guess is you were, since the posters urging people to sit tight and wait out the server queues was small and less vocal.


Was it a mistake to open so many servers? Yes. Is it right to blames BW for this? To a degree,because they could have put their foot down, but that would have likely incited more rage. The blame for the vast amount of servers and then low populations on these servers after the typical sub drop off in MMOs falls squarely on the shoulders of the community.


Also check out the patch notes on the PTS forums for group finder.

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I Agree.


Instead of trying to follow the standard theme-park mmo model, BW should focus on doing what they designed the game to do, deliever an on-going story. They should be selling the game on it's merits, rather then desperately trying to please the crowd who want to focus on end game.


Swtor isn't about the endgame, and by the time they actually HAVE a decent endgame several new mmo's will have launched.


This ^^^ identifies exactly the focus Bioware/Ea must have in designing this MMO. This would make them both unique and offer the gaming community something new. But if they they (and I'm looking at you EA) try to follow somebody else in a cash grab, they will fail and fall flat on their face because they stopped doing something they do well, in order to do something they don't do so well. For more reference see Mass Effect 3.

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I'm curious as to what your definition of this is, because once the Group Finder and Rated Warzones are here, the only thing this game won't have that...others...do, are the crutches.


You know, macros, UI's that play the game for you, that kind of thing.




Do you really think the game's problems end at macros? Really? You can't be new to the forums, so just take a look around. You'll know exactly what's wrong with the game in no time at all.

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