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Rename Box Is Poorly Designed


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Just in case you're transferring and you lose multiple characters' names... don't assume BioWare used any kind of common sense to create the rename function.


Instead of asking you to rename the characters one at a time based on the order in which you select to rename them, it throws them all at you back to back.


Since the only character whose new name I had picked was not "the first on the list" according to whatever criterion BioWare picked, I gave the new name to the wrong damned character.


Do BioWare devs not think at all about how a player would react to a new UI item at all? Do you not go over your designs and think how a user might interact with it, and what could possibly go wrong there? What if I don't want to give all my characters new names right away?


Christ, I spend hours at work thinking up exactly these types of scenarios when designed interfaces to make sure it functions as closely as possible to what a user expects it to do.


So now it's time for a ticket, and this gratuitous warning to everyone else who is transferring.

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I did the same thing - luckily the character I gave the wrong name to was a level 10 I wasn't particularly attached to so I could just delete him and fix the issue, but yeah. Be careful.


It really isn't obvious - the character in the background does change but they're kind of dimmed out.

Edited by Ingmar
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yep. Bioware's fault that you didn't take the time to read and make sure you were doing it correctly.


Nothing to see here people. :rolleyes:


Lazy design is not an excuse. It isn't at my work, it shouldn't be at theirs. A little forethought would be saving them lots of customer service work.


It really isn't obvious - the character in the background does change but they're kind of dimmed out.


Plus that.


However, the CS person responded very quickly to my ticket and reset the name for me to reassign again within minutes. So props to that.


Now I can rename the character again, but it won't let me release the name of the one whose name I want to change because again, it goes in goddamn alphabetical order.

Edited by Gungan
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No, this definitely isn't players faults. The way it works is, say you have 3 characters that need renames, first of all, they will have absurd names such as "SARWERSFEFWEFE" that's not even a joke, it's like they programmed it to faceroll the keyboard. So, say you click second in the list, you will get a pop up box that says to rename a character, type in the name, hit ok and congrats, you actually just renamed the first character in your list, not the second one that you clicked on. Edited by OmegaJinjo
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this is a very bad mistake on BW's end if they really didn't make it clear which toon you were renaming at the time. hell even having the customer think 'i transferred this one first, so the first one to rename will be this one' is making the customer go WAY out of their way to figure out what the software is doing.


I would suspect that it's just a display bug though, it just doesn't seem like something bioware would do. Especially when they spent so much time setting up these transfers.

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So the huge pic of the toon being renamed in the background didn't clue you in?


It is like looking at the character in a dark room, so no, it doesn't really do anything to draw your eye to the fact that the character that you clicked on is suddenly not the one being renamed. Especially if you happen to have 2 characters that aren't very different looking from each other.

Edited by Ingmar
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Lazy design is not an excuse. It isn't at my work, it shouldn't be at theirs. A little forethought would be saving them lots of customer service work.




Plus that.


However, the CS person responded very quickly to my ticket and reset the name for me to reassign again within minutes. So props to that.


so you were too lazy to pay attention so you say it's biowares fault for lazy design.........

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so you were too lazy to pay attention so you say it's biowares fault for lazy design.........


Yes. When you think a little about how you're designing something and the way the actual users will interact with it, these kinds of issues don't come up.


Now I want to release the name I assigned incorrectly, but it won't, because it wants me to rename the other one first.


Why they didn't just let you rename one at a time I cannot imagine.

Edited by Gungan
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I believe you can hit the X to cancel a rename to move on to the next one, After I realized it didn't name the one I clicked and prompted me to continue renaming I did that.


Nope. It just cancels the whole process.

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No there are no neon lights and flashing signs, but when you rename your character, the character you are renaming is highlighted on the character list. If BioWare wrongly assumed that folks could pay attention to simple details, then I guess that is their fault.
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No there are no neon lights and flashing signs, but when you rename your character, the character you are renaming is highlighted on the character list. If BioWare wrongly assumed that folks could pay attention to simple details, then I guess that is their fault.


As opposed to the character I double clicked myself in order to select it. Just remove the mouse, and the ability to select characters altogether. Just tell them right when they access the server that such and such a character needs a new name so they have no absurd inclination that they can pick the character they want to rename themselves. Even that would have been better than what they did.

Edited by Gungan
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I got caught by this, and the background didn't change until I hit the confirm button.


I was never looking at my smuggler.


I clicked my trooper, I hit the 'play' button, I was told that I had to rename them, I typed in the name that I wanted them to have, I clicked 'enter' and then my smuggler suddenly appeared with that name.


I submitted a ticket and waited an hour and a half or so.

I decided to just delete my smuggler and give the name to the right character.


There shouldn't be any tricks or traps.

You click on a character, you should rename that character.


The rename box should automatically appear on the screen whenever you select a character that needs a name change.

You typ ein the new name, confirm the new name, and then move on to the game or to another character that needs a new name.


Simple. Easy.

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Just in case you're transferring and you lose multiple characters' names... don't assume BioWare used any kind of common sense to create the rename function.


Instead of asking you to rename the characters one at a time based on the order in which you select to rename them, it throws them all at you back to back.


Since the only character whose new name I had picked was not "the first on the list" according to whatever criterion BioWare picked, I gave the new name to the wrong damned character.


Do BioWare devs not think at all about how a player would react to a new UI item at all? Do you not go over your designs and think how a user might interact with it, and what could possibly go wrong there? What if I don't want to give all my characters new names right away?


Christ, I spend hours at work thinking up exactly these types of scenarios when designed interfaces to make sure it functions as closely as possible to what a user expects it to do.


So now it's time for a ticket, and this gratuitous warning to everyone else who is transferring.


I just got screwed by this. I chose the character at the bottom of my character list to rename first, and didn't notice that it force replaced it with character at the top of the list instead until it was too late. Now the wrong character has the wrong name.


A+ for stupidity, Bioware. I thought about calling your stellar CS about this, but I haven't so far since I doubt they will understand what I am referring to and will just give me a canned "we do not offer name changes at this time" response. I am THIS close to cancelling my account and moving on to a certain secret world of an MMO when it launches on July 3rd.


P.S. I can't believe the fanboys defending this ridiculous design desicion. That's over the top, even for the fanboys.

Edited by boxfetish
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it was listed in patch notes a while back that when characters needed to be renamed they would all have to be done in the order they appeared on the list before you could log in


now not only does it show the characters picture in the back but the actual rename box has text telling you BW needs you to rename the character and lists said character's name...


it is perfectly upfront and easy to understand if you actually look and read what is in the box before mashing the keyboard and clicking accept

Edited by Liquidacid
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it was listed in patch notes a while back that when characters needed to be renamed they would all have to be done in the order they appeared on the list before you could log in


now not only does it show the characters picture in the back but the actual rename box has text telling you BW needs you to rename the character and lists said character's name...


it is perfectly upfront and easy to understand if you actually look and read what is in the box before mashing the keyboard and clicking accept


If that's the case then the interface should be designed such that people cant double click on any character except the first one in the list of ones being renamed.


If I double click a character to rename it, I expect to rename it, and not a different character from somewhere else in the list.

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If that's the case then the interface should be designed such that people cant double click on any character except the first one in the list of ones being renamed.


If I double click a character to rename it, I expect to rename it, and not a different character from somewhere else in the list.


are you in the habit of not reading things before clicking accept? because that is the only way you could not know which exact character you are re-naming

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You're being too hard on Bioware. Everybody knows that transferring data between servers is a very complicated procedure requiring a whole team of engineers many months to pull off, and now in addition to all that you expect them to design a UI that will account for every one of their user's deficiencies?


If your character's name is seriously that important to you then you can pay to rename it when Bioware designs the transaction. Until then you should just sit tight and be more understanding of how complex everything is.

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