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When the Cathar come


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I plan on making a male cathar smuggler if its gonna be a starting species


I have a feeling that they'll start as cathar/trooper only, since those classes are the only ones without a race unique to them. Jedi have miraluka; Sith have sith; agents and bounty hunters have chiss.

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I have a feeling that they'll start as cathar/trooper only, since those classes are the only ones without a race unique to them. Jedi have miraluka; Sith have sith; agents and bounty hunters have chiss.


But then what do smugglers have for a uniqe race cause i know its not miralians that bioware decided to throw into every republic aligned class. So i say get rid of the miraliens as a playable species with troopers and smugglers and replace them with the cathar!

Edited by AdennBralor
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When the Cathar come...

...And the land is dark

And the moon is the only light we see

Oh, I won't be afraid, no, I won't be afraid

Just so long as you stand, stand by me...


Okay - now that I have that out of my system...


I am leaning toward Jedi Knight, myself, largely because of the Cathat NPC who is the Jedi Master one delivers a Flesh Raider baby to, who was the first run in with Cathar I ever had. I may feel differently when we get there. We'll see. But that is where I am leaning right now.

Edited by Uluain
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they're a bad idea anytime... generic fantasy/sci-fi 'alien' that scrapes the barrel for no real reason. .


hate to break it to you but star wars is a sci fi fantasy, so there are weird and similar creatures out there, by your standards then yoda is nothing more than a really old goblin.

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But then what do smugglers have for a uniqe race cause i know its not miralians that bioware decided to throw into every republic aligned class. So i say get rid of the miraliens as a playable species with troopers and smugglers and replace them with the cathar!


What do you have against Mirialans? Hmm?

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I shall create a dark sided cathar smuggler(gunslinger) who will become the adopted younger brother to my vanguard canderordo(who is neutral)

the cathar's personality: loves his family and money, and he HATES slavery and racism to an unhealthy level.

Edited by saiyanjedidmv
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Am I the only person who won't touch the Cathar with a ten-meter gaffi stick? Cat people just bother me. They're more than a little...furry. And catgirls bother me even more. Yuck. I won't be rolling one.


It doesn't help that I found Juhani the absolute, hands-down, bar none, most annoying KOTOR companion. So boo, Cathar.


I'm really sorry, Jorgan, I do like everything about you, except that you're a cat person. :(

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Am I the only person who won't touch the Cathar with a ten-meter gaffi stick? Cat people just bother me. They're more than a little...furry. And catgirls bother me even more. Yuck. I won't be rolling one.


It doesn't help that I found Juhani the absolute, hands-down, bar none, most annoying KOTOR companion. So boo, Cathar.


I'm really sorry, Jorgan, I do like everything about you, except that you're a cat person. :(

Bright, I keep meaning to respond to this and well...yeah completely off in my own little world.


If Aric and the other Cathar were more cat-like I'd probably agree with you. I'm really not into furry. But for all the jokes made about hairballs and such, the most cat-like thing Aric does is some minor growling when

f!trooper flirts with Balkar on Nar Shaddaa

and really it might just be his normal grumbling cause the man does like to grumble. Other than that and a few minor word adjustments, like he'll refer to a "mate" instead of a "wife," he acts completely "human." The pointy teeth and ears, flat nose, and yellow eyes really aren't at all weird to me when you consider twi'leks, sith, and so on.


So, to me, they're not cat-people so much as an alien SW race with vaguely catlike features. I'll be rolling one, but I really hope (probably in vain) that people don't act too cat-like with them as the race, from what I've seen, doesn't really trend too far that way.

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I have to say that Juhani was my absolute favorite character in KOTOR. So...yeah. I'll be making a Cathar Jedi Knight in her honor.


Just like I've been making Miraluka assassins/shadows in Visas' honor.


Now, I just need to get myself an HK series droid...


Juhani was also my favorite character in the game. I wasn't sure if I was going to like her when I first read about her prior to the game being released but Juhani won me over fairly quickly.

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i'm expecting a resurgence of people shouting MEW and erotic role playing when they come out.


I'll be sticking with my Turtles 3 quotes.


"Meow, dude."


Also, this:

I have to say that Juhani was my absolute favorite character in KOTOR. So...yeah. I'll be making a Cathar Jedi Knight in her honor.
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