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Serious overloading of servers


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Thank you Bioware for giving me a free transfer off a dead server to one I can wait in queue for an hour to be able to log in to. Are you frickin kidding me?!!! I've waited this long for a fix to the population issues, my patience is running thin.
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Bioware, the server lag due to population is becoming unbearable. Half the time in raids, I have to resort to spamming abilities from memory because I have no actual concept of whats happening in real-time due to lag. I am getting random disconnects at least 4 times a day. How is it possible that you had no foresight that this would occur? I'm fine with high population, but for the love of god, please have the resources in place to handle it! Please at the very least, acknowledge there is a problem(you so far, have not) and give us reassurance that you are working hard to fix it.
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45 Minute wait on PO5. They obviously didn't plan for people coming back for 1.3. This is ridiculous. I hope they implement free transfers to anywhere because this is not acceptable. Especially since last time I had to wait in line in this game to get in, after it got to 0 it gave me an error and I had to jump back in line.
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EDIT: Shortly after this post, it seems like waits have gone away. Thank you!

EDIT: 6-27 SSDD :( Guess we won't be playing tonight either.


I'm really just losing the wind in my sails here. I've recently had a renewed interest in PvP / PvE after transferring to Pof5. It really has been great, and I was seriously considering re-upping my subscription, but this gives me doubt. Obviously the queue's won't last, but why won't they last? Just think how many people BioWare / EA is losing tonight as I type because of this? People who were willing to give the game another chance with the patch, but can't play because of a 1 hr queue.


I personally have a group of friends who's interest has been waning in recent weeks, but were excited about playing 1.3. "Why not, I'll give it another shot" they say. "Oh, hour wait, never mind. Let's go play something else..."


I am dissapoint...

Edited by breenius
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I'm really just losing the wind in my sails here. I've recently had a renewed interest in PvP / PvE after transferring to Pof5. It really has been great, and I was seriously considering re-upping my subscription, but this gives me doubt. Obviously the queue's won't last, but why won't they last? Just think how many people BioWare / EA is losing tonight as I type because of this? People who were willing to give the game another chance with the patch, but can't play because of a 1 hr queue.


I personally have a group of friends who's interest has been waning in recent weeks, but were excited about playing 1.3. "Why not, I'll give it another shot" they say. "Oh, hour wait, nevermind. Let's go play something else..."


I am dissapoint...


I thought we were raising the server caps? Servers full on a TUESDAY. What the heck is going to happen come Friday?

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There is just no pleasing people. Dear doomsayers, 1.3 came out today. Perhaps, there is a bit of a surge in log ons today to check out the new stuff?!? Take a deep breath and maybe wait a week then you won't have to waste your precious time waiting in an hour long queue.
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I am all for free server transfers to select servers to help fix population problems. Almost every single server opened to free transfers is given the option to go from empty to heavy-full population. My queue was two hours tonight to play and then i got booted out of queue randomly half way through and had to requeue. I checked to see if there were free transfers off my server and was surprised to see that 12 servers are invited to transfer free to my server instead. How is this free transfer resolving the problem? Its just creating a different one and will make my queue times even longer. I dont know why there not sheperding these people to other empty server so that they can combine and create medium to heavy servers, I fail to understand the logic.
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1hour and 50minutes queue time......This is totally unacceptable to charge honest people money for. I dont care whether its in the EULA that waiting may be applicable, the amount of negative feedback you are recieving should have at least prompted somebody with the decency to respond to this thread and let your paying customer know what you intend on doing to fix this circus act


couldn´t said it better m8, we should get Free Transfer from the server to a server that WE whant and not to a predetermend server, can´t understand what they where thinking of sending everyone to that server.

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There is just no pleasing people. Dear doomsayers, 1.3 came out today. Perhaps, there is a bit of a surge in log ons today to check out the new stuff?!? Take a deep breath and maybe wait a week then you won't have to waste your precious time waiting in an hour long queue.


Well it was up to nearly 2 hours for much of last night (over 1600 in the queue for TOFN).


It's not usually that bad, but often gets up to ~1 hour on a sunday, and can (although doesn't always) easily break 30 mins pretty much any Prime Time at the moment.



I dunno how you can expect people to just not play for a week though and somehow be happy about that, that is just plain silly and no one should have to do that. :confused:

Edited by Goretzu
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Are you trying to convince us or yourself?


He's right. I have characters on three servers, they all had a healthy population before the transfers. During premium hours on any week night they had between 120-150 on both sides of the fleet. Now they are ghost servers with maybe 50 people left on each. Not every server needed transfers off.


I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone who abandoned a perfectly good server that had a good population only to move to one where you should have known full well would end up with a login queue time. You did it to yourselves.


BioWare herded you onto a handful of servers in a masked server merge, now you cannot transfer back to your origin server (yet) and with a obnoxiously long login time you cannot play on your 50's. But you can go back and start over on a new character and with a bit of luck your names are still available. Or of course there is always that one option to unsub (for now) and hope you can transfer off the over populated server in the future.


There were some threads about this very thing happening before transfers were available. You should have heeded their warning. All of this could have been avoided. As BioWare said, they are optional, you could have stayed home with your guild and had a bunch better time in game instead of standing outside in the rain looking in. :jawa_smile:

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Some people can only play an hour or two a day max because they have other obligations. To have to spend half of that time waiting in line to even play the game is just bad logic. Bioware never lets anyone know what is going on, and if they do it's an automated/copy paste response that only answers a question partially. People are getting fed up with it. You only get one second chance.
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He's right. I have characters on three servers, they all had a healthy population before the transfers. During premium hours on any week night they had between 120-150 on both sides of the fleet. Now they are ghost servers with maybe 50 people left on each. Not every server needed transfers off.


I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone who abandoned a perfectly good server that had a good population only to move to one where you should have known full well would end up with a login queue time. You did it to yourselves.


BioWare herded you onto a handful of servers in a masked server merge, now you cannot transfer back to your origin server (yet) and with a obnoxiously long login time you cannot play on your 50's. But you can go back and start over on a new character and with a bit of luck your names are still available. Or of course there is always that one option to unsub (for now) and hope you can transfer off the over populated server in the future.


There were some threads about this very thing happening before transfers were available. You should have heeded their warning. All of this could have been avoided. As BioWare said, they are optional, you could have stayed home with your guild and had a bunch better time in game instead of standing outside in the rain looking in. :jawa_smile:




My server was dead, utterly.


My new server is full, massively over full.


What should I have done? And how was it my fault? :confused:

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My server was dead, utterly.


My new server is full, massively over full.


What should I have done? And how was it my fault? :confused:


Isn't that what it's supposed to be? Massive Multiplayer Online Game.

Eh In my opinion I'd rather have to wait for a queue than log onto a dead server...


lol I remember people complaining this seemed like a single-player game due to the fact they couldn't find anyone online... but now since theres alot more people on a server, people are complaining the fact there are too much people.....


Fact is gamers are whiney.(I understand those who have prior obligations and such, which sucks)


Those saying you paid for the product you want to play it whenever, try telling that to a park manager at six flags in the middle of summer.

Edited by Seravie
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People will always complain won't they?


No queues >> *cry* servers are empty/dead. we want merges/transfers!


Transfers come >> *cry* I have to wait 10-30 mins because BW did what we asked them to do.



I know there's still a lot bugged in this game, but cut them some slack the times they actually do what people want them to do and don't cry about it


dude 10-30 minutes are fine.


but us EU players were waiting for the best part of 2 hours to get onto our server last night.

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Isn't that what it's supposed to be? Massive Multiplayer Online Game.

Eh In my opinion I'd rather have to wait for a queue than log onto a dead server...


lol I remember people complaining this seemed like a single-player game due to the fact they couldn't find anyone online... but now since theres alot more people on a server, people are complaining the fact there are too much people.....


Fact is gamers are whiney.(I understand those who have prior obligations and such, which sucks)


Those saying you paid for the product you want to play it whenever, try telling that to a park manager at six flags in the middle of summer.




The 2 hour queues last night were likely a 1 off (and I beat them and only had a 40 min queue), but there are regular 30+ min queues on TOFN now, certainly on peak times like Sunday, but also on nightly Prime Times.


I've played on plenty of full servers in MMORPGs (and been through several server mergers in MMORPGs), but rarely (in fact never, come to think of it) have I had queues outside of the inital Live Launch of a game.


Are you saying it wrong for a player to want their server to be somewhere in the happy medium between DEAD and FULL (with a 2 hour, 1600 person queue)? :confused:

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The 2 hour queues last night were likely a 1 off (and I beat them and only had a 40 min queue), but there are regular 30+ min queues on TOFN now, certainly on peak times like Sunday, but also on nightly Prime Times.


I've played on plenty of full servers in MMORPGs (and been through several server mergers in MMORPGs), but rarely (in fact never, come to think of it) have I had queues outside of the inital Live Launch of a game.


Are you saying it wrong for a player to want their server to be somewhere in the happy medium between DEAD and FULL (with a 2 hour, 1600 person queue)? :confused:




That's where I would want my main server to be again. Dreshdae was most of the time, Standard during the day and at night Standard/Heavy if it was the weekend. the first day of transfers people yelled abandon ship and transferred off because it was the "cool" thing to do. (those are the players I referred to in my post above)


Now they have wait times to log in, a ton of lag, lost their names. I went to Shadowlands to check it out the second day of transfers and the first thing I saw when I got to the fleet was someone telling people to, in short,(I'll leave out the expletives) go back to their origin servers. That sounds like a great server to go to doesn't it?


Now if BioWare wants to save face with the vast majority of their players (again) they need to allow them to go to at least their origin server if not a free transfer any where. They need to do something, and do it quick. I've been behind them every step until this transfer fiasco.

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The 2 hour queues last night were likely a 1 off (and I beat them and only had a 40 min queue), but there are regular 30+ min queues on TOFN now, certainly on peak times like Sunday, but also on nightly Prime Times.


I've played on plenty of full servers in MMORPGs (and been through several server mergers in MMORPGs), but rarely (in fact never, come to think of it) have I had queues outside of the inital Live Launch of a game.


Are you saying it wrong for a player to want their server to be somewhere in the happy medium between DEAD and FULL (with a 2 hour, 1600 person queue)? :confused:


This really doesn't make sense, MMORPG*(I didnt want to add the RP to it because the majority of players are either PVE or PVP orientated. not a knock towards RP community)


Im saying that in my opinion I'd rather wait in a queue and log on to a full server rather than a medium-"dead" server.

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I went to log in and was at 1625!


i only had an hour to play , and this was supposed to be me coming back to the game after a few weeks away.


Makes me laugh!


Why on earth didn't they do the transfers after the patch???


Wasn't it obvious that there would be people coming back to try the new stuff??



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so why would they open a server for transfers BEYOND it's capacity? I


Simple traffic estimation and players habits:


Server capacity: 25.000 (numbers sucked out of the thumb - for example purpose only)

Number of players "subscribed" to that server: 25.000 (server is FULL)

Number of players actually playing: 17.000

server usage statistics: 68%


Server capacity: 25.000

Number of players "subscribed" to that server: 40.000 (server is FULL)

Number of players actually playing: 25.000

in queue: additional 3.000

server usage statistics: 100%


See the connection? The more ppl are allowed to play on given server the higher chance it will operate near full capacity. If you cap player base to meet the server cap it's almost 100% chance that this server WILL NEVER operate at full. Simple economy. Instead of having 10 servers @ 40-60% usage lets have 5 from which top 3 have up to 15mins queues.


Overall amount of players won't change significantly but our internal server running costs are much lower.

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