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So, How Many Names Did You Lose?


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I lost one name I wanted to keep, but I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to keep my two favourites. I had to change my legacy name which was actually nice because I didn't like what I originally picked and so I was lucky..
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this kind of thread should be deleted. It is in no way constructive to the game in any way, shape, or form. It is only an outlet for ppl to complain about something the EULA/TOS has already taken care of. You don't like it well guess what......your "issue" is covered in the EULA/TOS, read that. You are NOT promised, gauranteed, slotted, or otherwise entitled to any name for any character. All names are UNIQUE and FIRST SOME FIRST SERVE. You CHOOSE to move to another server knowing full well what may or may not happen to your character name. Now deal with it PROPERLY.


Well, first and foremost I did not CHOOSE to move ... while Bioware is offering free server transfers right now, as though it is an opportunity ... but later this summer they are going to start doing server merges and anyone left on the servers that are currently being given free transfers will be FORCED to leave their server. So I am moving now, but not because I choose to, just because its better to leave before getting hit by the wrecking ball.


I realize this is THEIR game and their EULA/TOS probably says they can do whatever they want to our accounts or characters for any reason. That doesn't make it okay and doesn't mean we should be happy about it. At the very least, if we can't do anything about it we should be able to complain and let off some steam. Besides, if enough people complain maybe Bioware will come up with options for us ... I don't know what that might be, but I already know that I'm considering quiting the game over this ... I joined up in december on a light server specifically so I could get the names I wanted ... names I've been using for characters in table top rpg's and fanfics for YEARS ... just so I could play THOSE characters in in TOR. and now I'm being FORCED to go to a server were those names are taken. It may be in some rule someplace that they can do that, but its still bad business.


Right now, ,my wife and I are only keeping our accounts on the hope that after this merger bs is over that new servers will be made available and I will somehow be able to get my names back on the new servers ... given that the remaining RP servers they are forcing people onto look like they have HEAVY and VERY HEAVY populations right now ... I figure by the time the mergers are over they'll need to open up new RP servers and maybe I can get my names back by going there.

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I have a right to cancel my subscription. If bioware wants my business, then at the very least I get to complain when they do something that ruins my game experience and threatens my willingness to continue to give them money. With or without EULA documents, we are customers who can walk away ... and given that they are shutting down servers and trying to shunt us all into a small group just so those servers can have a decent population ... looks to me like they need all the customers they can get.
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getting upset over a name..........a name. Let me see if i can think of some other issues that need to be addressed and are far more worthy of a rage thread:


Selectable Warzones

Better Loot Table

Cross Faction Chatting (at least via tells)

Space (definately DEFINATELY more important then a silly name you're overly attached to)


Those are 4 just off the top of my head. I'm sure others can add to it.

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Edit 2: Get off your high horses about original names. You know the real reason your name wasn't taken? It's either because a), you're lucky, or b) the name is terrible.


No matter how original you think your name is, if its pronouncable, someone else has used it at some point throughout history.



Absolutely wrong, and a poor excuse.

I transferred 8 characters, lost one name... several friends did the same, they each lost one as well.

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Right now, ,my wife and I are only keeping our accounts on the hope that after this merger bs is over that new servers will be made available and I will somehow be able to get my names back on the new servers ... given that the remaining RP servers they are forcing people onto look like they have HEAVY and VERY HEAVY populations right now ... I figure by the time the mergers are over they'll need to open up new RP servers and maybe I can get my names back by going there.


You're wasting your money, then. Not...gonna...happen.


TBH I don't know why they even bothered with RP servers when they don't even enforce minimal naming rules.

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I lost all 8. I tried to plan ahead but I never guessed they would put all the EC RP servers in an already Heavy server. My bad. I was seriously surprised by my loss of Legacy name though. And no, none of them were rip offs or clones of pop culture from any medium.


Oh well. Life goes on... until it doesn't.

Edited by InnerPieces
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Soon after the game launched I had gone to each server of the type I prefer and rolled level one place holders for my names. When I transferred I deleted the level one and gave my high level transfer the name.


That worked out well for me because of luck. The server my mains were on were offered transfers to a server I had placeholders on.


I reserved names anticipating BW might eventually sell server transfers.

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since the transfers I haven't been playing SWTOR I lost my main's username and my legacy name, I was deeply disappointed how this was handled and refuse to rename myself until bioware comes up with a solution in repairing this issue, because it does need to be resolved.
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getting upset over a name..........a name. Let me see if i can think of some other issues that need to be addressed and are far more worthy of a rage thread:


Selectable Warzones

Better Loot Table

Cross Faction Chatting (at least via tells)

Space (definately DEFINATELY more important then a silly name you're overly attached to)


Those are 4 just off the top of my head. I'm sure others can add to it.


your new name is CrapBag. How you doing.


Its not fun to lose something you put time, energy, thought into. Not to mention the entire family lore/lagacy/story you might have put into said names.

Edited by Inokis
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getting upset over a name..........a name. Let me see if i can think of some other issues that need to be addressed and are far more worthy of a rage thread:


Selectable Warzones

Better Loot Table

Cross Faction Chatting (at least via tells)

Space (definately DEFINATELY more important then a silly name you're overly attached to)


Those are 4 just off the top of my head. I'm sure others can add to it.


Names are a important part of an individuals character's story, nobody should be forced to change an identity, once you been named prior to transfers then that should be it, there should be no worry about loss thereafter.

Edited by RaithHarth
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Have to agree with the guy renamed to crap-bag, if names are going to stop you from re-subbing then you best find another game because losing a name is such a trivial matter BW isn't going to do anything about it. It's unfortunate you lost your names bu quit being so dramatic and just think of other ones.
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Have to agree with the guy renamed to crap-bag, if names are going to stop you from re-subbing then you best find another game because losing a name is such a trivial matter BW isn't going to do anything about it. It's unfortunate you lost your names bu quit being so dramatic and just think of other ones.


Names actually do matter to alot of players, if you are pushed off one server and onto another and put into a position where you have to make a choice, because the name prior to that is all you ever wanted to be, why be limited to that?


It doesn't make any sense whatsoever and yes something needs to be done about it.

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Names actually do matter to alot of players, if you are pushed off one server and onto another and put into a position where you have to make a choice, because the name prior to that is all you ever wanted to be, why be limited to that?


It doesn't make any sense whatsoever and yes something needs to be done about it.


I'm a huge stickler for names. It is one of my pet peeves.


In WoW, when I got really bored and sick of the stupidity people would come up with for characters...I would search zone by zone for any name violating the naming policy.


When I choose a name I want it for a specific reason, a concept, an idea, the underlying meaning it may have in relation to another character of mine....


I'm pretty sure if anyone walked into a new town and was told they can no longer have their name... they wouldn't be very happy with it either.

Edited by Inokis
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