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Marauder or Jugg


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I chose Marauder just because I thought dual wielding looked killer and I have loved every minute of it. I have a friend leveling a Jugg and he's having a blast with it as well. The story line is the same.


It is cool that you can wear heavy armor as a Jugg...and you have more options (being a tank). From what I've read - they pull similar DPS...

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DPS as a Rage specced Juggernaut is quite fun. Dealing up to 5k damage (with a geared 50) in one Smash hit makes for very good burst DPS. There are many videos of Rage Juggernauts on YouTube, considerably more then Immortal or Veangence.
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Can't decide what to roll as my next 50. Tanking is enjoyable for me but not a must, have a powertech to tank on. I just want which is the MOST FUN, not most OP atm =D


Got a Guardian and a Marauder, both levelled pre-buff. Leveling-wise, marauder was much less painful, because Guardian damage is awful till you get to mid-upper tiers of the damage trees, while your mitigation is mostly CC-based. Both classes are "top-heavy", but the Guardian\Juggernaut seems to gain strength only in late 40s, whereas the Marauder feels great from much earlier levels (26-ish, I think).


Top level fun-factor - it's quite a tossup. Guardian is exceptionally dynamic and fun to play as a tank in PvP, but as DPS, it seems like a watered-down Marauder for the most part. As a Marauder, I have a lot more fun cracking skulls. The only thing I'm kind of missing is Push, but it's not something I'd complain about.

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Juggernaut is fun, I enjoy it more then my sentinel, but I feel way WAY weaker in comparison, both in dps and survivability. I wish endure pain was a permanent heal and enraged defense healed without the need of taking damage. As is my sentinel can live twice as long with dots+zen constantly up + better defensive CD's overall. It's kind of depressing given that I really love playing my juggernaut.
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I went with Juggernaut because:


1) One light-saber feels more unique than a lol-wut-dps-try-hard holding 2.

2) Classic star wars style.

3) There's a tanking spec, which allows me to lul@you in warzones.

4) Gear looks better.

5) "Juggernaut" as a class name is definitely more bad *** than "Marauder".

6) DPS is pretty much the same as the Marauder's DPS after points are wisely spent in the trees and gear is good

good enough.

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The Juggernaut is going to feel like crap until the mid-30's where you get Sweeping Slash, Force Push, Savage Kick, Saber Throw and the level 30 skill.


I hated my Juggernaut for the first 30 levels, but when I finally got all of the above (Saber Throw at level 36), I fell completely in love with it. It's downright ridiculous how much the gameplay changes in those few levels. One moment I was ready to delete my character and start over as a Marauder, the next I'm feeling like a total boss.


Poor design on BioWare's part, but meh.

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