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Confirmed: SWTOR to have micro-transactions/in-game purchases


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True but of all the MMOs out there this is the only one where level 1-15 is the best part of the game. After that it just goes down hill.

Lol, that sounds like you never played beyond lvl 15. The real fun starts around lvl 20, where you have a decent set of skills in most MMOs, and in SWTOR's case, your storyline becomes most interesting.

Edited by Sauska
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Lol, that sounds like you never played beyond lvl 15. The real fun starts around lvl 20, where you have a decent set of skills in most MMOs, and in SWTOR's case, your storyline becomes most interesting.


I think after you get the ship the game becomes amazing.. i was so pumped the first time i got my own ship..i was like hells ya.. bounty hunting here we come!!


and ya it just gets more and more epic as you go

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It looks like SWTOR has lost quite a few subs that to make up for it, they announced at E3 they will have micro-transactions.


At Last, Free!


As anticipated, EA is opening up its portfolio for free gamers. According to a recent news feed from Reuters, EA is planning to offer at least 15 levels (from July) of its magnum opus, Star Wars: Old Republic for free to play. The company expects that this free offering will boost its dwindling subscriber base going forward. EA lost approximately 400K subscribers in the fiscal fourth quarter. EA expects to earn significant revenue from additional features and through micro-transactions by selling in-game based items.






Well here we go again. Another great MMO gonna be ruined by a real money store.


Anyone who played LOTRO will know what I'm talking about.

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exactly as long as it's vanatiy items its fine.


Yeah, but the problem again like with LOTRO is thats what they SAID it was gonna be. "No items that have gameplay impact", but within a month all it was, was crafting materials, xp boosts, the best mounts and high level items. It completely destroyed the in game crafting economy. Real money stores are NOTHING but bad news. Mark my words and I will accept your groveling when I'm proven right

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Hopefully bioware won't do it, i already pay for the subscription, i should get what i pay for, not have to pay more for additional items, yes that includes cosmetic things...


Hoping its just an untrue rumour printed by yahoo because i hate microtransactions.

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It's not the F2P to lvl 15 that bothers me. It's the idea of them selling items that can only be attainable buy forking over more cash-even if it is cosmetic. For instance, different color ligtsabers, pets, exclusive gear, mounts, etc... the list goes on.


You are not forced to buy them so why should it bother you....

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True but of all the MMOs out there this is the only one where level 1-15 is the best part of the game. After that it just goes down hill.


Well, people that tried AoC when it was released know it's wrong. 1-20 in Tortage was the best.

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I think after you get the ship the game becomes amazing.. i was so pumped the first time i got my own ship..i was like hells ya.. bounty hunting here we come!!


and ya it just gets more and more epic as you go


Really.. your ship enables you to do all of what.. oohhhh you mean them silly little always the same, on rails space missions.. now i follow... so where does the bounty hunting come into this though?

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You are not forced to buy them so why should it bother you....


Because it's stupid to be able to just buy your way through the game. Plus it destroys any semblance of an in game economy. People said all the exact same things about LOTRO. Now LOTRO is in the toilet because of greedy executives that probably have no idea what the game is.

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Well, people that tried AoC when it was released know it's wrong. 1-20 in Tortage was the best.


Until swtor, Tortage was the best leveling expirence in any mmo ever.


We can complain about the other 50 levels all we want but... God damn. Tortage was great.

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You are not forced to buy them so why should it bother you....


Because we are already paying for a sub, it bothers me to have to pay more if I want thoses items. Yes, I'm not forced to buy anything, it still makes my sub have less value as I can't obtain them through normal play.

Edited by Nyla
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Because it's stupid to be able to just buy your way through the game. Plus it destroys any semblance of an in game economy. People said all the exact same things about LOTRO. Now LOTRO is in the toilet because of greedy executives that probably have no idea what the game is.


So just based off that. Which everyone knows. Why do you think bioware would do it? Its pretty much common knowledge that, unless you are an eastern MMO, P2W games will be shunned.

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I am thinking that their first steps into micro transactions will be the piaid server tranfers, then toon name/legacy name changes then they will start to bring in the cosmetic side of things in answer to the awful looking armour debate.... the conspiracy theorist inside of me believes this was planned all along someohow... I mean whoever thought up some of the gear appearances should be made to wear them in RL... then maybe they would see the downside of their creative genius :) Edited by Bloodstealer
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So just based off that. Which everyone knows. Why do you think bioware would do it? Its pretty much common knowledge that, unless you are an eastern MMO, P2W games will be shunned.


Hm, because EA executives/shareholders are greedy and don't understand what a MMO is and how it should be handled ?

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Hm, because EA executives/shareholders are greedy and don't understand what a MMO is and how it should be handled ?


And the second they go "WE WANT MOAR MONEY!" their advisers are going to say "Well, lotro tried that. They imploded. But WoW tried this and makes srs bank off it. We should do what WoW does."


Which is actually their line of thinking for most things.

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Because we are already paying for a sub, it bothers me to have to pay more if I want thoses items. Yes, I'm not forced to buy anything, it still makes my sub have less value as I can't obtain them through normal play.


Wrong... your sub grants you access to play the game.. not what ingame content exists... your value of your sub does not alter.. but your desires might if you feel that buying that hair colour or lightsabre twinky is important to you then you have a choice.... those things are additional content choices not things that are achieved through gameplay.. your missing the point here.


If you buy a car with a single CD player but then notice there is a multi-play cd system as an upgrade.. you think thats they are going to give it you for free... it is a luxory that you have the choice to have or not depending on how important and desired you feel it is to your experience.....


P2W is when actual ingame items, shinnies, etc can be purchased.. like all the grinding at lvl 50 we do to get our full Rakata etc etc.. only to find the morning after the night before when you finally got it completed, you could just purchase it from a vendor for hard cash...... fluff and cosmetics are merely just toys to help make your experience a little more personal and I have no issues with that, it could be fun seeing my speeder with a full set of spinners, go fast stripes and a guild emblem splashed across it.... P2W I definately have no time for and thats where we can agree.... but nothing has even been made official to us yet so how can we criticise something that is un known.

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And the second they go "WE WANT MOAR MONEY!" their advisers are going to say "Well, lotro tried that. They imploded. But WoW tried this and makes srs bank off it. We should do what WoW does."


Which is actually their line of thinking for most things.



I'll put money down, that within a month of any real money store being implimented in SWTOR, it will be selling all manner of black core color crystals and high level item mods, along with all kinds of xp boosts, medpacks, mounts, and items that you currently have to work your balls off to get. I've seen it happen in at least 3 MMO's


"Oh hey guys we're adding a real money store, BUT DON'T WORRY! We're not gonna have any items that will affect gameplay" and every time it was a broad faced lie

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In all honesty having a 15 level 'trial' period for players to give the game a try will make a LOT more people I personally know interested in giving it a shot. Nobody I know was willing to fork over $60 + $30(subscription for 1 month) just to play the game and see if they liked it after the first couple months of release. The "Free for 15 levels" model is a great idea and one I think is long overdue.


As to Microtransactions as long as it's mostly cosmetic stuff or things that don't really affect gameplay (speeders/etc) I'm fine with that. If some schlep wants to fork out an extra $10 to get a speeder he could earn in game anyway or change his hair color or get some cosmetic gear? That's fine by me. I think folks need to take a bit of a 'wait and see' approach to reacting to microtransactions until we see what EA is actually doing with them. A DEV post on the subject would go a long way to alleviate people's anxiety though.


Having played several of the f2p offerings out there (Currently playing LOTRO since I'm allowing SWTOR to lapse as I'm taking a break from it for a while) I have to say that most of them aren't really bad.

Edited by TaramCaldar
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I'll put money down, that within a month of any real money store being implimented in SWTOR, it will be selling all manner of black core color crystals and high level item mods, along with all kinds of xp boosts, medpacks, mounts, and items that you currently have to work your balls off to get. I've seen it happen in at least 3 MMO's


"Oh hey guys we're adding a real money store, BUT DON'T WORRY! We're not gonna have any items that will affect gameplay" and every time it was a broad faced lie


Yes I hear you.. I have seen some poor choice things get implemented though not for real money per say... items that could be bought ingame using ingame gathered points... with a cash purchase option around the points for the impatient brigade, granted.


However I have also seen how crafting models also deystroy those same values... why goout and grind for weeks when you can gather crafting components as you play and buy the rest on the GTN to enable you to craft the same things we have spent weeks/months grinding out... it all comes down to ones personal choice.. if you want to carry on doing what you were doing then that's what you do (that's what I will do)... what others do is really just irrelevant unless of course you want to pay their subs for them.

The only area I could see becoming even more out of balance would be PvP but tbh its so far from being anything like competitive in its current form, an ingame shop could be seen as a way to address the obvious imbalance when say a lvl 10 comes face to face with 1 or 2 lvl 49 players.....

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I'm beginning to understand.


None of you actually know wth you are talking about.


It's all becoming clear now, no wonder why you would support this game going f2p or think that merging down to 10-20% of your server total was a "sign of good things to come".


You're clueless. It's been so simple all along. Man. Wow. I can't believe I missed all of the signs.

You dont want pay to win but you want to buy raid gear. That makes no sense


Again, you seemed to have missed the "hyperbole" part. Obviously Raid gear in this game gives a competative advantage over other players in PvP. The point I was making was that players should be given the option of either playing the game for two hours to get something they want or "working" 2 hours in real life to pay for it as a microtransaction. I used the term Raid here as it (generally speaking) denotes repetitive grind in a game that many players wish to avoid. The hyperbole was used for general terms - obviously in the specific case of SWTOR, which is a high-end gear based game, the gear obtained from Raiding would make one "better" in a PvP instance (if the character is not already a level 50 - in which case it then doesn't matter) and therefore would not qualify for a microtransaction. Sorry I didn't spell that out completely in my original post to avoid this confusion.



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Having played several of the f2p offerings out there (Currently playing LOTRO since I'm allowing SWTOR to lapse as I'm taking a break from it for a while) I have to say that most of them aren't really bad.



I'm not trying to argue, but having played LOTRO for at least a year and a half before they added the turbine store, I can say without a shred of doubt that it ruined the game. At least on the server I was on. The economy crashed, you had people leveling from 1 to 65 in a WEEK. A flipping WEEK. If that isn't completely ridiculous I don't know what is.


I will say if they never added anything besides cosmetic items (which is what it did start as) much of the damage would not have been done. However when they started adding craft materials, mounts, actual good gear, potions, food, and bassicly every item that you had to WORK to get it just completely destroyed the game. I'm not saying that SWTOR will 100% follow that model, but as I said, I have seen the exact same scenario unfold in 3 MMOs that all said the exact same thing.

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