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Confirmed: SWTOR to have micro-transactions/in-game purchases


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why is this thread still running? Seriously close it bioware. You people do realize that paid servertransfers and character re customizations are microtransactions right? Both of these things are common in every mmo.


They never said they were going F2P. I mean seriously this is like complaining about grapes in a thread about apples.


the article did say for in game items and since bioware has a closed mouth policy its speculation for everyone :rolleyes:


sorry I had to throw that last part in

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Does the very first line you quoted say anything about Reuters? Does it say anything about SWTOR?


When does it mention Reuters? When they talk about SWTOR!


Wow is right.


I'm done with this senseless conversation. Sorry Leggomy, as proven, this info has been out there for a while. Sorry you weren't aware of it. I hope next time you'll argue about something actually important, other then when info was released.


Sorry dude but you just simply are wrong. There is no way they knew in 2010 they lost 400k subs in March 2012. Also did not know they were going f2p in July. You are simply trolling now.

Edited by Leggomy
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I would very much disagree, swtor lost almost half its initial player base and is dropping. thats allot of unhappy people. if you pay attention to gaming sites alot of people are very disappointed in this game even members of swtor fansites no longer play and have not been happy with the direction of the game lately. You even have the gaming industry saying allot of negative things about tor. it may be a vocal minority but it is a huge minority then


as for wows content I meant more in the way of achievements and rare items not just raids that you out level so even with sparkle ponies you still have alot of mounts and rare items to go after that the microtransactions won't take away from. if microtransactions launch before 2013 I dont think this game will have anything worth getting that doesnt have a better version to buy. I think this will hurt the game and cause people to not want to log in to go after that rare item.


and swtor does not stand on its own, it lacks basic features and technology the devs seem to be having problems with [i'm not very good with technology but I can tell something is wrong] if it wasnt starwars it wouldnt of launched in my opinion. the content is getting better and that is why I stay around, I am willing to pay for unfinished content and stick it out because I have hope that bioware will turn it around once they get settled in to this neww mmo space. I have full faith that bioware has the talent to make the best game on the market including upcoming releases but they have to start thinking smart and about a long term hardcore player base not a quick fix like microtransactions that cheapen the game but put a quick buck in you pocket.


I dont see microtransactions as the answer. I think they need a hardcore player base like wow and they will not get it through gouging for a quick buck for items they should be putting in game and coming up with fun ways to get them in game to get people playing. blizzard may have been able to pull it off but swtor need to separate themselves from the wow clone model and prove they are different and worth a sub.


they threw tons of money at this game and look what it got them, another rift or warhammer with good sales and a exodus of players. more money will not save this game, long term decisions that improve the game and P.R. to bring back players and combat all the negative press and reputation swtor has given itself [cough ilum] is what I believe will save this game. microtransactions will equal negative press and push the image that the game is failing. gamers are sheep, if they think the game is dead or failing they will jump ship or not even give it a try. make the game better and let word of mouth get around if people start playing and having fun and putting out videos and cool community stuff i think players will come back. thats what I think was wows success was, people were playing it and having fun that gets around look at all the sheep drooling over dayz right now


first red part total fiction, and im well aware of the water army following this game. And wow has more of that content simply because it had 5 years development time and 8 years is it ? live time, its going to have alot of fluff simply based on time.


What basic features and technology is it missing exactly that isnt in 1.3 or here already, and what unfinished content was released, and dont say illum because thats only partly pvp and the pvp was mashed in by lob sided and ganking communitys who traded kills and exploited bugs to graveyard camp.


As for Micro transactions ive not seen anything on the site to suggest they are coming apart from the obvious paid for xfers at a later date, although i could see races and char slots being mt's.

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As for Micro transactions ive not seen anything on the site to suggest they are coming apart from the obvious paid for xfers at a later date, although i could see races and char slots being mt's.


Hate ot be the devil's advocate but it does say "in-game" items. Thats not character slots or transfers etc.

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D3 was one of the fastest selling game ever.

Starcraft is be far the most popular RTS right now if you follow the genere, There isn't anything else that comes close. Actual there is on game that comes close, Which is warcraft 3, but they own that one as well, then company of heros comes next but it's way behind the number 1 and 2 slots


As for diablo 3 being the fastest selling game of all time we all know thats fudged numbers, on paper it maybe true but come on, all those free games given away with annual subs that had guarenteed beta access to mop didnt count, pull the other one.


For the starcraft i can think of one right now without even looking into it, LoL.

Edited by Shingara
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It's not the F2P to lvl 15 that bothers me. It's the idea of them selling items that can only be attainable buy forking over more cash-even if it is cosmetic. For instance, different color ligtsabers, pets, exclusive gear, mounts, etc... the list goes on.


As long as their store doesn't turn into pay to win like LOTRO and their turbine point store it'll be fine.

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As for diablo 3 being the fastest selling game of all time we all know thats fudged numbers, on apaper it maybe true but come on, all those free games given away with annual subs that had guarenteed beta access to mop didnt count, pull the other one.


For the starcraft i can think of one right now without even looking into it, LoL.


Thats F2P. Are we going to look a farmville for stats as well?? I'm talking about games you pay for.

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As for diablo 3 being the fastest selling game of all time we all know thats fudged numbers, on apaper it maybe true but come on, all those free games given away with annual subs that had guarenteed beta access to mop didnt count, pull the other one.


For the starcraft i can think of one right now without even looking into it, LoL.


I played D3 for alittle under one month and am now bored of it and back to swtor (which I'm happy about cause I need to catch up for 1.3)

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Thats F2P. Are we going to look a farmville for stats as well?? I'm talking about games you pay for.


sorry what, what was said is number one, that doesnt matter if they make there money from selling items to play in the game or the game itself.

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sorry what, what was said is number one, that doesnt matter if they make there money from selling items to play in the game or the game itself.


LoL isn't even a RTS game so it doesn't matter.


LoL is one of the most played games period, but it's free,

Edited by Lt_Latency
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Come on you are not STILL denying it? Really you too? lol


Im not denying anything, im simply saying that until bioware say that there are micro transactions and what they will be im taking it with a pinch of salt, is there anything wrong with that.

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The hilarious thing about this nerdrage is that anyone who's followed this game since it became public knowledge all those years ago, knows that from day one, Bioware said there would be micro transactions at some point. I'm actually surprised we haven't seen them yet.
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Im not denying anything, im simply saying that until bioware say that there are micro transactions and what they will be im taking it with a pinch of salt, is there anything wrong with that.


Ok then keep your head in the sand. Since when is Reuters making stuff up tho?

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The hilarious thing about this nerdrage is that anyone who's followed this game since it became public knowledge all those years ago, knows that from day one, Bioware said there would be micro transactions at some point. I'm actually surprised we haven't seen them yet.


It's even pointed out in this thread.

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sorry but come on, speculation and press releases, are you now saying all things on reuters even if spoken in truth come to pass.


I know they have absolutely no reason to make anything up. They report what EA or Bioware tells them. What possible reason could they have for making this up? They are one of the most respected news wire services in the world. Everyone uses them from newspapers to national cable news networks to the big 3 broadcast networks. Why would they risk their reputation reporting something that isnt true?

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I know they have absolutely no reason to make anything up. They report what EA or Bioware tells them. What possible reason could they have for making this up? They are one of the most respected news wire services in the world. Everyone uses them from newspapers to national cable news networks to the big 3 broadcast networks. Why would they risk their reputation reporting something that isnt true?


Im not suggesting they are, im saying i have no idea what the micro trans will be, ive said i think they could just be server xfers and char slots, it was you who said i was totaly wrong and it was going to be ingame, all from that press release.

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sorry but LoL is infact an rts, and it doesnt matter if its free.


Not really LoL is a ripe off of Dota from WC3. The warcraft 3 modes are not really RTS games.


Really RTS games you control more then one unit. You control an army it what defines them.



Any ways, If your really going to count LoL as a rts.


Blizzard still holds then number 1 spot in 2 of the genres they makes games in and the 2 and 3 spot for the other. 1 and 2 if you are counting paid for games.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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It's not the F2P to lvl 15 that bothers me. It's the idea of them selling items that can only be attainable buy forking over more cash-even if it is cosmetic. For instance, different color ligtsabers, pets, exclusive gear, mounts, etc... the list goes on.


You seem to be guessing as the end there.


Will you tin foil hat people site your source!

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Im not suggesting they are, im saying i have no idea what the micro trans will be, ive said i think they could just be server xfers and char slots, it was you who said i was totaly wrong and it was going to be ingame, all from that press release.


No I pointed out it specified in game items. Server xfers arent in game items those are out of game things. More like services than items. Just trying to have a debate about the actual idea rather than simply insisting the article is flawed and from 2 yrs ago even tho it talks about losing 400k subs and the f2p in july which was just announced at e3.

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Not really LoL is a ripe off of Dota from WC3. The warcraft 3 modes are not really RTS games.


Really RTS games you control more then one unit. You control an army it what defines them.



Any ways, If your really going to count LoL as a rts.


Blizzard still holds then number 1 spot in 2 of the genres they makes games in and the 2 and 3 spot for the other. 1 and 2 if you are counting paid for games.


Well on that stance, bliz ripped of westwood and sony and cannon fodder, war never been so much fun :cool:

Edited by Shingara
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