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Why SWTOR will kill WOW...


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Oh ya, I went there.


I watched some SWTOR on YouTube and was hooked. I can watch any WOW video and be like...yawn. Plus the SWTOR promo videos about the different classes and such, its amazing.


So, reasons why SWTOR will kill WOW:


1. Story

2. NPC that talk

3. Romancing your companion

4. Light Sabers!

5. Choices matter (part of story I suppose)

6. Star Wars theme

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I would say there are many other reasons why it will be a major player in the MMO, forget about WoW, everyone tries to beat the biggest cat on the block, but in reality I think they just need to make the game as good as it can be and forget about taking down a giant. This game has huge potential and all the cry babies out there cancel there pre orders and crap that I kept hearing, good, be gone, extra bandwith for me and less stupidness on a server.
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There are people who will play both TOR as well as WoW, and there are people who will play each game exclusively.


There is no MMO that will ever kill another. Only the MMO's devs can kill a MMO.


There you have it.

The fact that there's even ppl still playing MOH:AA crossed my mind somehow.

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Oh ya, I went there.


I watched some SWTOR on YouTube and was hooked. I can watch any WOW video and be like...yawn. Plus the SWTOR promo videos about the different classes and such, its amazing.


So, reasons why SWTOR will kill WOW:


1. Story

2. NPC that talk

3. Romancing your companion

4. Light Sabers!

5. Choices matter (part of story I suppose)

6. Star Wars theme

1. Gets boring after a while.

2. Gets boring after a while.

3. Gets boring after a while.

4. Gets boring after a while. Besides every sword with enchant is more or less a light sabre.

5. Does not matter more than what look you are going after with your gear and when people are making their 3rd or 4th character they will skip the story and just pick the choices depending on what look they are going after.

6. This alone is not going to kill any other MMO.

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This is the first MMO released that I actually believe will hurt WoW.



Don't get me wrong, WoW was a great game, it's just old now and you get burnt out playing the same game for so long.


RIFT hurt WoW. They stole 10% of WoWs population (or less, they maybe quit or started doing something else).

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they cannot compete until they get a Mac client... WoW has always had Mac and Windows support. They have around a million Mac players, and that intertwines into friendships and guilds and such that keeps even more than the Mac players over there.
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1. Gets boring after a while.

2. Gets boring after a while.

3. Gets boring after a while.

4. Gets boring after a while. Besides every sword with enchant is more or less a light sabre.

5. Does not matter more than what look you are going after with your gear and when people are making their 3rd or 4th character they will skip the story and just pick the choices depending on what look they are going after.

6. This alone is not going to kill any other MMO.


SWTOR has a ton more content and is far more polished than WOW was at release. Come back in 6 months if you wish, I'll help you level, supposing the server isn't full.


Don't worry I am sure you can play on one of the servers they will have to start up to handle all the WOW players coming over.


Eeek! I just had a horrible thought...WOW players invading SWTOR omg they would so ruin this game. OK ok let me erase that image.



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There are people who will play both TOR as well as WoW, and there are people who will play each game exclusively.


There is no MMO that will ever kill another. Only the MMO's devs can kill a MMO.


If the WOW Devs don't do something about Mages, aka Fire Mages, soon. Thats exactly the kind of thing that will make more people spend time in TOR, than WOW. For 5+years i've lived and loved WOW. But with the way things are now, i find myself only logging onto raid. I still enjoy that part of the game at least. The rest of my time will be spent in TOR.

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