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Everything posted by Kiodine

  1. There should be one more bonus wave today.
  2. That not your stream and the guy who owns that stream already said he per-ordered the first day.
  3. 1 Reason TOR will never kill WoW: Koreans
  4. I use recount in WoW, but most people know it is a bit broken even in WoW, it is ok, but in no means is accurate enough to tell if someone is doing good DPS or not. You compare version of people's data-sets and the number sometime don't add up the same. Damage done is a little bit closer to the truth than DPS. And even then DPS is not a good standard. Some who is dead 90% of the fight can have a higher DPS score than someone that survived the encounter by a large margin.
  5. Don't blame Bioware because your retailer has charged you for the game. Some of us have retailers who have not charged us anything yet.
  6. I think what he meant was there was only 4 planned and scheduled, then they would see how that was going before moving on to the next batch of waves, which could start sometime latter today.
  7. I got an Email Oct 1st from Amazon saying my order was changed to release date shipping.
  8. They never got a dime for my pre-order, I would never pay for a pre-order. If you did, then you choose the wrong company to pre-order from.
  9. I would have assumed they would keep going all day. That kinda sucks, oh well, I was expecting to get into until tomorrow at the earliest anyways.
  10. Luckily for people that order on Amazon, you'll probably be getting the game on the 20th(since release date delivery is free) It is people that didn't order from Amazon and another website will have to wait.
  11. I haven't paid a dime for this game yet, and still on the debatable if I ever will. However early access puts this game in the "will pay" category no matter how long it takes for an invite.
  12. Well even if the servers could handle it, no one would be able to do a quest because everyone is at the same place in the story. It not going to be very fun fight over mobs to begin with today and tomorrow, I wouldn't even image everyone hitting the servers at the same time.
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