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Fear of loseing a name


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As unfortunate as that is and as much as I wish you'd never had to experience those things, there's a key difference between that and this: You, and your friend, both made the choice to risk those things happening, fully aware of what could happen. You hoped it wouldn't, but you knew it could.


We didn't have the chance to make that choice, informed or otherwise: Not only was my guild assigned to the server I'm on, it was one of the first servers open and had massive queues at launch (one of the reasons too many servers were opened). As such, even had Character Transfers been anticipated at the time, I would've expected us to be a destination, not an origin.




The *game* meets my standards just fine. It's the way the *company* is treating me that is not. I do appreciate your understanding as far as being happy with what I'm paying for, though.


you were giving a choice to move or not.. sorry it sucks but you can stay on your server.. and wait and transfer to somewhere your name isnt taken. you are just upset, and rightly so that your server wasnt a destination server. and becuase of that you... not some other unlucky guy lost his names... its a double standard alot of people are willing to tout on these forums.... do it to him not me... sorta feeling..


the same thing happened when the australian players wanted the times changed for maint.. alot of NA players said they would support the change over to make it more fair, yadda yadda.. but the moment bioware tried it the forums were flooded with NA players complaining about the downtimes..


people dont even realize they are doing it, the introspection to see that they are being unfair even while being treated unfair is a hard concept to grasp and i do not blame anyone for failing to grasp it.. my wife says i have that problem with my children all the time, so i can relate and sympathize.



if you are unhappy with the content of the game. by all means stop paying and stop playing,, if you are unhappy that your name was forced to being changed for whatever reason, atleast try and look on the bright side and see that they FINALLY addressed the issue and have a fix that seems to be mostly a good one.


again not fair, but no one said life is fair. the only fair concept is death..it eventually takes everyone. until of course i can transform my body into a robots and walk around like a terminator...but thats a bit off still

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you were giving a choice to move or not.. sorry it sucks but you can stay on your server.. and wait and transfer to somewhere your name isnt taken. you are just upset, and rightly so that your server wasnt a destination server. and becuase of that you... not some other unlucky guy lost his names... its a double standard alot of people are willing to tout on these forums.... do it to him not me... sorta feeling..


the same thing happened when the australian players wanted the times changed for maint.. alot of NA players said they would support the change over to make it more fair, yadda yadda.. but the moment bioware tried it the forums were flooded with NA players complaining about the downtimes..


people dont even realize they are doing it, the introspection to see that they are being unfair even while being treated unfair is a hard concept to grasp and i do not blame anyone for failing to grasp it.. my wife says i have that problem with my children all the time, so i can relate and sympathize.



if you are unhappy with the content of the game. by all means stop paying and stop playing,, if you are unhappy that your name was forced to being changed for whatever reason, atleast try and look on the bright side and see that they FINALLY addressed the issue and have a fix that seems to be mostly a good one.


again not fair, but no one said life is fair. the only fair concept is death..it eventually takes everyone. until of course i can transform my body into a robots and walk around like a terminator...but thats a bit off still


Well what happened with the maintenance is that the people who were forum regulars said they'd support it. The majority of people that never use the forums normally had no idea it was even happening until it did, and then showed up to complain about it.


And you're right, most people just want someone else to get screwed instead of them. I personally think that a way to avoid the problem should've been implemented first, before transfers were allowed.


And honestly, I really don't have much of a choice. The majority of my gameplay is PvP.(I've got 7/14 war hero pieces, with the remainder mostly being the smaller pieces) if I stay, I'll basically have nothing to do because there won't be enough people left to get a match. If I transfer, I lose both my names.


All of this could've been avoided several different ways, but they didn't even bother to try. That's what I'm whizzed off about.

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Haven't read through this entire thread, so somone may have already said this but here goes;


Simply saying that whoever created the name first should keep it is NOT a fair way to do it.

Remember that these transfers are entirely voluntary. How is it fair for Joe Bloggs on the destination server to log in and find his name missing because Joe Bloggs from server X wanted to move to his server?

If it were an involuntary merge then yes, the first created wins, but not in this case.


So you got early access just to reserve a name, well, you got it on the server you chose and enjoyed it all this time.

Just becasue you have now made the choice to change servers does not mean you deserve the name more than someone that chose the same on their own server.


Just my opinion of course.

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Well what happened with the maintenance is that the people who were forum regulars said they'd support it. The majority of people that never use the forums normally had no idea it was even happening until it did, and then showed up to complain about it.


And you're right, most people just want someone else to get screwed instead of them. I personally think that a way to avoid the problem should've been implemented first, before transfers were allowed.


And honestly, I really don't have much of a choice. The majority of my gameplay is PvP.(I've got 7/14 war hero pieces, with the remainder mostly being the smaller pieces) if I stay, I'll basically have nothing to do because there won't be enough people left to get a match. If I transfer, I lose both my names.


All of this could've been avoided several different ways, but they didn't even bother to try. That's what I'm whizzed off about.


oh dont get me wrong..i think its dumb too.. really dumb.. but we as consumers can only do so much.. and though everyone says vote with your wallets.. i know first hand coming from a cs position it really isnt that influential:P but if you like the game ( im a huge pvper too btw:P lovei t but ihavent pvped in like 2 months cuase no one on tarro blood) ive gotta move..so i will. ill lose my characters but thats teh way the ball rolls..ill accept that to play the game i like..if at asometime in the future i hate the game.. or find something better ill leave..


it would be nice to have someone else to pvp twith tho:P come to whatever server tarro gets transferd to and start over:P

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Haven't read through this entire thread, so somone may have already said this but here goes;


Simply saying that whoever created the name first should keep it is NOT a fair way to do it.

Remember that these transfers are entirely voluntary. How is it fair for Joe Bloggs on the destination server to log in and find his name missing because Joe Bloggs from server X wanted to move to his server?

If it were an involuntary merge then yes, the first created wins, but not in this case.


So you got early access just to reserve a name, well, you got it on the server you chose and enjoyed it all this time.

Just becasue you have now made the choice to change servers does not mean you deserve the name more than someone that chose the same on their own server.


Just my opinion of course.


lol i transfered my level 50 main to the pts and hand to change the name which sucked but meh

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So, I'm guessing "lost names" is the new "Dead server" around here? People always need a cause to fight for I guess. :)


Well there's an element of that. There's always people that will be unhappy. To my mind, however, being unhappy because you're being told 'well, that's your bad luck buddy' is pretty justified.


It's not so much losing the name I'm whizzed off about as that Bioware couldn't be bothered to try to mitigate the problem at all before rushing transfers through.

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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Well as I stated in another name thread. BW should have done things a little different. The person keeping the name when transferring to a new server should be the one that has had the name the longest. If you created the toon just in the last minute to grab someone elses name you should not be allowed to keep it verses the account that has had the name since day one in early access.


Theres no way in a free optional transfer they could justify making the person on the destination server change their name.

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Well there's an element of that. There's always people that will be unhappy. To my mind, however, being unhappy because you're being told 'well, that's your bad luck buddy' is pretty justified.


It's not so much losing the name I'm whizzed off about as that Bioware couldn't be bothered to try to mitigate the problem at all before rushing transfers through.


There was nothing they could do about people losing their names. People demanded transfers and merges. They had to also realize that losing their names might happen. It's a small price to play, IMO, in order to play this game the way it was meant to be played. I mean, would you rather have insta-pops on WZs and LFG or would you rather keep your name and wait over 1 hour for each to pop? You have to take the bad with the good sometimes.

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There was nothing they could do about people losing their names. People demanded transfers and merges. They had to also realize that losing their names might happen. It's a small price to play, IMO, in order to play this game the way it was meant to be played. I mean, would you rather have insta-pops on WZs and LFG or would you rather keep your name and wait over 1 hour for each to pop? You have to take the bad with the good sometimes.


I'd rather keep the name. I was fine with my server the way it was, and could've lived with it until they worked out a solution. Now it's going to be dead, so I guess I just won't play at all and they'll lose another subscriber.

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Theres no way in a free optional transfer they could justify making the person on the destination server change their name.


If you think this is actually optional you're very naive my friend. It's pretty obvious that the free transfers are so they can reduce the population of the super light servers enough that they can justify shutting them down, and try to save face doing it by saying it was because people transferred of their own free will.


It's optional now, in a few months I'd bet it won't be.

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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I'd rather keep the name. I was fine with my server the way it was, and could've lived with it until they worked out a solution. Now it's going to be dead, so I guess I just won't play at all and they'll lose another subscriber.


they worked out a solution..its just a solution you dont want so therefore not a solution to you..but a solution to many many more.... theres always someone hurt in a compromise... even if it is a slightly bit more hurt than everyone else...


this compromise hurts people, but its still a solution

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I'd rather keep the name. I was fine with my server the way it was, and could've lived with it until they worked out a solution. Now it's going to be dead, so I guess I just won't play at all and they'll lose another subscriber.


And they kept some by making transfers now and not later, when they would have finished the changes needed to make everyone happy with the transfers (because of names, respawn times, bad players, ...)

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If you think this is actually optional you're very naive my friend. It's pretty obvious that the free transfers are so they can reduce the population of the super light servers enough that they can justify shutting them down, and try to save face doing it by saying it was because people transferred of their own free will.


It's optional now, in a few months I'd bet it won't be.


And that may well be the case tho they've stated that they have no plans to close them down at the moment (and alot of "servers" are virtualized these days so each server isn't necessarily one phyiscal machine they shut down to save power). However, if you believe that and your names mean so much to you than perhaps you should stay on the old server till they do decided to close it down, then if they don't offer you some kind of solution for name changes when the move is not optional you'll have the right to complain. But, while what you believe is up to you, with what they've stated right now, you have no right to complain.

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And they kept some by making transfers now and not later, when they would have finished the changes needed to make everyone happy with the transfers (because of names, respawn times, bad players, ...)


i am sure by doing this now they have saved more subs.. infact there is indications atleast on the forums that people have returned to the game..is it more than the few who have professed wanting to leave?? id say yes personally

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And that may well be the case tho they've stated that they have no plans to close them down at the moment (and alot of "servers" are virtualized these days so each server isn't necessarily one phyiscal machine they shut down to save power). However, if you believe that and your names mean so much to you than perhaps you should stay on the old server till they do decided to close it down, then if they don't offer you some kind of solution for name changes when the move is not optional you'll have the right to complain. But, while what you believe is up to you, with what they've stated right now, you have no right to complain.


Given that the mere fact my server's an origin is going to make it all but impossible for me to get a PvP match, and thus practically speaking I am *required* to transfer to continue playing the game as I'd like to play it, I'd say I have every right to complain.

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Given that the mere fact my server's an origin is going to make it all but impossible for me to get a PvP match, and thus practically speaking I am *required* to transfer to continue playing the game as I'd like to play it, I'd say I have every right to complain.


It was pretty close to impossible to get a PvP match on probably about 80% of servers before the transfers. So if you were on one of those, nothings changing if you stay on your old server. If you were on one of the very few realms with a decent population that isnt a destination server, well, that sucks, but theres something called the greater good.

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Well as I stated in another name thread. BW should have done things a little different. The person keeping the name when transferring to a new server should be the one that has had the name the longest. If you created the toon just in the last minute to grab someone elses name you should not be allowed to keep it verses the account that has had the name since day one in early access.


So someone who created their characteron the 2nd day of early access and has been playing it ever since, and is an established member of the community on their server, should have to give up their name because you happen to have used it on another server on the 1st day of early game access?

Sorry, no. You are the newcomer to this server, so you have to fit in with the existing community here. It does not matter one single jot when the character was created, it was created before you came here.

You want that name? You should have made a character on the server to hold the name.

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It was pretty close to impossible to get a PvP match on probably about 80% of servers before the transfers. So if you were on one of those, nothings changing if you stay on your old server. If you were on one of the very few realms with a decent population that isnt a destination server, well, that sucks, but theres something called the greater good.


I have 7 pieces of war hero gear and only hit 50 in early april, I think it was, so draw your own conclusions about the pvp population.


And frankly, it's a video game. The concept of 'the greater good' is a bit of a stretch when you're talking about an optional activity that we do for fun.


EA's good, maybe. The greater good? Not so much.

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I have 7 pieces of war hero gear and only hit 50 in early april, I think it was, so draw your own conclusions about the pvp population.


And frankly, it's a video game. The concept of 'the greater good' is a bit of a stretch when you're talking about an optional activity that we do for fun.


EA's good, maybe. The greater good? Not so much.


So all of us who were on dead servers who couldn't get a PVP match, do OPs or FPs matter less than your names?

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I'd rather keep the name. I was fine with my server the way it was, and could've lived with it until they worked out a solution. Now it's going to be dead, so I guess I just won't play at all and they'll lose another subscriber.


........................... :rolleyes:

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