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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Transfers from Large to Small? No thanks. I'm done.


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And I'll explain why.


The pouplation ratio on my server, (Lord Adraas) is already really hard to find a group on-- at peak time. What?

And on top of that, the Fleets are dying.


And now they want to create division among the players and allow transfers into the smaller servers which will probably only have one to five players on at night-time on the Fleet?

That's ridicolous.


Lord Adraas is a roleplaying server. I think and believe really that we should merge all into one giant roleplaying server-- For population and otherwise. Yes, that means forcing one community into a server, but that'd allow things to be done much easier for people in the SWTORRP community.

I can understand wanting to avoid large servers-- But, really, with the community as small as it is, I find it necessary at this point.



So until Lord Adraas actually gets transfers to and then rather to Ebon Hawk, I've cancelled my subscription.

Veteran since the release of the game in Decemeber-- CE purchaser, and active player until this point, signing out.

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Cool story bro,

Your done and signing out but your still replying.







.. what is this, 2007?

"the game!11"


I obviously really like SWTOR and I've enjoyed the game since then, I still want to be apart of the community.

And some part of me is hoping they just do this, because I've seen how many players are mad.

Not a lot of players are happy about this.



I get what they're trying to do and the idea of why they opened up transfers to Ebon Hawk, but the problem is-- it's flawed, and I say that as a roleplayer first and a player second.

With a population of 26 at night on the Fleet, that itself seems way too small for an "MMO."


.. ebon hawk probably only gets 1-6.

They should fix the population problems so people can actually do content with players rather then just rolling new toons to enjoy the game itself.

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I got that. It's not just Adraas.


I'm saying that's retarded, is what I'm saying.


You claim it's retarded based on speculation... And further announce your departure based on speculation as well....


Frankly, nobody cares about your speculations. Come back when transfers are done and complain then.

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I got that. It's not just Adraas.


I'm saying that's retarded, is what I'm saying.


So it's retarded to have more people to RP with? Righty-O then. And honestly if they took the server names away you'd never know the difference logging into one versus another except different people.

Edited by AzraelCales
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And I'll explain why.


The pouplation ratio on my server, (Lord Adraas) is already really hard to find a group on-- at peak time. What?

And on top of that, the Fleets are dying.


And now they want to create division among the players and allow transfers into the smaller servers which will probably only have one to five players on at night-time on the Fleet?

That's ridicolous.


Lord Adraas is a roleplaying server. I think and believe really that we should merge all into one giant roleplaying server-- For population and otherwise. Yes, that means forcing one community into a server, but that'd allow things to be done much easier for people in the SWTORRP community.

I can understand wanting to avoid large servers-- But, really, with the community as small as it is, I find it necessary at this point.



So until Lord Adraas actually gets transfers to and then rather to Ebon Hawk, I've cancelled my subscription.

Veteran since the release of the game in Decemeber-- CE purchaser, and active player until this point, signing out.


They ruined my server. Ajunta Pall had a really high population. Last night before the server shutdowns there were over 75 people in the Imperial Fleet and that wasn't even peak hours. Now a lot of people moved to Jung Ma and I question why. If a server is healthy why ruin it? Ajunta Pall was one of the few servers that was often in "standard" status.

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