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Seriously BW, you are completely borking the 2nd destination servers...


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You guys really need a VIce President of common sense. Every decision you make is like this. I get you want to be precise about your measures of how many people go where. But as you funnel everyone to the fatman, your first pvp east destination server, those of us on the likely 2nd destination servers are more and more aware of how we are getting the short shaft. Morale falls... the fatman will be a thriving server and the rest of us will be forced to unsub because the few remaining dregs we get dont bring us nearly to the fatman's pop and people continue to fall away leaving us ... at best... as a half dead 2nd sister. 20 pvp east servers remaining. I am on the 2nd highest pvp east server after fatman and we get 20 people on repub fleet if we are lucky. Regardless of where the rest of us dregs wind up, if its not the fatman, that puts us, at best, at 200 on fleet .... aka what the fatman was PRE-TRANSFERS.


Think for once.

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You guys really need a VIce President of common sense. Every decision you make is like this. I get you want to be precise about your measures of how many people go where. But as you funnel everyone to the fatman, your first pvp east destination server, those of us on the likely 2nd destination servers are more and more aware of how we are getting the short shaft. Morale falls... the fatman will be a thriving server and the rest of us will be forced to unsub because the few remaining dregs we get dont bring us nearly to the fatman's pop and people continue to fall away leaving us ... at best... as a half dead 2nd sister. 20 pvp east servers remaining. I am on the 2nd highest pvp east server after fatman and we get 20 people on repub fleet if we are lucky. Regardless of where the rest of us dregs wind up, if its not the fatman, that puts us, at best, at 200 on fleet .... aka what the fatman was PRE-TRANSFERS.


Think for once.


Yeah lets make every PVP transfer to the Fatman and you will get a 4 hour queue every night. Good luck.


Once the Fatman is done, they will work on a secondary PVP server to transfer to. It might not get the same amount of players, but 200 people on fleet instead of 10. HMMMM

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You guys really need a VIce President of common sense. Every decision you make is like this. I get you want to be precise about your measures of how many people go where. But as you funnel everyone to the fatman, your first pvp east destination server, those of us on the likely 2nd destination servers are more and more aware of how we are getting the short shaft. Morale falls... the fatman will be a thriving server and the rest of us will be forced to unsub because the few remaining dregs we get dont bring us nearly to the fatman's pop and people continue to fall away leaving us ... at best... as a half dead 2nd sister. 20 pvp east servers remaining. I am on the 2nd highest pvp east server after fatman and we get 20 people on repub fleet if we are lucky. Regardless of where the rest of us dregs wind up, if its not the fatman, that puts us, at best, at 200 on fleet .... aka what the fatman was PRE-TRANSFERS.


Think for once.


Do you have the numbers of players who are on the server for transfers.?

So how do you know they are "borking" it.?

Maybe just wait and see what happens before we start with the pitch forks again. :rolleyes:

Edited by Vicrodhe
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No to go all fanboi here but you will not know what the population of other east coast PvP servers will be until xfers are completed. BW is moving low pops to high pops and combining the multiple middle tier servers. I fully expect to see another one or two "fatman" sized east coast PvP server(s) when all is said and done. If not, then we can all begin to QQ.
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You do realize the lights will most likely, all be going to the fatman (for pvp). Player caps have been raised, it says standard now when it should say its got a turtle head pokin out from being so packed. The PVE servers they have as a destination are more then 1 because, there has always been more then 1 thats jam packed. More people are on PVE servers.


I would THINK - if your currently on a low pop pvp server, you will be on the fatman

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