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Transfer Service is Perfect


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I was one of the people who was against transfers. I was in favor of mergers for various reasons. Bioware deserves credit for the transfers.


The total time it took to get my toons transferred was under 30 seconds. You are up and running instantly. There is definitely excitement being on a new server and having (I am a PvP player) miniscule queue times. I sense some good rivalries brewing between servers. My guess is that we will get more servers to transfer to our destination server.


The only things you need to do are transfer all your toons if you want your legacy buffs. If you leave one on the old server you don't get the buff. And, you need to select your interface editor again, your keybinds are all saved. (Client side or they did it for you) Last tip, remember to remove everything from the GTN and get all your mail.


I think this is the start of positive things. I am looking forward to rated warzones.


Bring on the hate.

Edited by richardya
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The transfer tool is indeed well done and Bioware definitely deserves kudos for it. I was never against transfers per se, I actually think it's a service that all MMO's should have. I simpy disagreed with their philosophy on Mega-servers vs xserver LFD. They've made their decision though, and I accept it and will give it an honest try. As for the transfer tool itself, maximum kudos. Very easy to use tool and it happens fast. I understand the impatience of those who are on servers that aren't on the list yet, but I also understand Bioware's decision to do it in phases.
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The only things you need to do are transfer all your toons if you want your legacy buffs. If you leave one on the old server you don't get the buff. .



I was wondering how that worked, the FAQ wasn't clear on it.

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Transfered all of my toons off The Defenestrator and onto Jedi Covenant. It went smoothly other than that it says I have 4 toons on the server(jedi covenant) and I only have 3 but it doesnt harm me so...whATEVER. And I wanted to be on Droogas or Canderous Ordo but its ok. This is fine.


Thanks Bioware.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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I understand the impatience of those who are on servers that aren't on the list yet, but I also understand Bioware's decision to do it in phases.


I think the pace will pick up fast. Phases was smart, if there were issues it would only have effected a few as opposed to all. It's obviously an automated process that works, so I imagine the pool of servers will increase dramatically with minor increases to wait to wait time.

Edited by richardya
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Thank you Bioware for a fast, easy and prefectly executed transfer of all my characters to The Ebon Hawk I also want to thank you for improving my game experience....over 130 on fleet in the middle of the day already Great Work!
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THANK YOU BIOWARE! All of my characters transferred literally within minutes. It was VERY painless. Now I just hope the rest of the guild gets transferred :D


I look forward to when I get home this evening to see a lively and thriving community..

Edited by Tahana
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My server just opened up today; my guild is very excited to be moving :D


As a side note, can someone help explain this for me?


The only things you need to do are transfer all your toons if you want your legacy buffs. If you leave one on the old server you don't get the buff.


Does this mean your Legacy unlocks are re-calculated as you enter the new server, so that if I say, had a level 50 Pureblood Warrior on my Origin server but didn't move him over, my Destination server characters would "forget" their ability to get the warrior buff, make Sith Purebloods, Legacy Force Choke, etc.?

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Good to see some positive feedback. It's reassuring for those of us waiting to tfr.


The only things you need to do are transfer all your toons if you want your legacy buffs. If you leave one on the old server you don't get the buff


I've been keeping an eye on the forums and updating our guild forums with info as it comes up, but haven't seen any mention of this yet, cheers.

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Yeh mine went smooth. We reformed the guild but had to pick a new name as ours was taken on new server. :(

Get all items out of your mail for all toons before you transfer.

If you have to rename some characters that already exist on the new server be careful, you have to do each in order one at a time before you can log any onto the new server. You can not pick one toon out of order and rename it. If you screw up like I did you can delete a character (ugh) to free up that name for use on correct toon, ouch. fortunatly it was a lvl 3 sith I can reroll. Huge difference for us on new well populated server.:)

Edited by DelphinHunter
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as someone from a destination server i also say the transfers are amazing population on Jung Ma is now reminiscent of january/february time frame and qs are popping instantly for solo and groups if you are still waiting be patient your turn will come!!!


again patience is a virtue and its awesome!

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as someone from a destination server i also say the transfers are amazing population on Jung Ma is now reminiscent of january/february time frame and qs are popping instantly for solo and groups if you are still waiting be patient your turn will come!!!


again patience is a virtue and its awesome!


Awesome. Glad to hear it.

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Agreed, i thought hard merges was the only way. This method is effective and appreciated. Keep it up BW.

Also I did all my transfers seamlessly via mobile phone at work. Got home and the guild was on, old faces new faces a bustling fleet. And that was just one server, Kath Hound to Ebon Hawk. Im curious as to what goes on with these additional servers added!

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