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Current Transfer Servers


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So today, tommorrow any time up to next Tuesday and the only way I'll know is be constantly checking the forums.



By which non-answer I guess you mean "No - guilds will not be transfer, and have to be destroyed and restarted".


Actually the non-answer was intended to mean, stop being lazy and read the FAQ they bothered to post answering most of the questions people have... but perhaps I was too subtle.

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Huge Fail Bioware. simple as that you fail at the MMO genre . Stick to making lack lustre single player games for easily pleased kids. Do you not realise that you are playing with the Star Wars IP here, and most Star Wars fans GREW UP with the IP hence most are 30+ years of age . Please give your customer base the effin respect that they deserve. You know damn well all this should have been consolidated before launch and that goes for all the 1.2 update content also, it is all post launch material that should have been there at launch. We havent even had a full PROPER content update patch yet and now your causing an upheaval of your customer base because of simple server transfers. Theres a nich little company out there called Trion. I dont play Rift its not my kind of thing but maybe Bioware should take a leaf out of Trions book and have tech /content ready to ship instead of being EA`s *****es and pushing content out unfinished. Respect Star Wars and respect yourselves Bioware before you crash.


Are you kidding? we have had several content updates. where were you 30 days after launch when Kaon was relesed? Where were you at 1.2 in April when a new operation was released? How long before WoW launch a new raid?

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It's amateur hour at Bioware. They don't even have the Types of servers listed, or categorized by Region on the Account page, shown at https://account.swtor.com/user/account/transfer. :rolleyes:

Just curious. Does it ever occur to anyone to just "request" something like this instead of starting off with the, "It's amateur hour at Bioware" stuff? Or does it just feel cool to say?

Edited by Jaavik
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Judging by the immaturity on this thread, I predict next week people will be complaining about log-in queues.


Since they are monitoring from where to where chars can be copied i doubt we suffer from queues, at least when transfers are finished, another thing could be people rerrolling (unlikely) or getting new susbcribers.

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Just curious. Does it ever occur to anyone to just "request" something like this instead of starting off with the, "It's amateur hour at Bioware" stuff? Or does it just feel cool to say?


I opt for the "cool to say", but that's just me. his post made me chuckle because the list is pretty vanilla-plain. Ctrl-F is my friend, though.

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Is it possible to answer this question?...


If the slots are full you cant move a toon there. So leave an open slot, move a toon, if the name is taken, you rename the one you are moving. Then delete the name placeholder.It's not rocket science.

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Actually the non-answer was intended to mean, stop being lazy and read the FAQ they bothered to post answering most of the questions people have... but perhaps I was too subtle.


And the forum thread about server mergers isn't for any questions about said server mergers? :confused:


Especially rather important ones?


Remind me to be just as "helpful" to you if I ever get the chance. ;)

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If the slots are full you cant move a toon there. So leave an open slot, move a toon, if the name is taken, you rename the one you are moving. Then delete the name placeholder.It's not rocket science.


So we can move one character at a time? Is that confirmed? If so, that would answer my question, thanks. :)

Edited by cipher_nemo
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Is it possible to answer this question?...


Worst case scenario, copy your characters over one by one, delete the placeholder and rename your moved character to the original name.


Since you can transfer single characters, this would make the most sense to me.

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Huge Fail Bioware. simple as that you fail at the MMO genre . Stick to making lack lustre single player games for easily pleased kids. Do you not realise that you are playing with the Star Wars IP here, and most Star Wars fans GREW UP with the IP hence most are 30+ years of age . Please give your customer base the effin respect that they deserve. You know damn well all this should have been consolidated before launch and that goes for all the 1.2 update content also, it is all post launch material that should have been there at launch. We havent even had a full PROPER content update patch yet and now your causing an upheaval of your customer base because of simple server transfers. Theres a nich little company out there called Trion. I dont play Rift its not my kind of thing but maybe Bioware should take a leaf out of Trions book and have tech /content ready to ship instead of being EA`s *****es and pushing content out unfinished. Respect Star Wars and respect yourselves Bioware before you crash.


You obviously didn't play Rift then because there were always things that were released before they were ready. It was well documented that one guild was stuck wiping on the last boss of a Raid because his mechanics were broken... for a couple weeks.


They also didn't have cross-server and free transfers in at the start of release... that didn't come until later. And there were/are numerous bugs that never got fixed and stayed for months before I finally left that game.


So please don't go saying "grass is greener over there" with a game that you admitted you never played.


I'm not saying SWTOR is perfect and I've had my complaints to, but yours are ridiculous. Nothing they're doing with this server transfer phasing is surprising to me as they've been very vocal with what is going down and how it is going down. There's a perfect quote where someone said that you could deliver the perfect MMO and someone will still complain about the color the box of the game came in.


You really need to lighten up on this.

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Serious Question for Bioware Reps:


If we end up being an origin server when our server shows up, can we make characters on that destination server to reserve names? And if so, when we transfer characters and already have 8 slots full for reserved names, how would that transfer work? Would we be able to remove the reserved characters at that time and not be forced to rename our characters being transfers?


Too little in the ways of reassurance along name reservations. Thanks.


They can't really work around the name thing. Your best bet is to delete those characters as you are starting the transfer process and hope for the best.

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So we can move one character at a time? Is that confirmed? If so, that would answer my question, thanks. :)


Yes, that is confirmed, you can move single characters. Someone posted in the earlier thread they moved one character and it took 5 mins.

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4 servers, u guys seriously having a laugh at our expense?

so all this posturing for a massive 4 servers outa 150, and lets say 145 of them r dead, pathetic really :mad:


You are really late to this, they have added more than 4 at this point.

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4 servers, u guys seriously having a laugh at our expense?

so all this posturing for a massive 4 servers outa 150, and lets say 145 of them r dead, pathetic really :mad:


It's 15. 18 if you include Europe. They just haven't updated the main page.

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