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pvp needs more stuns!


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I don't understand why some cc/stuns break upon taking damage and some don't - how is that balance


Stuns don't break on damage.


Blinds / Sleep / aka "Mezzes" do break on damage.


They are not the same thing, and they fill the Resolve bar differently.

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Stuns don't break on damage.


Blinds / Sleep / aka "Mezzes" do break on damage.


They are not the same thing, and they fill the Resolve bar differently.


Yes, I understand that - but that doesn't really justify that some classes have the ability to stun/cc you in the middle of a wz for 5-10 seconds while u take damage while others don't

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Yes, I understand that - but that doesn't really justify that some classes have the ability to stun/cc you in the middle of a wz for 5-10 seconds while u take damage while others don't


Different Classes are different.


What's an even bigger "imbalance" is that off ignoring armor/not ignoring armor and defense (Cough) Tactics Vanguards and MM snipers :p

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I just wish they would halve the cooldown on cc break to 1 minute... 2 minutes is just too long for the amount of cc in this game.


I honestly don't see how this would hurt the state of the game immensely.


You'd just have to factor in the fact that your opponent can always break at least 1 CC, but this may be a bit unfair for classes lacking in real CC. Obviously that could be tweaked. But this might just add even MORE CC to the game, lol.


I don't see them really changing it up too much at this point, though.

Edited by Varicite
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Maybe they should make a new WZ where whatever teams keeps the enemy team from moving the most wins!


It is called huttball and is the the best part of SWTOR, it is in fact the best pvp any MMO ever had and I want more of it.

Edited by Bazzoong
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They could remove the cool times and have an aoe perma stun. This actually happened in an mmo I played. It was funny to see 50+ players all stunned, that lasted for 3 weeks before they added a cooldown to the aoe stun. Hutball is painful for me to play with all the CC, I skip it whenever possible and my class isnt any good for hutball anyway. I grab the ball cc cc cc cc dead. Ya lots of fun,
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No stun is longer then four seconds! No mezz is longer then eight seconds and all of them break on damage! Roots, slows are off resolve since if they would be on they would mess the kite/anti-kite game and give melee too much up-time in weapon range. Most roots and slows are cleanable by healers . Any two cc skills will fill resolve if they are used back to back . If white resolve would break the stun that make it active then it would be possible to have resolve w/o being cced a single second (break first with cc breaker and second will be broken by resolve). I'm yet to see a movie of a cc hitting through resolve but I suppose that a slow internet connection would lead to server-client de-syncs and ..... . Never happened to me though. Also consider that some animations are played (cryo grenade anyone?) but the cc effect is not applied when they hit someone with active resolve. Couple that with a root and you have the perfect illusion of a stun .

Also my healer would enjoy a longer TTK while my DPS thinks the TTK is fine :p. Jokes aside a longer TTK (not by much) would make for more interesting battles and would validate tactics like fake attacks to one point in order to insure success for a real attack to another.

One thing I would change is that the CC breaking skill should be refreshed when resurrecting at a med center. But that is about quality of life and not a deal breaker for me.

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I think the source of frustration comes from the low TTK in combination with those stuns. Burst is so high right now that you can't afford to eat any stun when getting focused by more than one player. In some matchups you can't afford to sit in a stun even 1v1.


Fortunately the patch notes for 1.3 show BW is addressing that problem to some extent with the nerf to adrenals and on use relics. If that will be enough to provide some room for recovery through team coordination only time will tell.


Very true! We all know (or should) the way resolve +cc break should be used in an ideal situation. But when you're in a corner like described, you have no choice but to pop your break early, just in hope you can keep yourself alive long enough for help to arrive, or at least go down fighting. and then it's more often than not ineffective, because you'll just get hit with another. It is frustrating, but without CC, the game turns into a button-mash frenzy with little strategy. I don't know the proper solution.


Oh, and the sheer number of people that don't get sarcasm is staggering to me.

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