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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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We only have 40-50 on prime time Thendy's Noori. We currently have 2 in fleet and 27 on the imp side on the entire server.


I know. Well I didn't know about your server of course, but the one's talking dead servers I know. The Razor does NOT need to TRANSFER but to ACCEPT transfers. The max I've EVER waited on REP or IMP side for the 1-49 WZ bracket was 30 min for a queue. The 50 bracket takes anywhere from 1-2 hours but that's because we're a heavy IMP server than a balance.


But seriously, I ALWAYS find groups, FPs, WZs, etc.


We're NOT dead. We're not even that light either. We're NOT standard, but we're closer to standard than A LOT of light servers. I play every single day so I know the averages of our servers. I've actually seen up to 20 people on Tython at one time. Sure, that's low compared to say 50 on Tython on Jedi Cov, but we are NOT a server needing to be an origin.

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Bioware you are killing this game. Communicate with the community, listen to the community, quit being secretive trying to save yourself the embarrassment of being wrong. You are so concerned with looking bad that you're killing the game, and it's stupid. This game is a great game, great. But you as the dev's are killing it by being egotistical and vain.


Amen. It's ok to come out after something bad and admit you made a mistake. It's WRONG to sit back there behind the veil of the internet and not give your paying customers the information they need. Patch 1.3 is looking to be a very good patch and addition. Don't shoot yourselves in the foot by doing a terribad job on these transfers.




As for the "we're waiting to see what happens" approach... well, that's the same approach during prelaunch/launch that got us where we are now. Metrics are great when looking at things like class balance and what quests people struggle with and things like that... but they are notoriously bad predictors of human behavior. Your metrics during prelaunch/launch didn't tell you that people would vacate the servers like this, or else we wouldn't be in this situation. So stop looking at the dang metrics and go with your gut. Look at the forums. There are enough people posting here in this thread alone to tell you that you need to open it up.

Edited by JefferyClark
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It is unfortunate that such major issues have come up the very year this game launched (then again it has only been half a year since the game was out so what should we expect?). However, the number of people who complained on the first day of character transfers is unreal. Yes there is a major server population problem, but it's not going to kill any of you to wait a while for them to fix the problems. If you're to impatient to wait then quit the game already and if anything come back when the problems cease. My suggestions while you wait: Play another game, and if you don't have any other games, then either go online and play some mini games for free, buy a new game (diablo 3), or go outside and enjoy Summer. (or.. just watch tv)
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I hate to be another complainer but I have several high level characters on a dead server (mask of nihilus) which is neither an origin server or destination server.


"neither an origin server or destination server YET" would be correct, the 18 server pairs published so far are not the final list, over the next week more and more servers will have their transfers announced.

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What the ****:


Hi everyone,


Thanks for your patience as we continue to gradually open up new servers for free character transfers. The vast majority of transfers are being completed successfully, but we have discovered a very rare issue that can occur during the transfer process that will require us to perform a brief maintenance tonight from 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST) to 4AM CDT (2AM PDT/5AM EDT/10AM BST/11AM CEST/7PM AEST). The game servers and SWTOR.com will be unavailable during this time. Due to this issue, we will not be opening any new servers today for free character transfers, but rest assured that we will resume tomorrow morning.


For those of you that are currently eligible for character transfers, in order to prevent this rare issue from occurring, please log out of your current game session before you initiate the character transfer process.


Thank you all for your patience, and we look forward to opening more servers for transfers tomorrow!

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. . . Seriously Customer Support in this game is incredibly good. . . .
I had to laugh when I read this. In my opinion, this game has the worst customer service of any game I've ever played!


Here are two of my experiences with customer service:


1. During early access, a number of players found that their Collector's Editions didn't contain a registration code. For many days, all any of us could get from customer service were copied-and-pasted emails that didn't even address the problem we were complaining about. It was as if they never even read our emails.


2. Our guild participated in the pre-launch guild name reservation program. Our name was approved and we got our guild. About three months after launch, a GM suddenly renamed our guild without warning. We were told our guild was renamed because its name contained the word "Jedi," which is copyrighted. We pointed out that dozens of other guilds have that word in their name. They told us to report those names and they'd be addressed. So we reported about ten guilds on various servers, some with the exact same name as ours. Not one of those names was changed. Customer Service refuses to explain this selective enforcement. To make things even worse, we weren't allowed to pick a new guild name; we had to start a whole new guild, losing about 300 guild members in the process.


Sorry for the off-topic rant, but I couldn't let that statement go unchallenged. The game is great, but the customer service is horrible.


IMO, the less customer service interaction required in this transfer process the better.

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What the ****:


Hi everyone,


Thanks for your patience as we continue to gradually open up new servers for free character transfers. The vast majority of transfers are being completed successfully, but we have discovered a very rare issue that can occur during the transfer process that will require us to perform a brief maintenance tonight from 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST) to 4AM CDT (2AM PDT/5AM EDT/10AM BST/11AM CEST/7PM AEST). The game servers and SWTOR.com will be unavailable during this time. Due to this issue, we will not be opening any new servers today for free character transfers, but rest assured that we will resume tomorrow morning.


For those of you that are currently eligible for character transfers, in order to prevent this rare issue from occurring, please log out of your current game session before you initiate the character transfer process.


Thank you all for your patience, and we look forward to opening more servers for transfers tomorrow!


I thought you were kidding. I'm about to go rage spec!

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What the ****:


Hi everyone,


Thanks for your patience as we continue to gradually open up new servers for free character transfers. The vast majority of transfers are being completed successfully, but we have discovered a very rare issue that can occur during the transfer process that will require us to perform a brief maintenance tonight from 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST) to 4AM CDT (2AM PDT/5AM EDT/10AM BST/11AM CEST/7PM AEST). The game servers and SWTOR.com will be unavailable during this time. Due to this issue, we will not be opening any new servers today for free character transfers, but rest assured that we will resume tomorrow morning.


For those of you that are currently eligible for character transfers, in order to prevent this rare issue from occurring, please log out of your current game session before you initiate the character transfer process.


Thank you all for your patience, and we look forward to opening more servers for transfers tomorrow!




Sorry that's just a kick in the nuts.

Edited by Celwinn
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seems like by the time they get around to the other servers at this super awesome free transfer, patch 1.3 would be out. if they are just gonna do 8-9 NA servers a day. i just had high hopes for this. seeing how i havent been able to do a level 50 WZ que in over a month. with me loggin on seriously every day. and to finally hear about the character xfer date. and my server is not even on the damn list. and i feel like a major jack *** for getting my brother to resubscribe to this game for more 'waiting'. think we'd be used to it by now.
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also why can you not bring the servers down now to deal with it, transfers are more important than anything else at the min.


Exactly, I'm sure the 20 people on my server wouldn't mind. It's about closing time for the work day, so it's expected.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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Hi everyone,


Thanks for your patience as we continue to gradually open up new servers for free character transfers. The vast majority of transfers are being completed successfully, but we have discovered a very rare issue that can occur during the transfer process that will require us to perform a brief maintenance tonight from 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST) to 4AM CDT (2AM PDT/5AM EDT/10AM BST/11AM CEST/7PM AEST). The game servers and SWTOR.com will be unavailable during this time. Due to this issue, we will not be opening any new servers today for free character transfers, but rest assured that we will resume tomorrow morning.


For those of you that are currently eligible for character transfers, in order to prevent this rare issue from occurring, please log out of your current game session before you initiate the character transfer process.


Thank you all for your patience, and we look forward to opening more servers for transfers tomorrow!


Where was this originally posted?

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also why can you not bring the servers down now to deal with it, transfers are more important than anything else at the min.

Not to everyone, some folk might just want to sit back and relax in SWTOR for tonight ;)

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