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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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ITS BEen almost 3 hours now since i started checking the status of server updates. its been almost 12 hours now beginning 6/12/12. where are the other origin --> destination servers? why is there only 18.........
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No it isn't ridiculous. We are PAYING for this product that we can't use.


I'd be happy with a week of free play time. If I wanted to enjoy solo content I would be playing my Xbox 360.


SWTOR is a good MMO, but no MMO is THAT good.

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Ah, but see, that's the problem. Don't look at fleet, look at over all. Overall on either side I see anywhere from 80-100+. Only like 20s on Fleet, but in the entire galaxy there's like 100+ most times. Believe me, I check.


We only have 40-50 on prime time Thendy's Noori. We currently have 2 in fleet and 27 on the imp side on the entire server.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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If I understand correctly the list is of the servers that you can transfer to.

I hope I'm right cause if we are talking about servers you can transfer from the failure is so big there's not even a reason to comment more.

And BTW.

If they were serious and really wanted to boost population they would just merge servers and servers would be full in a couple of days.But no.

They had to "innovate" once more.

So now what we got is not exactly free..it is rather ,controlled server transfers in the way a server merge is but it is not as fast,effective and simple as a server merge.

Keep on innovating...


Seems I did a mistake and misjudged the server transfer process.

My initial reaction was based on the list of servers as it appears in the swtor/transfers web page.

That lead me to misunderstand the system cause it is not clear on that page the relation between origin and transfer servers.

Sorry ,and I hope my server get's in the lists soon.

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Some Bantha PooDoo Nerf Herding Hutt Scum is taking level 50 characters names from origin servers ( at least mine ) and making characters on destination servers in order to sell the names back to their original owners, which is pretty close to extortion or exaction, this happened in WoW and now its happening here.


I won't use this service because I am unable to keep the names I was attached too. I had alot of high hopes for this game, years of following development. Now, I just don't know.




I strongly encourage you to share any proof you have of it with Bioware. I suspect they anticipated this. I believe its the reason why, despite serious complaining by many, they refused to publish the lists of source and destination servers in advance.

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At prime the imp fleet has 20 people. And at prime we have about 78-100 people on. We are 0.98 on tor status we use to be 1.03 sadly.


Just wow! Our server has ~25 persons online WHOLE server @ peak time and it has been like that many months now.

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Ah, but see, that's the problem. Don't look at fleet, look at over all. Overall on either side I see anywhere from 80-100+. Only like 20s on Fleet, but in the entire galaxy there's like 100+ most times. Believe me, I check.


I still think though we need a transfer maybe not as bad be we need one hopefully today.

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I am perplexed why they didn't move the lowest population servers first? I'm trying to be somewhat patient, but I have been on a dead server for months. 20 on fleet in the best of days isn't fun for a pvper. We have been having 40-50 people in the game during prime time. Welcome to Thendy's Noori. Every single match we play the same pvp group. This has been going on for weeks now.


Consider yourselves lucky we haven't been able to get a PvP pop in months.

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Consider yourselves lucky we haven't been able to get a PvP pop in months.


Well there is only 1 pvp server with a lower population than Thendi. Basically all of our matches are against guildies atm. We still get them very rarely. We tell anyone doing a flashpoint or raid to que and not take the que just so we can get a quick 30 second warzone with no peeps in it. Its quite sad atm.

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Well there is only 1 pvp server with a lower population than Thendi. Basically all of our matches are against guildies atm. We still get them very rarely. We tell anyone doing a flashpoint or raid to que and not take the que just so we can get a quick 30 second warzone with no peeps in it. Its quite sad atm.


I think that servers is Niman. I haven't seen a single pvp match in weeks. :D

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Can anyone explain to me the difference between what BW is doing now and a server merger, and how a merger wouldn't be more time efficient with better population outcomes?


Thanks in advance.


They are giving the illusion for the 2 people that decide to stay that they had a choice.

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The initial character transfer service is now available, allowing qualifying characters to be transferred at no charge from selected origin servers to selected destination servers. This character transfer service will be available as long as is required to help maintain population balance across the service and create a better overall gameplay experience. Select servers will be eligible for free character transfers based on the player populations of the origin and destination servers.


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How nice I give up my lvl 50 toons and other lvl do to my server being dead dyeing Start over on a new sever and now transfers come out like this K How about giving me free subscription time for all waste months I paid for in advance Not able to play my toons the way I like on my old server and cannot bring to a a new sever i choose and have to re level other toons to get to enjoy playing again WHAT a waste of my money and time i put in to my lvl 50 toons and so on

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Can anyone explain to me the difference between what BW is doing now and a server merger, and how a merger wouldn't be more time efficient with better population outcomes?


Thanks in advance.


They are giving the illusion for the 2 people that decide to stay that they had a choice.


this made me lol:D

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I don't think there is much common sense being used at all with the server migrations. Population makes no difference as servers with higher population than VH have already been moved and ones with sub 25 are still waiting. I don't understand how asking for a timeline is such a bad thing. We pretty much had a timeline back for EGA when Devs communicated with the community. Now though we have nothing. A simple outline of Origin ---> Destination order would cure a TON of the post going up all day, but it doesn't appear like they can be bothered with that.
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We are. I'm just deathly afraid I'll lose my legacy. Husband's not too worried as his is below legacy 10, but mine's legacy 33 and I have a few unlocks earned/paid for I don't want to lose. Plus my 15 companion stories I completed. I'm a nervous wreck wondering if everything will be good to go if we have to move.


You will not lose your legacy, your legacy level and all its unlocks will transfer with any character that you move.

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I don't think there is much common sense being used at all with the server migrations. Population makes no difference as servers with higher population than VH have already been moved and ones with sub 25 are still waiting. I don't understand how asking for a timeline is such a bad thing. We pretty much had a timeline back for EGA when Devs communicated with the community. Now though we have nothing. A simple outline of Origin ---> Destination order would cure a TON of the post going up all day, but it doesn't appear like they can be bothered with that.


My guess is they will be using the tiny population servers to cap other servers where ever they need them. Since adding 50-100 accounts to any server wont have much of an effect on the overall population. But honestly dunno.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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**** this game are you *********** serious there are a total of 3 people on the fleet at all times and maybe 50 people in game if were lucky on the Nathema server and we don't get a transfer. I officially can't stand Bioware now thank god I have Diablo to play. **** Bioware and **** this game.


Well I'm very disapointed or server, Trask Ulgo, didnt get to transfer too, but I guess they're working on it.

Edited by Inzuher
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