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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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You cant buy time back. A product should be released when it is ready. In this case, it is almost ready for release imo.


This is the way it should be, however the gaming community has proven that it will throw its money at everything and anything so they will just keep pushing out games as fast as they can regardless if it's ready.

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Meh the weekend has gone... may as well wait for the world on when we can play. Quite funny that we pay and they dictate when we can play with others on their MMO.


It's a great scheme but poorly handled by all involved. Community managers need to meet with Devs and others involved ad be prepared to set out a plan for us, key messages and what not because at the minute it seems like the Devs have asked for a nose scratch and the community management took that to mean they needed their balls scratchin.

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to remind you all that overnight population shifts and rate of transfers will affect the opening of origin servers on a day to day basis. What this means is that, while we've been able to open several servers over the past few days, the cadence for opening them will undoubtedly be different each day. Rest assured that I'll post here when I have a fresh update.



I hope you realize what this game is now, and what it could have been.



That is all. Thank you :ph_danger::jawa_wink:

Edited by Heweyblade
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In European PVE servers we got 9 servers already transfered to The Red Eclipse. That's 10 servers "merge"

Other 10 servers are missing:


1) Luka Sene

2) Bacca's blade

3) Dune Bantha

4) Bao Dur

5) Sith'ari

6) Peragus mining facility

7) Hidden Beks

8) Frostclaw

9) Nightmare Lands

10) Hydian Way


Now, this would make sense, havin those 10 servers merge togheter , picking on lucky server and letting the other 9 migrate to him

Or we will all 10 sent to the Red Eclipse too?


My server, Luka Sene, has a population of about 30-50 people on both fleets in prime time, rarely 60. How's about the others? is there a more populated server among those 10?

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That was kind of my thinking with Tarro Blood too. While I'm fine with them taking the weekend to see how the transfers affected the server populations and queue times on the new destination servers, taking the remaining PvE-East servers and lumping them together would work. None of us are even standard, and there are plenty of us who would like a larger population (though not crazy full complete with lags and wait times to log in).
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In European PVE servers we got 9 servers already transfered to The Red Eclipse.

My server, Luka Sene, has a population of about 30-50 people on both fleets in prime time, rarely 60. How's about the others? is there a more populated server among those 10?


Bacca's Blade is also around 30 people on the fleet during prime time.

Edited by Rothirian
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This is the way it should be, however the gaming community has proven that it will throw its money at everything and anything so they will just keep pushing out games as fast as they can regardless if it's ready.


This is a fair enough point but it begs the question.


If you know this, don't the game companies also know this and if so, who's really responsible for it?


It's sort of like being a parent, you know what's good for your child and you want it to be strong and healthy and wise but you have to fight it constantly to eat the right foods because it wants the junk.


Now are you a good parent that finds a way to both feed your child a healthy diet AND satisfy that candy craving? Or do you constantly cave in to the loud and desperate pleas for the candy more than you should, allowing your child to become listless and lazy and even further incapable of making good decisions?


Probably a terrible analogy but the point is, nobody wants to be good parents anymore.


I need coffee...

Edited by Sparklehorse
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Hi from Hidden Becks. Yesterday during peak hours there were around 80 ppl on Imperial fleet. I haven't checked Republic but I assume it was the same situation. Now on republic fleet are around 25+ and on Imperial fleet are 9 >.< .
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I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with this, especially after seeing all the raging over log-in queues, but I'd love to be on a server that had a 10 minute queue if it meant I got to play with tons of people. Edited by jedijanec
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Well hello everyone! Lets us see who the last server to xfer is, my money is on crevasse city.


Had a great weekend gaming on wow, hoping I can play a game i really like now.


I hope so too....WE ALL HOPE.


Don't we Bioware?



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Well more of the fact that most of my guild was so pissed they all took the weekend off it was run around my server crevasse city or deal with the server lagging out in pvp on prophecy of the five the game was just unplayable, so I took some time away. Not this "wow is better" type I love swtor more, so yeah. Edited by Qishari
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Coming up on a new transfer announcement, no doubt. Predictions?


I'm thinking its gonna be big like last Wednesday.


Why waste time with predictions? Most of them will turn out to be wrong in some form and some people will just end up taking them as if they were facts and working themselves into even more of a froth.


A time happens at its appointed time and not a moment before.

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I'm surprised that there's been no new list yet. :eek:


I'm expecting to see all of the remaining servers listed today, or tomorrow at the latest.


Not that I'm not hoping for that too, but it will never happen. You might as well not get your hopes up on that one.

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Would be nice if they would at least give a status update.


Yeah, I asked on the SWTOR Twitter and they haven't answered. I'm sure they're avoiding the question after slipping up and misleading everyone about Friday last week.

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It's 10am EST........ Which means its 7am PST..... What makes you think they are even there? Or if they are that they've finished going over the data and are ready to make a decision?


Because they work in Austin,TX, where it is currently 9:30. Not 7:30.

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It's 10am EST........ Which means its 7am PST..... What makes you think they are even there? Or if they are that they've finished going over the data and are ready to make a decision?


Because bioware is based in texas being cst and they have told us their time frame for this process 9am cst to 6 cst

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