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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Its not right away, today is the 5th day.


Also, i am not asking them to "get it done right away", although that would be nice.


I am asking them to communicate. They have people whose sole responsibility is to communicate. Post something like "we are going to do more transfers today, we do not know when". Or "we are not going to do any more transfers till Monday".


For the first time they are communicating... what they can, no longer is there "Coming Soon" there appears to be an active dialog between.. .well from community managers to us :p Remember despite being people they'll have branding guidelines and policies to follow. They probably want to tell us more but can't due to things constantly shifting and changing.


You have to remember that the servers when selected probably have a hundred little jobs including transfers which are related to it... this is no small undertaking and will take well into next week to complete by the looks of things!

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to remind you all that overnight population shifts and rate of transfers will affect the opening of origin servers on a day to day basis. What this means is that, while we've been able to open several servers over the past few days, the cadence for opening them will undoubtedly be different each day. Rest assured that I'll post here when I have a fresh update.


So, some people get to enjoy the game this weekend while others, chosen at random, stay on dead servers? Do you people not want my subscription money?

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to remind you all that overnight population shifts and rate of transfers will affect the opening of origin servers on a day to day basis. What this means is that, while we've been able to open several servers over the past few days, the cadence for opening them will undoubtedly be different each day. Rest assured that I'll post here when I have a fresh update.


Thanks for the update. Just start sending the rest of east pve to Tarro Blood and we'll all be happy.

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to remind you all that overnight population shifts and rate of transfers will affect the opening of origin servers on a day to day basis. What this means is that, while we've been able to open several servers over the past few days, the cadence for opening them will undoubtedly be different each day. Rest assured that I'll post here when I have a fresh update.


So does that mean there will be transfers today or will we be waiting until some unspecified time next week?

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I'm sorry Joveth, I am trying not to be a dick really I am but too bad. You have left some of the worst populated servers to die more, my guild is hurting because of it. This sorry we moved higher pop servers now you wait ******** is getting old.


^^ this

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I'm sorry Joveth, I am trying not to be a dick really I am but too bad. You have left some of the worst populated servers to die more, my guild is hurting because of it. This sorry we moved higher pop servers now you wait ******** is getting old, atleast give us a time frame of when the first one will be like 1-2 hours 3-4 hours etc so we can go do other ****.


Why are you felling like that oh.:o

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So, some people get to enjoy the game this weekend while others, chosen at random, stay on dead servers? Do you people not want my subscription money?


You can come play with my swtor guild! We are currently pvping and pveing in wow.

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What I need to know are these low pop servers to high pop or is it high pop to low pop. Cause the last thing I want to do is transfer from what is considered a high pop server to low even if its free. With every chance to lose my characters name and legact name.


Because it wont be a low pop after the transfers it will be a higher pop than your current server.

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I'm sorry Joveth, I am trying not to be a dick really I am but too bad. You have left some of the worst populated servers to die more, my guild is hurting because of it. This sorry we moved higher pop servers now you wait ******** is getting old, atleast give us a time frame of when the first one will be like 1-2 hours 3-4 hours etc so we can go do other ****.


Everyone is HURTING from the lowpop servers just be thankful that we're no longer begging for action to be taken, they are in the process of doing and now they have to take into account server Queue's on the destination servers to see if they need increase the cap etc.


Give 'em a break, at least they're actually responding to people now. This is about the community not you and your guild... we're making progress where we'll actually get to HAVE a community.


Be patient, I know we're being patient on our dime but better late than never.

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to remind you all that overnight population shifts and rate of transfers will affect the opening of origin servers on a day to day basis. What this means is that, while we've been able to open several servers over the past few days, the cadence for opening them will undoubtedly be different each day. Rest assured that I'll post here when I have a fresh update.


Yep, because the 2 PVP East servers that are left and all 20 people on them will really push FM or POF over the edge. Just effing move them and be done with it. Somehow, I would be willing to bet that we just get to dangle out there until next week.

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to remind you all that overnight population shifts and rate of transfers will affect the opening of origin servers on a day to day basis. What this means is that, while we've been able to open several servers over the past few days, the cadence for opening them will undoubtedly be different each day. Rest assured that I'll post here when I have a fresh update.




I do appreciate the heads up though Joveth. Thank you. Please keep us in the loop so we know our servers havent been forgotten/ignored.

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Yep, because the 2 PVP East servers that are left and all 20 people on them will really push FM or POF over the edge. Just effing move them and be done with it. Somehow, I would be willing to bet that we just get to dangle out there until next week.


that was a huge slap in the face yesterday.

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Once again I love seeing the people complaining about their server when they have 50+ people on the fleet. Try logging into Firaxan Shark and look at the server pop. You will be the only one there most likely. If you are lucky there will be 5 people on the fleet and 20 people total. I don't know how it is for republic side recently but the few people I know over there say it is just as bad.
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Yep, because the 2 PVP East servers that are left and all 20 people on them will really push FM or POF over the edge. Just effing move them and be done with it. Somehow, I would be willing to bet that we just get to dangle out there until next week.


this. either way theres no where else to put us...

Edited by Jakev-
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Hi everyone, I just wanted to remind you all that overnight population shifts and rate of transfers will affect the opening of origin servers on a day to day basis. What this means is that, while we've been able to open several servers over the past few days, the cadence for opening them will undoubtedly be different each day. Rest assured that I'll post here when I have a fresh update.


this is his way of saying, no transfers until next week.

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What I'd like to hear from Bioware is what are they going to do for those that have been here a long time, rolled several times already on different servers and were waiting for transfers to merge their characters on a single server with friends that are in the same boat?


I originally rolled on Goluud it died the death and rolled on frostclaw, I like everyone else moved to red ecipse, even though it wasn't where I wanted to go, because remaining there after the transfers wouldn't have been practical, I can live with that the server there has a good active population now.


However the Characters I was waiting to move and merge from my other server I can't do, I certainly don't want to roll AGAIN, is bioware going to allow Manual transfers Via CS ticket?


Or better still if a account has moved its characters to a server already then when another server comes up that has his characters on, that they be allowed to select the destination where the previous transfer went to, regardless of if its the current desitination server or not.

Edited by Hawk-Firestorm
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this is his way of saying, no transfers until next week.


That's what it is starting to look like.. we shunned few are the "fillers" for the current destination servers, after they do their "analysis".

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