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Let's talk about HK-51!


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While this thread may be moved, we should use this to discuss what we think he will be like.

Well, in beta he was a ranged tank. So It is likely he will remain one.

We know that he is a "legacy" companion, And it somehow requires alts to help the incredibly long process. (my guess is that you'll need crew skills, but many different ones. Many armor mech for chassis, and cyber tech for inner circuits.) bioware also hinted: "you'll need someone on both sides of the war", so maybe the quest line will take you to both dromund kass and coruscant, so you'll need to see both planets. They also said he is a global legacy unlock, so once you finish the long quest series, all alts can just skip to the end where you activate him.

let's also hope it's more of a process, without a crazy high and expensive legacy level.

Either way, I'm working on my legacy level and crew skills!


And my own questions:

-Will you need to be level 50, or will he adjust to our level like rakghoul event?

-Will you need like level 30 legacy or something?

-Will it directly cost credits?

-Being adresses as a "very hard" companion to get, will it be puzzle-hard, or combat-hard?

-Will he adress us as organics, or meatbags? This is an important question!

Post away!

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You bring up several good questions.


The only one I can reasonably answer would be that we'll likely need to have at least 1 Level 50 Republic and 1 Level 50 Imperial as part of the unlocking process. I say this because the Legacy system (of which HK-51 will be a part) currently requires us to have a Level 50 character in order to unlock that species for opposite-faction gameplay.


What I want to know is whether HK-51 will be as charming as HK-47 was in KOTOR 1? Will he call organics "meatbags"? Will he assassinate my ship's droid and take his place?


(*crosses fingers for that last question*)

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You bring up several good questions.


The only one I can reasonably answer would be that we'll likely need to have at least 1 Level 50 Republic and 1 Level 50 Imperial as part of the unlocking process. I say this because the Legacy system (of which HK-51 will be a part) currently requires us to have a Level 50 character in order to unlock that species for opposite-faction gameplay.


What I want to know is whether HK-51 will be as charming as HK-47 was in KOTOR 1? Will he call organics "meatbags"? Will he assassinate my ship's droid and take his place?


(*crosses fingers for that last question*)


He has the TOR voice probably.

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You bring up several good questions.


The only one I can reasonably answer would be that we'll likely need to have at least 1 Level 50 Republic and 1 Level 50 Imperial as part of the unlocking process. I say this because the Legacy system (of which HK-51 will be a part) currently requires us to have a Level 50 character in order to unlock that species for opposite-faction gameplay.


What I want to know is whether HK-51 will be as charming as HK-47 was in KOTOR 1? Will he call organics "meatbags"? Will he assassinate my ship's droid and take his place?


(*crosses fingers for that last question*)


Probably not, because the meatbags thing was unique to HK-47 only seeing as he was hand built by Revan. Whereas the HK-51 units come from a factory.

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You bring up several good questions.


The only one I can reasonably answer would be that we'll likely need to have at least 1 Level 50 Republic and 1 Level 50 Imperial as part of the unlocking process. I say this because the Legacy system (of which HK-51 will be a part) currently requires us to have a Level 50 character in order to unlock that species for opposite-faction gameplay.


What I want to know is whether HK-51 will be as charming as HK-47 was in KOTOR 1? Will he call organics "meatbags"? Will he assassinate my ship's droid and take his place?


(*crosses fingers for that last question*)


wait, what? I heard we need someone on both sides of the war, but are you saying you need cross-faction species in order to unlock him? Say, a Chiss Jedi Knight, a Miraluka Bounty hunter? If so, this will indeed complicate things. I have a level 50 assassin on one server, and a level 50 guardian on an other.


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That seems like an awful lot of trouble for a companion. Especially considering they aren't used for any "end game" content.


I could see a lot of potential here, actually. Maybe HK-51 will bring a new use to companions on Makeb.

He is going to come from Hoth (I believe a crashed ship) rather then Makeb.

Once you go through quest series, you can get him again very quickly on an alt, skipping quest series, just picking him up. I assume during the fight with him (assuming) he would adjust to your level like Rakghoul event, so by unlocking him in end-game, he might useless then, but a level 15 smuggler with an assassin droid? That has LOTS of potential.

Firaxan Shark will get their paid server transfers in 1.3! I KNOW IT.


I am still curious how the conversations for each class will be... Think.

Inquisitor to HK-51. This just sounds evil

Warrior to HK-51. This will only result in bloodshed.

Agent to HK-51. That could be fun, two assassins in harmony. *happy sigh*

Bounty hunter to HK-51. I have no idea. I have a feeling they will only compete for kills with one another.

Jedi knight to HK-51. Depends if he is dark side or light side. If he is DS, he will accept HK's way, if he is LS, he may deactivate him!

Jedi consular to HK-51. Someone isn't leaving the room alive/activated.

Trooper to HK-51. I think M1-4X would be competing with HK-51, but I think the trooper would enjoy his: "Shoot first, ask later." Attitude.

Smuggler to HK-51. This could be fun, as every time HK-51 calls him a meatbag, the smuggler will call him a glorified battery.


Possibilities. oh so many possibilities.

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I can't wait to unlock him on my characters, i really hope he doesn't like skadge on my BH, i think itd make a good cutscene to walk aboard my D5-Mantis and see HK standing next to the body of skadge after an argument. Then gault could say "well now, that is the ugliest carpet i've ever seen" and then Torian "Ugh, he reeks, any chance of getting him off our ship?"
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Will we be able to gear him as well and as cost effectively as our humanoid companions, who can simply wear gear from operations and commendations, or will we have to spend millions of credits pulling mods to put into droid parts, and buying comparable lvl 25+ armorings from the GTN because the set piece armorings cannot be transferred into droid parts at all? If it's the latter, why bother?
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Its funny but I wonder how many of the oldest beta testers are left now...


Or who knows what Khem Val really was at first...lol Gear wise.. I wont forget that Aim gear he had..lol


So many things have changed, so I do not even think we can guess what HK can have. ---


I hope it is not some 4 min quest to get him and ruin the fun though.

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The only thing known as of now is it takes 1 level 50 and 1 mid range character of the other faction. Hopefully it takes level 30 legacy or higher. Before you cry about it. You will easily be there before he comes out if you are actively playing now. His not coming next week. Most likely end of the year. It should be a reward for those of us that have been playing the game not for guy who start playing a month before he goes live.
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Probably not, because the meatbags thing was unique to HK-47 only seeing as he was hand built by Revan. Whereas the HK-51 units come from a factory.


51 will prolly be fun and interesting, but for the most part, /wavehand this isn't the droid you are looking for.

Having a feeling a few folks are gonna be upset when they realize there's gonna be no meatbag trash talk.

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I want to know if unlocking HK-51 will also unlock a 6th available deploy slot for crewskills. The maximum right now is 5, will I get a 6th when I unlock HK.


From beta, he had +2 artifice efficiency and +2 cybertech efficiency.

So probably it'll give another slot. For the record, he was also a ranged tank.


I'm wondering if the crew skill sensors for ship droids sold by legacy repair droid will work on him.

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Well, in beta he was a ranged tank. So It is likely he will remain one.


I really hope he's going to be a DPS or at least gives us options to switch him to be a DPS. I mean he's an Assassin droid, why is he tanking? Tank companions are the most useless of them all and we already have enough of them. If he's gonna be a tank hardly anyone's gonna be using him in combat (especially not at lvl 50).




Will we be able to gear him as well and as cost effectively as our humanoid companions, who can simply wear gear from operations and commendations, or will we have to spend millions of credits pulling mods to put into droid parts, and buying comparable lvl 25+ armorings from the GTN because the set piece armorings cannot be transferred into droid parts at all? If it's the latter, why bother?


I think they should just allow droids to wear humanoid armor or all those set vendors should sell droid armor for tokens (For example a sensor for a helmet token). Right now droids are being discriminated by not being able to wear best gear in game, like humanoid companions, unless you are ready to dump a couple million credits to transfer all the mods into droid parts.

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If he is like most companions, he will come with decent gear from the point you unlock him. Maybe he will give empty orange gear, because he is a legacy companion.

If not, forget T7, I'm tearing apart that bucket of bolts for parts for HK!!

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I really hope he's going to be a DPS or at least gives us options to switch him to be a DPS. I mean he's an Assassin droid, why is he tanking? Tank companions are the most useless of them all and we already have enough of them. If he's gonna be a tank hardly anyone's gonna be using him in combat (especially not at lvl 50).


Not sure whether HK-51 is a tank or not, but tank companions are far from useless. They're the best companions for marauders and snipers (sentinels and gunslingers) because those classes can't tank or heal, and do plenty of damage to kill all the mobs before their tank companion dies. My sniper's Kaliyo has 21k health and great defensive stats, enough to main tank the entirety of hard mode Kaon (among others).

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Not sure whether HK-51 is a tank or not, but tank companions are far from useless. They're the best companions for marauders and snipers (sentinels and gunslingers) because those classes can't tank or heal, and do plenty of damage to kill all the mobs before their tank companion dies. My sniper's Kaliyo has 21k health and great defensive stats, enough to main tank the entirety of hard mode Kaon (among others).


Unless you have your healing companion of course. Then that is the best comp for any non healer class.

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Remember Dr. Godera and RE-MO ? Saving the memory core of this awesome droid?


The memory core should be implanted to HK-51, that would be hilarious!


RE-MO FTW LOL I loved that droids attitude...Kill those filthy imp scum....!!!!

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RE-MO FTW LOL I loved that droids attitude...Kill those filthy imp scum....!!!!


What? No. I want HK-51 to insult me, threaten me, hate me, attempt to kill me, romance SCORPIO, beat Kaliyo in arm wrestling, reprogram T7 to call people Meatbags, blame me for his killings, and NOT BE A PASSIVE-AGRESSIVE RE-MO!

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