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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Easy solution. Give priority to people in guilds that were assigned to the servers with extreme queue problems. We shouldn't be punished for sticking to the servers Bioware themself gave us. If people would have stuck to the servers they were assigned there would be very little queues.
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I really feel for all of you who are stuck in queues. I chose a low-population server on purpose to avoid the queues but lots of you do not have this option if your guild was picked a server or the server filled up afterwards.


What gets me is when people say 'all launches are this way'. This is not a bloody excuse! Just because one company fails, or even most, does not give Bioware a carte blanche to do the same. This type of rhetorics is so blatantly false so it's a wonder that people still actually try to use them.


Moreover, the problem is trivially solved -- free server transfers from any full server. This would balance it out. I would move in a second with my friends if I ever saw a queue (no matter how long, 20 minutes is not ok even though some of you seem to feel this way). Even whole guilds could move. This would allow things to balance out on their own and is a feature that should have been included if Bioware had been serious about not having all of these queues. It's not technologically difficult -- the only thing lacking is the will to do it.


Usually when I log in I see a handful of servers with long queues, but plenty that don't have any at all. There is no reason for things to be this way. None at all.


Please point to a flaw in my reasoning. If there is one, I'd actually enjoy being set straight.

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1. Some of the largest companies in MMORPG have created this game. Should think they knew how to make it work!!!


2. Make it possible for people to move their character from one server to another - and no it shouldn't cost anything or make you loose anything. Just.. hey... i'm joining this server today because it's only lightly populated, or my friends are playing on it, or... you get the idea.... i hope.


3. If you can't fix this quick, start thinking about giving people free gametime as a small compensation. Oh.. and start thinking about all the players you are about to loose.


4. To sum up. Fix it quickly!!


I hate to say it but to my knowlegde one of the oldes and largest distributor of MMOs is Sony Online Entertainment and Blizzard Entertainment.

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I got 6 hours of queue


If this is not fix early, I give 2 weeks of life to SWTOR.


Lot of people is leaving the game becouse they can not wait 4-6 hours of queue.


Bioware have a good MMO, but people will not wait 6 hours of queue, I can promisse You,


And GZ bioware, You have got a lot of bots . It is normal, people want to avoid queue

Edited by GreywolfAmakir
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The problem isnt on the end of BW, its the new folk that doesnt go to the servers which are made for them.


They do queue at the full ones instead of the new light ones. Blame then but not BW, they did what they could :(


and what about all the people that decided to leave the servers they were assigned to during the guild deployment phase, and invade an already highly populated one, forcing the guilds who were deployed there to wait in rediculous queues?

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What gets me is when people say 'all launches are this way'. This is not a bloody excuse! Just because one company fails, or even most, does not give Bioware a carte blanche to do the same. This type of rhetorics is so blatantly false so it's a wonder that people still actually try to use them.



Quoted for truth

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I got 6 hours of queue


If this is not fix early, I give 2 weeks of life to SWTOR.


Lot of people is leaving the game becouse they can not wait 4-6 hours of queue.


Bioware have a good MMO, but people will not wait 6 hours of queue, I can promisse You,


Then do as others are doing and switch servers, it's not difficult.

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Think I'll just mend the social life that I destroyed for the next week, and hope it'll be sorted until then ;-)


However, I would like to know what Bioware is doing to reduce to queue time?

If I still have to wait for 2-3 hours to play in a week or two, I think I'll give up on SWTor for some time, maybe play some other game.


I have faith in BioWare, and I am sure they will eventually get this all sorted out.


One last question (thats been postet 200 ish times in this thread), why not open for free server migration? I dont care, at all, if I have to migrate to a different server, but I would like to get my lvl 30 Sith Juggernaut with me, seeing as, well, its taken some time to get him to where he is. :-)

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lol said 15 min and 1h later im in pos 66 :p well itäs launch day it will fix itself when all the haters leave after a week :)


If you read all those Posts here, it could backfire, because when the Haters leave, it could be quite some numbers of subscribers.


What do you think EA and Bioware wil do if the game does not pay off in the first year?

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I remember my first mmo launch...... Let bioware wave their magic wand and keep millions of people happy. How many employees do you think they have ? It's not 1 for each of your tears, give them a bit of grace you all whined about getting your grace period after launch and they did how about doing the same. Yea I get a Que also, I was trying to log on for 10 hours on Sunday.


Harden up people seriously, they said they are working on it.


Well nearly a Week in the Pre Oreder Phase should be enough to respond to a ticket still open and unchanged....

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So *********** irritating. Scepter of Ragnos already has a 300+ queue at 11:40, yeah good luck logging on come 8pm GMT. There are 13 EU servers with a light population, why aren't new players (who aren't in a pre-launch guild, I accept they need to be able to roll there) barred from rolling on full servers? It's gonna be an absolute nightmare in a few hours time and Bioware could have easily avoided it by forcing unaffiliated people on to the new servers
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I've just got back from visiting family for a couple of days. Now I'm 300th in queue from being able to login instantly prior to release. If this takes too long to get back into game onto my 25th level character I'm going to be put off pretty quickly. It's a shame you didn't implement a "friend only" invite style scheme for servers already at high capacity. Because now I have a couple of friends who are also getting the game who won't be able to login also.


I'm really stuck as to what to do. After reading people waiting 5 hours, do I really want to do that to play a game? I can't sit around doing nothing for that kind of time. I really hope that this get's resolved very quickly. Paying lots of money for the game, not to be able to play it aswell as losing subscription time is very disheartening for this early in the game.

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it´s not even 12:00 here and there is a 200+ people que already, i wonder how things are gonna get when people wake up..........................


300+ here and ppl are still at work/school (2 PM right now here). Guess what happens when everyone gets back home tonight... Guess what happens this weekend. :D

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What gets me is when people say 'all launches are this way'. This is not a bloody excuse! Just because one company fails, or even most, does not give Bioware a carte blanche to do the same. This type of rhetorics is so blatantly false so it's a wonder that people still actually try to use them.


This says it all.


Having these ludicrous queues (some up to 6 hours, honestly?) is nothing but a declaration of failure from the Company if not handled in a quick and sensible way.


No customer, related to any type of buisness, is going to accept waiting 6 hours in line. Especially not when it seems the connections are so fickle that people get randomly disconnected after <1 hour of gameplay, then shoved into a new queue for 6 hours.


And "just reroll on another server" is not much of an option for most of us. I already have 30 levels on my bounty hunter, did the storylines and all that. I am seriously not redoing it all just because BioWare decided they wanted to force people to populate servers with a low population.


With risk of going too far with a statement, this sort of mentality to force people who already established themselves on servers to change to another server is a really narrowsighted and facist way of doing it.


I refuse to redo hours of gameplay just because they can't sort out 6 hour login queues.


In 6 hours I have almost finished a full working day. Give me 1.5 hours of gameplay then a disconnect, and thats my entire working day. Or, as the case might be... thats my entire spare time for a day gone, at least if I am supposed to get any sleep whatsoever.

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i managed to get about 15 mins before it kicked me off and now im 247 in a que. i'm guessing this will get worse later when everyone logs on. doesn't bode well.....


on the plus side i think i can run to the mcdonalds down the road whilst i wait so there's a silver lining

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Bioware have ****ed up launch and ega. The damage is done now, and the silence from the devs have only made a bad situation worse.


This game will be free to Play within six months. The guys at blizzard must be laughing their arses off.


lol you're right. We have writed the same in the french community.


Good Luck to you !

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You have forgotten one big difference. All those game you mentoined had the horrid Server Waiting times like TOR, but they are all far below a few 100 K subscriber.


This game has cost a fortune in development. A fortune they have to earn. I dont think it will work out well with just a few 100k of subs.


500k are a few 100k I would say.

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