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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Bottom line for pre-launch. You know the exact number of anticipated accounts. Your server should be able to handle all of them on at once without a queue. Between Subscription (3mo) and CE that's 200$ game that is delayed in capability to play.


Goal for acceptable queue time for Bioware team: 60 seconds.


If I load up a console game and play multiplayer, I maximum get a 120sec wait. This should be the standard. Prior interview 15-20 minute waits in unacceptable for a casual gamer who only get 2 hours or so of game time. God forbid there be connection issues and you have to re-queue. You spend 1/3 of your time waiting. Unacceptable. Dev's, I hope you have a plan for launch tomorrow.


Other than that, I login on off times thus far, and the game is very enjoyable. Just make sure I can play it!

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Bottom line for pre-launch. You know the exact number of anticipated accounts. Your server should be able to handle all of them on at once without a queue. Between Subscription (3mo) and CE that's 200$ game that is delayed in capability to play.


The problem is you never know the "future" population not the population at the launch. Over the time, the population may decrease (which will mostlikely happen) or the population may increase (if we are very lucky).

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That works too. Either way, the queue will be reduced

The fact is that you've been warned for almost a week now that queues were to be expected, and you were told how to get around them. Well, you didn't listen then, you're not listening now. THAT isn't EA/Bioware's fault. They've done their part, you haven't done yours.


The game hasn't even launched yet, and people are whining about stupid, ridiculous garbage. They can't just "add more to the server", that causes problems. THAT is what causes server crashes, more than anything else.


Can't believe this guy is still here, has been trolling this thread for days. Probably isn't even playing the game.

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Hello Bioware,


We as the customer demand better service. That's what drives businesses now-a-days for success; to meet the demands of the consumer. Please get off your high-horse and realize that if the consumer does not get what they demand...AND what they pay for-you are going to simply lose money.


It just astonishes me that this trend still exists today; don't we all remember what happened to SWG? The devs were not listening to the players and a result, everyone left to WOW and other MMOs. Bioware; the short amount of time I did play was awesome. However, that alone is not going to keep me as a customer. You need to focus now on service, and if you prematurely released the game because of the corporate pressures to bring home the profit for your shareholders...don't do it on the backs of loyal star wars fans that have waited years and big money to get to this point!


Your number one priority is to address server queues by allowing server transfers and bringing more online.


Thank you and I hope the force is with YOU to listen to us and make the right decisions.


Darmanian - Krayt Dragon server

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Seriously, I am really hoping this queue thing goes really fast....I know a few friends I'll not be able to play with if they have to keep sitting in queues every night.


Personally, I think this game is friggin amazing. I'm LOVING it. However, I too am quite frustrated with thinking I'll have to wait for an hour each night I want to play....and if I, say, accidentally hit my power bar, have to start all over again. Not cool....


I am hoping it's just a matter of them leaving the player cap too low for the server to leave room for the guild members that didn't get early access, but will be flooding the already flooded servers to meet up with their guildmates. If it's more than that, there's gonna be a big loss of people in general would be my guess.


Opening new servers and telling people to switch to less populated servers is hardly a good response to the queues. Once you've put in some time, or have a guild, or guild placed friends, you don't want to do the same exact things over again somewhere else or have to leave you friends to play somewhere else.


Anyway.....game is amazing......server queues are ridiculously stupid.

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It just astonishes me that this trend still exists today; don't we all remember what happened to SWG? The devs were not listening to the players and a result, everyone left to WOW and other MMOs.


The post #1 of this thread is the proof they do listen to the players regarding this problem. It is just they don't do what the players demand for the long term success - active community in the game.

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Seriously, I am really hoping this queue thing goes really fast....I know a few friends I'll not be able to play with if they have to keep sitting in queues every night.


Personally, I think this game is friggin amazing. I'm LOVING it. However, I too am quite frustrated with thinking I'll have to wait for an hour each night I want to play....and if I, say, accidentally hit my power bar, have to start all over again. Not cool....


I am hoping it's just a matter of them leaving the player cap too low for the server to leave room for the guild members that didn't get early access, but will be flooding the already flooded servers to meet up with their guildmates. If it's more than that, there's gonna be a big loss of people in general would be my guess.


Opening new servers and telling people to switch to less populated servers is hardly a good response to the queues. Once you've put in some time, or have a guild, or guild placed friends, you don't want to do the same exact things over again somewhere else or have to leave you friends to play somewhere else.


Anyway.....game is amazing......server queues are ridiculously stupid.

Yeah, I know how you feel. Feel the same way myself. The issue is that to ensure even population spread across servers in the long term, you need to set caps low in the short term while there is a massive influx of new players, and slowly increase caps.


Basically, you need to utilize queues in the short term to avoid queues in the long term.

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Dear Bioware Staff and EA support team


Q's can be frustrating and very annoying for us as the player, however please don't believe most of the previous 157 pages.


You created an awesome game and you know marketing much better then most of the 8 year olds crying on this forum.


Keep it up and i know that this problem will be fixing along with a slew of other fixes.



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Hello Bioware,


We as the customer demand better service. That's what drives businesses now-a-days for success; to meet the demands of the consumer. Please get off your high-horse and realize that if the consumer does not get what they demand...AND what they pay for-you are going to simply lose money.


It just astonishes me that this trend still exists today; don't we all remember what happened to SWG? The devs were not listening to the players and a result, everyone left to WOW and other MMOs. Bioware; the short amount of time I did play was awesome. However, that alone is not going to keep me as a customer. You need to focus now on service, and if you prematurely released the game because of the corporate pressures to bring home the profit for your shareholders...don't do it on the backs of loyal star wars fans that have waited years and big money to get to this point!


Your number one priority is to address server queues by allowing server transfers and bringing more online.


Thank you and I hope the force is with YOU to listen to us and make the right decisions.


Darmanian - Krayt Dragon server



Dude wait till AFTER release to critize the server ques... they know what the demand is they will fix it... the game hasnt even been released yet, all you are playing is the PRE release... When its all released im sure that it will be resolved.... the vast majority of people who are having a whinge on here sound like 10 year olds who cant get their gaming fix... so what, you got the ability to play the game early on pre release... woopy doo its not like u are paying for the pre release portion


i would completely understand and support your ranting and raving if this was occuring as a paying customer. but quite frankly this is just usless QQ

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Dude wait till AFTER release to critize the server ques... they know what the demand is they will fix it... the game hasnt even been released yet, all you are playing is the PRE release... When its all released im sure that it will be resolved.... the vast majority of people who are having a whinge on here sound like 10 year olds who cant get their gaming fix... so what, you got the ability to play the game early on pre release... woopy doo its not like u are paying for the pre release portion


i would completely understand and support your ranting and raving if this was occuring as a paying customer. but quite frankly this is just usless QQ


whole heartedly agree!! quit the flamming if EA and Bioware i've been waiting over a year for this game i can wait 20mins to play it

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Not sure if this was addressed, didn't want to read the 400 page Thread, but I think more than a 5 min wait is to long. Especially if you raid or run in a group with friends or guildies. I know I wont waste my money to wait more than I play.


The makers of this game had to know the load the servers could handle and the amount of people that signed up early and potential people that are getting the game for Christmas or the launch date. How can they add servers as the early access is going on? Not logical, put all you have on line and spread it out more. I didn't get to choose my server because I did the guild group thing. Anyway, 30 min has been the longest I had to wait so far and I don't dc often, I guess I cant complain to much compared to the guys waiting 5 hours and dc.


Thanks for listening now i can go back to sleep, lol

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don't we all remember what happened to SWG? The devs were not listening to the players and a result, everyone left to WOW and other MMOs. Bioware; the short amount of time I did play was awesome. However, that


You think that red font and shouting at them will cause them to listen to you? It was my understanding that SWG was difficult for people to play at first and then they made it into a WoW style game with tons of Jedi. I thought that's why everyone left that game. Not because of server queues. I could be wrong.

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I never had to wait in a que for a WoW server! I know they had done some balancing before I started in 2008...but their subscriber base grew like crazy during that time and still never had an issue...this ain't rocket-science and since customer satisfaction is about being able to play...BW you really need to do something about this NOW.


At this same time, WoW had huge server queues. The game crashed like crazy too.


That is what happens at the release of an MMO. The've already explained that, and we've gotten up to 7 days free play time.


Its not that big a deal, they said they are correcting it and they are. There will be new servers going up, there will be transfers, just as every other MMO has done to fix this.

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Dude wait till AFTER release to critize the server ques... they know what the demand is they will fix it... the game hasnt even been released yet, all you are playing is the PRE release... When its all released im sure that it will be resolved.... the vast majority of people who are having a whinge on here sound like 10 year olds who cant get their gaming fix... so what, you got the ability to play the game early on pre release... woopy doo its not like u are paying for the pre release portion


i would completely understand and support your ranting and raving if this was occuring as a paying customer. but quite frankly this is just usless QQ


It's not QQ, I am a casual player, who has played many MMOs, and I want the game to succeed as am a big fan like everyone else on here...or else I wouldn't be on these forums viewing and posting.


I know things will get better, but I still fail to see how this was not foreseen. I guess the only logical reason is that early access was still beta, but you actually kept your character's progression until launch.


If the server queues continue, people will not subscribe. I am a casual player; full time student and full time employed with a family, and I can assure one thing...if queues continue, people will not have the time to wait and play, hence they will lose money via less subscriptions.

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I thought that's why everyone left that game. Not because of server queues. I could be wrong.


You're not.


Also, SOE devs were/are a bunch of anonymous corporate jerks. Ignoring all the other stuff, one of the things that gives you faith is that Bioware have experience fending off Microsoft with the Mass Effect franchise, and seem to be doing a fairly good job so far with EA (eg. not forcing use of origin, Bioware still the one calling the shots for release, early access, grace periods, early shipping etc.)

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With due respect to Jeff Hickman and Team Bioware, the statement shows that you do not get the problem. The big issue is not that there is a queue. That's a common occurance. Those of us who haev been online for launches before understand this is part of bring a new MMO online.


What is not acceptable is to go to the back of the queue when the client crashes. If the client crashes while on a speeder or in a cutscene, it can take several tries to reconnect. It exacerbates the problem. If in a flashpoint, you are completley out of luck. This was a huge complaint during beta testing and it really seems like it is falling on deaf ears

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You think that red font and shouting at them will cause them to listen to you? It was my understanding that SWG was difficult for people to play at first and then they made it into a WoW style game with tons of Jedi. I thought that's why everyone left that game. Not because of server queues. I could be wrong.


Red font is not to shout...it's to get my point across. It's a consumer driven economy! if they cannot meet the demand of the consumer this game will go to ****...do you want that?


I'll give several weeks after launch, I'll try to keep optimistic, but for some it's already too late.

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With due respect to Jeff Hickman and Team Bioware, the statement shows that you do not get the problem. The big issue is not that there is a queue. That's a common occurance. Those of us who haev been online for launches before understand this is part of bring a new MMO online.


What is not acceptable is to go to the back of the queue when the client crashes. If the client crashes while on a speeder or in a cutscene, it can take several tries to reconnect. It exacerbates the problem. If in a flashpoint, you are completley out of luck. This was a huge complaint during beta testing and it really seems like it is falling on deaf ears



With all due respect to yourself... CHECK your server status page before you make this crap up. Swiftsure, which is my server said FULL as its pop cap during pre... now it says LIGHT... i am SURE they are working on the server issues mate, so settle the F down

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I really hope this queue issue can be resolved soon, I have not had it as bad as some people that have angrily posted. Then again I have been lucky and actually mostly been able to play, longest queue I had was like a 30 minute wait, which in my opinion is still way too long, I haven't had to worry about queues in an online game since EverQuest, but don't think you should have to wait longer than 5 minutes either. Here's hoping for the best!
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What is not acceptable is to go to the back of the queue when the client crashes. If the client crashes while on a speeder or in a cutscene, it can take several tries to reconnect. It exacerbates the problem. If in a flashpoint, you are completley out of luck. This was a huge complaint during beta testing and it really seems like it is falling on deaf ears


It was patched in the last couple of days, there is a short reconnect 'grace period' now. I've had a few guildies confirm it worked for them when they had crashes.

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Well, just logging on back after maintenance... all other servers, Light to Standard. The one myself and my friends are on: FULL (And this was 5min after 12am EST).


If you do bring new servers up, please give the option for those who wish to transfer to help populate it, and spread the server basis out, the freedom to do so. It's only a small group of us (4-6), but if we get the option to, we've already agreed to.


When you work during the day, wanna come home and relax, and have to wait 1-3hrs (or more) to even get in to play the game, it sincerely doesn't feel worth it.

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