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Regarding server queues


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What''s sad is i know people who are making macro''s to keep their character moving in game while they go sleep.

The server line-up is getting a bit rediculous with hour or more wait times. Not jsut 15-20 minutes or so. Something really needs to be done about this. :(

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This is getting crazy!


For real.. Common Bioware! You've made a great game, but people's experiences right now are key to your long term success. I understand that you can't guarantee no queues, but that should definitely be your goal and right now you are very, very far from that goal. It should be your goal cause every minute someone doesn't play the game when they are available to, they are becoming more and more unsatisfied with it, not matter how good it is (and rightfully so), cause there are a bunch of games out there who are also very good, that you don't have to pay monthly for and that at the moment are much more accessible than this game. The solution isn't to tell people to start new characters on other servers, the obvious solution is to allow free character transfers ASAP. It's not even Christmas yet and you guys are already have this crazy trouble. Don't take your early success for granted Bioware, please fix this before people start developing bad attitudes about the game.

Edited by infante
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Mark me down as the n millionth person pleading for server moves.


Even just idle observation on how other MMO's have functioned could have shown you that this feature would be needed. I'd be slightly embarrassed by how the server loading has gone if I was in charge of planning these things.

Edited by Oggintcuf
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waiting again in line to get onto the server


this didn't occur prior to the launch and i have to wait till friday night for EGA to staggered admit.


wondering if and when there will be server moves as i am all for that when you still have light servers and all the new people joined the full servers anyway

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FYI, if you read the patch notes from last night, they added this feature:


"Players who are disconnected while in the queue to join a server now retain their position upon logging back in within a reasonable amount of time."




They added it poorly, then. I was dc''d in the middle of a space battle and went right to the end of the que. That was less than two hours ago.

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I don''t see why they didn''t take example from other games and allow server transfers. Rift allows you to transfer once every 3 days. I think that''s too short of a time, but at least the option is there. Once a month seems reasonable, and would allow the server Q''s to alleviate by dispersing some population to less populated servers.
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They added it poorly, then. I was dc''d in the middle of a space battle and went right to the end of the que. That was less than two hours ago.


Like it said, it only applies to those disconnected while currently in a queue, not playing. Would be nice if they expanded it to include those currently in the game.

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I''m gonna say it just for repetition so bioware sees all the support for this idea. Allowing free transfers one a month or something like that would clear the problem up almost over night. I''ve never had a queue time in Rift.
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I''m gonna say it just for repetition so bioware sees all the support for this idea. Allowing free transfers one a month or something like that would clear the problem up almost over night. I''ve never had a queue time in Rift.


Thats because you were playing Rift !!!!! Why would you ever have a queue ?

Edited by Definity
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Ok, sitting in a queue to play is horrible, but not as bad as it could be. What is worse ? Simple- lose connectivity in the middle of a flashpoint (guilides get irritated- trust me on that one) or while questing- better yet in combat ! When you try to log back in, guess what- there is a queue wait. When you are finally in, you are dead for SURE.


Honestly, I signed up for the duration, but I may change my mind if this DOES NOT get better in the next couple weeks. By then, they will have had plenty time to get this right.



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Seems much better this evening. Most servers are showing as standard, and my server is only a 15 minute queue when it used to be 1-1.5 hours.


Haven't seen an official post, but they definitely raised the population cap per server.


If you're reading this BW, just a little more on Helm of Graush please.;)

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Alright Bioware people you guys need to stop worring about making more servers and make the servers bigger and combine them together. Not something hard to DO HONESTLY YOU GUYS NEED TO DO THAT!!!!! I CAN DO A BETTER JOB THEN YOU GUYS.The easy way in making servers bigger is combining them and so you guys need to combine all the PVP servers together thats in the same regions. If you guys still don't understand what i am saying send me an e-mail and ill help you guys out with the broblem if you guys are to much of baby to figurre it out its not hard its very easy use your head BIOWARE AND STOP BEING STUPID! :mad:Were you guys dropped as a baby by any chance?

Edited by skyknightandy
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Because an obnoxiously colored wall of text claiming you are better than hired professionals will really get you anywhere.


On topic though, these queues make me sad. I'm on vacation using a 3G connection to try to play between outings. Needless to say, I get booted back to the queue, a lot. A system that lets you resume your crashed link would be nice so we don't have to re-queue for a disconnect.

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Alright Bioware people you guys need to stop worring about making more servers and make the servers bigger and combine them together. Not something hard to DO HONESTLY YOU GUYS NEED TO DO THAT!!!!! I CAN DO A BETTER JOB THEN YOU GUYS.The easy way in making servers bigger is combining them and so you guys need to combine all the PVP servers together thats in the same regions. If you guys still don't understand what i am saying send me an e-mail and ill help you guys out with the broblem if you guys are to much of baby to figurre it out its not hard its very easy use your head BIOWARE AND STOP BEING STUPID! :mad:Were you guys dropped as a baby by any chance?


It's ironic to find a barely literate rant like this accusing somebody else of being "stupid".

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Because an obnoxiously colored wall of text claiming you are better than hired professionals will really get you anywhere.


On topic though, these queues make me sad. I'm on vacation using a 3G connection to try to play between outings. Needless to say, I get booted back to the queue, a lot. A system that lets you resume your crashed link would be nice so we don't have to re-queue for a disconnect.


Not trying to be a pro just trying to be seen by Bioware and look into my idea because it would actually solve the whole problem don't you think?

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It's ironic to find a barely literate rant like this accusing somebody else of being "stupid".
yes but not trying to be a pro and was typing fast and i use lots of shortcuts when typing massages. lol not gonna go and take like hours to write something like this so just type really fast with shortcuts...lol
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