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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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and what about those macro users, afk for hours and blocking users that want to play ..


This ...

I have to admid that - once I get online - I would also macro just to escape the long queues should i have to go afk for about half an hour ...

Still it is very cruel and sadistic to other players ... :(

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Sorry but the waves did not work because you should have locked servers for new players when things where going out of hand.

only alt rolling for existing members of that server.

This would have spread the players around the servers.

Now most are stuck on over populated servers ,saddest is the ones first in are now stuck with whole guilds with server ques up to 2hours !

I have the feeling also these servers are not "flexible" .

So this problem has only one proper solution if so migration if these servers are to the max.


Your crew made an error please solve this in a swift and customer friendly:cool: way , at least one free server transfer for individuals and whole guilds .


Please keep a close eye on the severs it is a managing problem that can be solved !!!


So keep up the good work its in ALL our interest ,the gamers and the STWOR cartel :D

Edited by blindstrike
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Tomb of Freedom Nard 11:21 in Spain 1.8k people waiting in queue are u joking, and no i wont reroll, 50+ guild members do u think u can move to reroll all those people ? I dont think so .... so most of us start to think about to pay or not after "free" month, cause there isnt just one or two servers problem most of servers have queues, some longer than other but still having problems, if they dont fix it during this month i dont renew my sub Edited by Tanathor
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Sorry but the waves did not work because you should have locked servers for new players when things where going out of hand.

only alt rolling for existing members of that server.

This would have spread the players around the servers.

Now most are stuck on over populated servers ,saddest is the the ones first in are now stuck with whole guilds with server ques up to 2hours !

I have the feeling also these servers are not able to expand.


Your crew made an error please solve this in a swift and customer friendly:cool: way , at least one free server transfer for individuals and whole guilds .


Please keep a close eye on the severs it is a managing problem that can be solved !!!


So keep up the good work its in ALL our interest ,the gamers and the STWOR cartel :D







I actually think waves made the problem worse.


Because people hung around on servers with huge queues trying to collect friends and guild together, and by the time some managed to get on other had been playing a lot.


I just hope other learn from the debacle of "staggered access".

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Ah well, if queues aren't fixed soon and i mean really soon, i won't sub past my 30 days gametime.. Here's to hoping FunCom gets the launch and their new MMO right in April, or ofcourse, that BW gets their crap together..


Also, Preassigning guilds to a few servers ? how smart was that ? Did u even look at the number of people in the guilds or did u just randomly throw some crap together and thought what the he*l, how bad can it get..

Edited by Kuytern
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Tomb of Freedom Nard 11:21 in Spain 1.8k people waiting in queue are u joking, and no i wont reroll, 50+ guild members do u think u can move to reroll all those people ? I dont think so .... so most of us start to think about to pay or not after "free" month cause there isnt just one or two servers problem most of servers have queues some longer than other but still having problems if they dont fix it during this month i dont renew my sub


Well you got a problem than, and I'm not suprised of the answer. Your side have never back down and still you and the Community is a big reason of the queues. As you and the community decided to make your 3k+ player base to pick this server as "yours" outside of the guild launch program. :) Guess we all gonna end up stop playing this game after thoose 30days as none will move but All freating about not continue play.....

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My queue times havent been as awful as most people in this thread have had. Had a 5 minute queue yesterday morning and that was fine. Went off to do xmas shopping and other activities during the day, got home at 9pm. Was too tired to even think about playing... 10pm on the other hand I was ready to rock, and had NO IDEA the queue times were insanely long. So I had to wait for 1,5 hours to play. For a game I've PAYED FOR. It's not acceptable. I had time to watch the season ending of Dexter which was nice, but it's xmas around the corner, not alot of time to actually play except for a couple of hours here and there. At this rate I wont be playing at all for days. Going away now to see a doctor and then going out for a late lunch. The queue time 30 min ago was estimated at 55min... dont even wanna imagine how long its gonna be when I get home at 2-3pm...
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considering there are what 43/44 other servers not in a que...maybe people should be smart


I problem I expect exists, is that all of the pre release guilds will have been allocated to a small subset of the current server list. IE those that where there on the 13th. If anyone in those guilds encourages RL friends or previous MMO guildies to join, they'll tell them to join their server. So I suspect a lot of people will be queueing to join friends.

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Why are they still letting people roll on already heavily populated servers?


At the very least they should get some sort of message such as 'this is a heavily populated server. You will experience prolonged queue times. We advise choosing another.'


Better still, don't let 'em roll on them.


It always seems to be the case that new players coming in don't want to roll on lightly populated servers, and will still opt to queue for the heavy ones. This makes the problem worse, and also ensures that those light servers take a long time to get filled up.

Edited by shootist
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The question needs to be asked and answered by BW on what is being planned to resolve this, our guild as I will guess others in the pre-launch process did not pick Red Eclipse or any other server, we were assigned there.


This isn't of your 'potential' customers making and so far with no announcement of actions by BW it screams mis-management.


The servers with que issues involved in the guild launch should have priority, these were managed by BW entirely, all ques need addressing of course but clear up the mess you have created.


The Que on Red Eclipse have consistantly been around 900-1000 at 16:00 GMT since at least the 17th this equates to a 60-75 minute wait. For a normal working subscriber this seriously is not acceptable and I'm afraid to say the guild launch seems to hqve been a failure in this respect.


One to two hour ques, trusting in BW for placement on guild launch and the errors wether it be 1002/1003/9000 incurring more time BioWare needs to raise its game on customer 'service' delivery, and let us do the 'playing'.


The game is great and what we are all here for, but these issues need resolving or at least inform us on what steps are to be taken.

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I cba playing with this, my internet connection at home is quite crappy, I wont lie about that. But the thing is, everytime I dc (happends once every 40 mins or so) and the que's are around that, so I literally never get to play, since I dc and so on. Please atleast fix so that if you dc, you will keep your place in the que, or so, for about 5 minutes atleast, because this is really annoying.... Paying for a game and never get to play it. And since my BH is level 25 on my server, I really dont want to start a new one on another server. Like many others say, come on, I payed for this, and waited 2 years for it
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I'm really sad to see that so (seemingly) little is done to fix this. To add injury to insult there's no communication from BioWare about what they are doing to solve this, but that seems to be the standard with all these MMO-companies. I did have hopes that BW would be better, but turns out they are infact even worse than some others...

I will not be paying to queue - they should rename this to Star Queues - The Slow Republic.

Edited by Juggernwt
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So, I know I'm just another post in a wave of comments about the queues, but here's my story, and hopefully you can understand the frustration is caused.


After working 5AM-6PM on 12/20/11, I got home, unwrapped my CE SWTOR, registered my product code, my security key, etc. Then I proceeded to wait for a 1k person queue. Now I understand that some people have had queues exceptionally longer, and obviously those kind of situations take a higher priority as far as identifying and resolving go, but my story doesn't end there.


After playing for about 15 minutes my computer locked up. Based on MMO experience in the past, I thought I might be able to restart and log back in to the game, but was immediately faced with another 1k person queue, this time longer than the previous.


Pretty frustrating situation. I called it quits for the night. Off to work I go again, hopefully tonight will have better results.

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Ah well, if queues aren't fixed soon and i mean really soon, i won't sub past my 30 days gametime.. .


That is what I´m afraid of. If they don´t address these issues very soon, Swtor will lose many customers.

I know they are working on it, but the longer it takes the more customers they might lose.

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Maybe someone could explain to me this:

I see max 100+ ppl in each zone I travel, be it starting area or 2 next (never saw more than 130 players according to UI info) so even if you add all first 3 planets from each side and multiply it by 130 it gives what? Like 780-1000 players in total? Even if you add some players that are in instances/warzones/whatever it is still terribly low number for "high tech" servers. Are server caps that low? I mean, in the best days of Warhammer there were at least 200+ players on each side in one zone and there were no queues at all. Even some F2P games could handle more ppl on a single server!


Am I wrong somewhere?

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What a hell is going on in Thomb of freedom nadd server, 1600 on qeue at 10:00 its say 2H, of qeue and 1 1/2 hour later, still 2 F***ing hours os qeue.......


Are you going to fix this mes?

why you dont open more slots on the server, we know they can reach more capacity after we see in the stress test.


We have to the same line the EvE-Online comunity, start canceling accounts, and them with they lossing money them they start to fixing the game.

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Maybe someone could explain to me this:

I see max 100+ ppl in each zone I travel, be it starting area or 2 next (never saw more than 130 players according to UI info) so even if you add all first 3 planets from each side and multiply it by 130 it gives what? Like 780-1000 players in total? Even if you add some players that are in instances/warzones/whatever it is still terribly low number for "high tech" servers. Are server caps that low? I mean, in the best days of Warhammer there were at least 200+ players on each side in one zone and there were no queues at all. Even some F2P games could handle more ppl on a single server!


Am I wrong somewhere?


You'll be in an instance of that area. So there might be multiple instances of that area, all with about 100 ish people.


Think of it as another dimension, trippy ;-)

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